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Wachovia 48 Story Office Tower & 42 Story Condo Tower


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I don't know what to tell ya, but the handle is going to be there. At least according to the architects, the construction company, etc. If somebody can tell me different with proof other than a newscast, I'd welcome the idea. I guess we'll just have to wait a couple months to see.


Most recent rendering of the building has the handle.



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Ok, so just trying to keep tabs on the condo developments as the structure continues to rise without delay. Approximately how many floors would you all say the Mint Museum is? If they are placing beams up for the fourth floor, how many more floors should it be before the tower portion would start? Renderings of the Mint Museum don't exactly depict floor counts, but its top lines up relatively well with either the 4th or 5th floor on the office tower depending on the angle. I'm just trying to gauge at what point we should expect a more obvious "yes" or "no" to the future of the condo tower.


These aren't really a good indications on floor count, but good for height comparison nonetheless. My guess would be between six and eight floors depending on how large the museum floors are in comparison to the office tower.

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Although the current housing market wouldn't encourage the condo tower, until we get a definitive answer maybe we should assume it will still be built. Wells execs are going to need somewhere to stay when they come to the city, and the fact that the condo tower is in the same complex would be very convenient, especially if they were going to stay for extended periods. Duke Power might have tentatively signed up for a portion of the units as well as the other tenants. Assume maybe a minimum of 50 units (33% of the tower) would be corporate condos, why not build the rest? As said before, the tower will be 50% complete anyway, and I can't imagine Duke or Wells would want an empty 2 story lobby sitting on their $1 billion campus. Maybe its just blind optimism, but I think it makes more sense to finish it at this point.

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I don't really want to jump into the debate of will it or won't it again, but I'm almost certain the the Mint is 6 stories. Currently they're up to 3 stories in height, and are adding 1 about every 2 weeks.

Additionally, even if they were to build the condo tower right now, I think you would certainly see a several month delay between the mint and the condo tower regardless of circumstance.

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