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I know this is a little late in the game to be making such realizations, but this thing is supposed to be 240 feet. I know someone will correct me if I'm wrong but, isn't the states tallest 249 feet? If so wouldn't you think he would be secretly planning to make the Pinnacle the states tallest he only needs 10 feet to claim that title. :whistling:

I'llbe the one doing the correcting too. I was off by 100 feet. 349 not 249 so its nowhere close. Oh well I tried. I knew that sounded a little short for the states tallest.

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I heard from someone that works for the company building the pinnacle that a "certain" person didnt have the funds to go forward with construction so all equipment was pulled from the job. Also i heard this might be a steel structure building.

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I did hear this from a person working for triangle. Someone that is in the "know" so to speak. I dont want to mention any names though just to protect the innocent. This does suck and i was very sad to hear this. I was hoping it would get going quickly. The part about it being a steel skeleton did sound interesting though and means it could rise very quickly versus a concrete/rebar structure.

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Well I heard a "rumor" that it might be steel. I believe that steel can be erected much faster than a concrete/rebar structure. You still have to pour the floors with concrete though so it might even out in time. The hubble light building is an example of Steel erection at work. The Skeleton was up pretty fast on hubble. I think the main hold up is with the money not being in place to pay triangle construction to start work. That would have to do with the owner. I hope they get it straightened out whatever is going on. That could also be a rumor though also but i did hear it from someone working for triangle.

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:ph34r: There is somebody that reads this forum who wears a bowtie. I never told him I heard this on a blog. He knows about the sheep and wolf thing too-

Again, incorrect rumors and speculation. Yes, steel would go up quicker but would be longer to finish because of fireproofing, skinning, etc. We changed from steel to concrete for more than one reason so the rumors on the blog are incorrect. There will be an announcement before May 1 if current schedules are kept.

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