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Inner Loop - CBD, Downtown, East Bank, Germantown, Gulch, Rutledge


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I don't mind Stix, Ghost Ballet, or any of the other installations popping up alongside projects around town but I do wish we had more of a classical bent when it comes to the 1% public art program. I'm not saying one style is better than another but I wonder about the staying power of each. Are these works going to remain attractive after a few decades, even centuries? Or will they be viewed as a artifact of fleeting trends in style? Will they even still be around by then?

There are many cities around the world who have buildings, sculptures, and other works that are hundreds, if not thousands of years old, but are so timeless in character that they become attractions themselves. I could see something like Musica sticking around for a while. The Parthenon has already, in spite of being a replica. These, not so much.

I think the "Athens of the South" could aspire to more with the money being spent.

I couldn't agree more. Look at much of the public art installed in the 1980s to early 1990s...gaudy, loud, and kitschy things that many cities are just stuck with now. No one seems to complain about classically styled sculpture or monuments, though (I'd say Musica is toeing the line of classically styled sculpture, with a modern bent). They just last.

Edited by Nathan_in_DC
Many thanks to Nashvillain for keeping me from looking like a moron by using the wrong words
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Can we stop using quotation marks around the word art everytime it is used?  We get it.  Its isnt a Michaelangelo and it isnt your cup of tea.  That doesnt mean its not art.

I'm just going to be doing air quotes at my desk every time I read it then. Try stopping me from doing that! Muwahahah!

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But seriously, I think the thing that bugs me the most about this is the cost. Design aside, how does something like this cost $750K? Maybe I highly underestimate the cost of the utility poles.  I am sure when everything is all done it will cost over a million dollars. Did they ever release what the other options were? I still find it crazy that this was chosen as the winner, which would imply it was the best one. That being said, I look forward to seeing it finished. It will certainly have an impact due to the size. I hope it is something that won't age quickly. I am sure it will have to be repainted again, but hopefully it is something that doesn't need lots of upkeep. 

Edited by bigeasy
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I think it would have been cheaper to cut 30, 70' lodge pole pines and transport them to Nashville and let one of the high school art classes paint them. I did like the project at first but after seeing them, well.... other than the height, I am very deeply UNDERWHELMED!


I will say too that the paint is probably going to fade. Looks really cheaply done.  As a matter of fact, I would have been glad to have done for a half a million.

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I think it would have been cheaper to cut 30, 70' lodge pole pines and transport them to Nashville and let one of the high school art classes paint them. I did like the project at first but after seeing them, well.... other than the height, I am very deeply UNDERWHELMED!


I will say too that the paint is probably going to fade. Looks really cheaply done.  As a matter of fact, I would have been glad to have done for a half a million.

I would have done it for a $¼ Mil.

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Is it me or does the Renaissance Hotel looks like it's being repainted


It's very hard to tell in this picture but in the front of the building in the far right the stripes look like they're brighter can anybody confirm this

They are indeed brighter, but I have no idea whether they are actually repainting or if there is another explanation. 

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I think it would have been cheaper to cut 30, 70' lodge pole pines and transport them to Nashville and let one of the high school art classes paint them. I did like the project at first but after seeing them, well.... other than the height, I am very deeply UNDERWHELMED!


I will say too that the paint is probably going to fade. Looks really cheaply done.  As a matter of fact, I would have been glad to have done for a half a million.


I have to say that although I still think this will be impressive, at least from afar, when completed, I too am growing less and less impressed with this project by the day.  I quite like the overall concept, but like you, I just feel like it is being really half-assed.  For some reason (perhaps given the high price,) I thought these would be made of some sort of durable composite material and lit from within.  I really didn't expect these to literally be just a bunch of untreated wooden poles.  I mean, nothing wrong with wood, but in this case it just looks so unrefined, like they just picked them up from the lumber mill, slapped a coat of paint on them that they bought from Lowe's, and shoved them into the ground.  I mean, did they think this through at all?  They're going to have to repaint this thing every other year, not to mention the weathering and warping that might occur!

Also, for the record, I made that quotation remark mostly in jest, just so everyone is aware.  I don't actually care if you call it "art." :)  I was just making a point that something qualifying as art (or not) does not depend on whether one likes it (or not.)

Edited by BnaBreaker
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I have to say that although I still think this will be impressive, at least from afar, when completed, I too am growing less and less impressed with this project by the day.  I quite like the overall concept, but like you, I just feel like it is being really half-assed.  For some reason (perhaps given the high price,) I thought these would be made of some sort of durable composite material and lit from within.  I really didn't expect these to literally be just a bunch of untreated wooden poles.  I mean, nothing wrong with wood, but in this case it just looks so unrefined, like they just picked them up from the lumber mill, slapped a coat of paint on them that they bought from Lowe's, and shoved them into the ground.  I mean, did they think this through at all?  They're going to have to repaint this thing every other year, not to mention the weathering and warping that might occur!

Also, for the record, I made that quotation remark mostly in jest, just so everyone is aware.  I don't actually care if you call it "art." :)  I was just making a point that something qualifying as art (or not) does not depend on whether one likes it (or not.)

If they have to paint them every year that'll create a chance to vary the look, much like when musica is fitted with different oversized clothes.  And since it is intended to evoke native american art I don't see it as a problem that the materials look natural and "unrefined".  

A water feature would have been nice, but was ruled out from the start as there is no water line to the roundabout and it was felt it would be prohibitive.  I can't find a link to the other proposals but as I recall they were all really embarrassing crap.  One was a tall pile of plastic letters spelling out some kind of sappy love-and-peace message, really awful.  The days of the heroic bronze are behind us, unfortunately.

My preference would have been for something like the projection of James Franco's head in Oz: The Great and Powerful, but people are too timid when it comes to things like this.  If it could be programmed to follow particular cars as they go about the roundie-and shout at them through speakers-it would be perfect.



Edited by Neigeville2
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If they have to paint them every year that'll create a chance to vary the look, much like when musica is fitted with different oversized clothes.  And since it is intended to evoke native american art I don't see it as a problem that the materials look natural and "unrefined".  

A water feature would have been nice, but was ruled out from the start as there is no water line to the roundabout and it was felt it would be prohibitive.  I can't find a link to the other proposals but as I recall they were all really embarrassing crap.  One was a tall pile of plastic letters spelling out some kind of sappy love-and-peace message, really awful.  The days of the heroic bronze are behind us, unfortunately.

My preference would have been for something like the projection of James Franco's head in Oz: The Great and Powerful, but people are too timid when it comes to things like this.  If it could be programmed to follow particular cars as they go about the roundie-and shout at them through speakers-it would be perfect.


I seriously just laughed my a$$ off! Now that's what I call art right there. Why did you not propose this idea before Stix was decided upon?

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