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Everything posted by bikeoid

  1. Now if there was some educational enforcement of the roundabout; I still see people stopped in the circle. Not sure if they were previously hit by someone failing to yield on entry or just not aware of the rules.
  2. Cool view - to place the photo, it's from the northwest side, facing southeast. Academy/123 curves down from from The Well to the right.
  3. John Deere has closed some of its facilities in China and has restricted travel to China because of the Corona virus. And Greenville has a fantastic arts scene, with different flavors in each of the arts districts.
  4. Weather does not equal climate change. However a more relevant observation for this area would be "multiple winters with minimal or no snow, record high average temperature over the summer, record high temperatures ever over time in AU. This area has not had record summer heat for some time, but the other 2 are true.
  5. Love the lighting on some of these - the first one looks like an artist's rendition, complete with toy cars and toy headlights.
  6. Whoah, I'd say that this move is a really bone-headed mismanagement wasteful move. If they're out of touch with their base now, they're guaranteed to be even more out of touch in the future. (But they did end up in a nice location)
  7. The idea was the same, - to use only on roads but some very high powered lawyers found some weaknesses in the way it was worded.
  8. The last one in 2014 was supposed to be for roads only. The 'loophole' was that they forgot an explicit exclusion for groceries. By not excluding it, that was our loophole to claim that it would be included. It's hard to vote on something that they promise to fix afterwards. More detail about the arguments: https://hbaofgreenville.com/facts-about-the-penny-sales-tax-referendum-for-roads-in-greenville-county/
  9. I haven't compared, but they are probably comparable, except for the 'penny tax'. We are very thankful for having found a loophole to shoot down the penny tax when it was last proposed. (17% tax increase, and possibility to spend on other than roads, as well as taxing groceries)
  10. Realigning roads does happen here, but only in the sense of eliminating those 'suicide island' intersections or changing an acute intersection angle to 90 degrees. We're proud of our low taxes, and that shows in the roads. Several major roads I travel on are hopelessly pot-holed, which should have been addressed by the gas tax increase. They have to go behind every major rain and patch as best they can so that cars don't have to dodge into the oncoming traffic to avoid a major bump.
  11. Nice job! Needs to be decorated though.
  12. View from across the street, with cranes
  13. The rumor is that the owner injured himself in the construction, otherwise it was targeting April 2019 for opening.
  14. Public Meeting: Proposed Trolley Route Changes "The City of Greenville launched the Heart of Main, Top of Main, Arts West and Augusta trolley routes in August 2017, and after operating the routes for two full seasons and analyzing ridership data, Greenlink has identified ways to improve performance on the trolley network. As a result, Greenlink is holding two drop-in style public meetings to give customers a chance to review the proposed changes and provide input. The same information will be shared at each meeting. Customers are invited to attend the one most convenient for them and to stop by any time during the hour: Anyone unable to attend one of the meetings can provide feedback by emailing [email protected], can call 864-298-2753, or can complete this survey until December 13: https://publicinput.com/5966 " November 21 at Caine Halter Family YMCA 6:00-7:00PM November 26 at Hughes Main Library 6:00-7:00PM
  15. This map is periodically updated, although perhaps not complete. Construction sites on OpenStreetMap
  16. It seems to me that the existing track doesn't connect the areas current tourism focus, and doesn't go far enough into central Augusta Road - it soon curves into a parallel path several blocks off the main part of Augusta Road. So there would be much light rail to add to make it an attractive travel path. I
  17. The mill itself was not home to anyone - the site is distinctive in that the owner(s) have always recognized that the building is special and kept it secured at all times. Otherwise it would surely have been exposed to the inevitable firestorms that take out the building. The surrounding area is another story...
  18. Apparently all the arrangements for the Laurens Road / CUICAR now have the Green Light: Route of the Green Line from Cleveland Park to CU-ICAR: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to the amazing property owners who have given generously of their land. It sends an incredible message when 8 property owners donate over 1.3 miles of corridor so that the Green Line of the Swamp Rabbit Trail system can expand by 5.4 miles. You can view the planned route by going to the Greenville County GIS (click here) then clicking Maps – Layers – Map Layers – Places of Interest then scroll down to “Planned Prisma Health Swamp Rabbit Trail Extension”
  19. Before long, the flat green fence will be eligible for preservation under the National Register of Historic Places act since it's been there so long.
  20. Thanks - it seems that those updating the map have avoided Woodruff Road because it's too crowded There is actually a plan to severely limit curb cuts, and future growth would feed in only via one of the unused roundabout connectors.
  21. Grand opening this morning https://www.greenvillesc.gov/Calendar.aspx?EID=7362 Map of the new Parallel Parkway at https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/34.83170/-82.31147
  22. The common name is the American Spinning Mill, although there may have been a Victor association in the past since it's next to Victor Street. Ironically there was a fire in that building earlier in the month; fortunately didn't burn down though as far as I know.
  23. I still have to refer to another source to remember if the name of the arts district is "West End Village" or "Village of West Greenville". So that is further confusion for the "West End" that covers the SJJ Museum. I don't see the name "West End" used as often as in the past, probably because it no longer feels like "The end of the west side". You may also point out that the apartments are not the "Green Apartments", they're the "Greene Apartments".
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