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Greenville Off-Topic


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Well, jarvisj3 and I were discussing this offline today and...
  1. There haven't been many major developments to discuss of late, other than the new development on Church Street and the Peacock.
  2. A lot of the discussion has become redundant (i.e. we're re-hashing old topics without many, if any, new angles or points of view on them)
  3. A couple of the folks who have in the past made major contributions have departed the board.
  4. Others (like me) have just been too busy to stay frequently engaged....I try to stay engaged, but I just don't have the time to do so as I did previously.

Your regular contributions have been missed! Same goes for NYT.

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Well, jarvisj3 and I were discussing this offline today and...
  1. There haven't been many major developments to discuss of late, other than the new development on Church Street and the Peacock.
  2. A lot of the discussion has become redundant (i.e. we're re-hashing old topics without many, if any, new angles or points of view on them)
  3. A couple of the folks who have in the past made major contributions have departed the board.
  4. Others (like me) have just been too busy to stay frequently engaged....I try to stay engaged, but I just don't have the time to do so as I did previously.

That is really sad, although in the grand scheme, life itself should always come before any virtual discussions about it. ^_^ Hopefully others will fill in the gaps left by major contributors and more news will be released publically. BTW, how serious is your potential move westward this time? Greenville would lose one of its more enthusiastic citizens if you and your family have to leave, that is for sure. Same goes for many others who are members of UrbanPlanet.org. I know I have never seen so much positively happen in Greenville all at once before this forum really took off. There was buzz, yes, but never on the level we have experienced in the past couple of years. It has benn wonderful to also meet a few more transplants to the area, as this has been the fastest growing segment in Greenville. Thanks to all of you who have contributed even a small amount here. It has gone far to help develop energy in this city. :D

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There are times when the forum just slows down. The entire forum has actually been a little slower this month than the past ones, though it is still up over all. Membership has surpassed 9,000 and 500,000 posts. UrbanPlanet is growing every day, and its all thanks to guys and gals such as yourself that contribute here. The slowdown as of late is just one of those things. Its July, people go on vacations and such, politicians don't meet in July as often, etc... It is unfortunate that we lost a few members, but the staff cannot let people who violate the rules and attempt to shut down UP off easily.

You guys should remember that Greenville is still one of the most active forums on UrbanPlanet, and that we have more than enough members here to disucss anything. You guys are a creative bunch. I am certain that you can find something to discuss inbetween major development announcements :)

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HEY! quit picking on us lurkers!!!

i actually enjoy reading the various threads every day, just dont have anything to add. just know that i am enjoying loft living at the loft on mills and couldnt be happier about all the wonderful things happening in the downtown area.

i am also very impatient and want these projects NOW!

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I know that you all have noticed; How could anyone not? But it hasn't really been addressed on here. The West End has really turned around. Not just turned around, but it's going full speed ahead. I noticed tonight, WEDNESDAY, the number of people past Broad Street. A year or two ago, cars stopped at the Peace Center. Parking was plenty along Main Street from Broad, over the river and into the West End. Tonight, the first available parking space past Broad was on the bridge over the Reedy, the next one was past Augusta, River Streets, and it was another block before there were several spaces together. I don't know how far down Augusta one would have to go to find a spot, but i'm sure it was a good ways. Not only was there vehicular traffic, but heavy pedestrian traffic too, especially for a Wednesday night. There will only be more people living in the West End in the coming months and years, with projects like the Field House, the Terrace at Riverplace, and the Camperdown reaching completion.

I wasn't alive to see downtown Greenville when it was "extremely" dead, but i have gotten to witness the rebirth of Greenville's second downtown. And boy is it exciting! :yahoo:

Edited by GvilleSC
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Yeah the West End from Augusta St back to the Peace Center is very active. The parts further west (south) than that still have a ways to go, but are improving nonetheless. I think the completion of the RiverPlace condos will help alot, and the impacts of the stadium have yet to be realized....

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No; Myrtle Beach.

That's where i thought you were talking about, but to me, it seems a bit out of MB's league... Is the market there for a Trump tower or something of the sort? Greenville, I think, could give MB a run for its money if there were a competition. Like Mayor White said, 'Greenville is becoming a destination downtown' or something to that effect.

Does anyone here think Greenville County will pass Horry's growth rate before 2010? We will most likely add more people than Horry, but will the percentage top their's? Anyone see signs of growth picking up or other indicators?

Just trying to drum up conversation...

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That's where i thought you were talking about, but to me, it seems a bit out of MB's league... Is the market there for a Trump tower or something of the sort? Greenville, I think, could give MB a run for its money if there were a competition. Like Mayor White said, 'Greenville is becoming a destination downtown' or something to that effect.

Does anyone here think Greenville County will pass Horry's growth rate before 2010? We will most likely add more people than Horry, but will the percentage top their's? Anyone see signs of growth picking up or other indicators?

Just trying to drum up conversation...

Spartan is right, their percentage will drop, and keep in mind that b/w 2000 and 2005, Horry's growth only outpaced Gville's by a mere 3000. But there are tons of people moving here as well. And (I will not say which one) I read a thread on another forum, comments from people planning on moving to Gville from literally everywhere. NJ, CA, MI, FL, NY, TX, WA, NM, AZ, just to name a few. Most of the comments on Gville were very complimentary. Also remember that the number of Latinos moving has been much higher in Gville county than any other in the state. If we get a decently accurate count in 2010, I suspect a lot of people will be surprised by how many people actually live in the county.

Edited by distortedlogic
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  • 2 weeks later...

If you have a minute, check out the new Chamber Channel at www.greenvillechamber.org. Several good videos on Greenville and interviews with Greenville business leaders. A few have 30 second commercials before the video, but most do not.

(Being officially unveiled this evening)

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press release from the city:

City to Host Downtown Meeting

Downtown Greenville continues to grow and the City desires an open dialogue with its residents and businesses. The City is committed to discussions about living and working in the central business district and asks you to join us for a meeting Wednesday, August 23 at 5:30 p.m. in the first floor conference room at City Hall (206 S Main St). Barry Nocks, Associate Dean of Outreach and Special Projects at Clemson, City and Regional Planning Professor at Clemson, and Vice Chairman of the City of Greenville Planning Commission, will facilitate the meeting. Please join us! The City looks forward to seeing you for a productive discussion and gathering of ideas for the future of downtown.

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press release from the city:

City to Host Downtown Meeting

Downtown Greenville continues to grow and the City desires an open dialogue with its residents and businesses. The City is committed to discussions about living and working in the central business district and asks you to join us for a meeting Wednesday, August 23 at 5:30 p.m. in the first floor conference room at City Hall (206 S Main St). Barry Nocks, Associate Dean of Outreach and Special Projects at Clemson, City and Regional Planning Professor at Clemson, and Vice Chairman of the City of Greenville Planning Commission, will facilitate the meeting. Please join us! The City looks forward to seeing you for a productive discussion and gathering of ideas for the future of downtown.

This sounds great. I hope you guys who live in Greenville will make plans to attend and voice your suggestions and ideas. I know there must be others who share our vision for the city! :thumbsup:

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ok, driving down 385 to downtown, there is a new "welcome to greenville" sign designating the city limits. Does anyone else not like it?

The text seems to be different than the one on 85 (like what used to be there), it's not as tall, so it's all smushed down and the hills look funny... maybe it's just me.

Also, I really like the banners that the city has put up "welcoming" the US Pro Cycling event.

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