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Sprindale Minor League Sports Complex and Minor League Baseball Stadium


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Watch this ballpark end up in the reject bin alongside that water park. Why does it end up being such a controversy whenever anyone in NWA tries to get some kind of large-scale entertainment attraction?

Taxes are not popular, especially amongst very conservative audiences.

Anyways, I hope it goes through. The instate rivalry would be classic.

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Taxes are not popular, especially amongst very conservative audiences.

Anyways, I hope it goes through. The instate rivalry would be classic.

Voting against the ballpark won't make the 1% sales tax go away, it'll just be used for something else like road improvements. If I'm going to pay an extra 1% sales tax I'd want it to go towards something that will help revitalize the city. Roads are important, but without revitalization efforts and bringing in more sales tax revenue the city will never get anywhere. Springdale needs to consider the ballpark an investment that will pay for itself and other major city improvements over time.

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Voting against the ballpark won't make the 1% sales tax go away, it'll just be used for something else like road improvements. If I'm going to pay an extra 1% sales tax I'd want it to go towards something that will help revitalize the city. Roads are important, but without revitalization efforts and bringing in more sales tax revenue the city will never get anywhere. Springdale needs to consider the ballpark an investment that will pay for itself and other major city improvements over time.

So you get a 1% sales tax either way? That doesn't make much sense to me. It seems like people would vote for a baseball park in droves if this were true.

Why would so many people organize *against* a baseball park if they knew they were still going to get a 1% sales tax increase?

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So you get a 1% sales tax either way? That doesn't make much sense to me. It seems like people would vote for a baseball park in droves if this were true.

Why would so many people organize *against* a baseball park if they knew they were still going to get a 1% sales tax increase?

There wasn't going to be a 1% sales tax increase... the 1% sales tax increase is already in effect. Springdale was going to split the existing 1% sales tax applied to road projects with paying for the ballpark. It would extend the 1% sales tax for a certain number of years, but the 1% sales tax would be there even without the ballpark. At least the community would have gotten something out of the 1% sales tax besides more traffic delays while roads are being resurfaced. I'd be willing to pay a 1% sales tax for a few more years if it meant getting a ballpark and nice roads out of the deal, instead of just 1 year and only getting nice roads out of it.

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So, did the stadium vote pass or not? I keep hearing conflicting reports and KNWA showed 2,251 for it and 2,255 against it, yet talked about it passing. May have been a glitch. I don't understand why Benton county has to wait until Tuesday for their results.

Everything I see still makes it sound like everything is still moving forward. I haven't actually seen any news but I got the impression on here that the Benton County votes were missed when the election was being certified. Perhaps someone forgot Springdale extended into Benton County as well. The latest news I've seen is that Springdale is still in talks with a 'team' ironing out all the details. Of course everyone believes it to be the Wranglers but the owners and the team aren't admitting anything yet.

Don't you mean old people johnny? :rofl:

I think Johnny was referring more to NWA being the stronghold of the Republican party. Outside of Fayetteville NWA has always been rather conservative compared to the rest of the state. Ironic that Fayetteville being one of the state's more liberal cities is in the most conservative area of the state. :lol:

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There wasn't going to be a 1% sales tax increase... the 1% sales tax increase is already in effect. Springdale was going to split the existing 1% sales tax applied to road projects with paying for the ballpark. It would extend the 1% sales tax for a certain number of years, but the 1% sales tax would be there even without the ballpark. At least the community would have gotten something out of the 1% sales tax besides more traffic delays while roads are being resurfaced. I'd be willing to pay a 1% sales tax for a few more years if it meant getting a ballpark and nice roads out of the deal, instead of just 1 year and only getting nice roads out of it.

Yeah all of this started as extended a 1% sales tax that was about to expire. There were also three issues that Springdale voters voted on. The only way for the stadium to built was that all three had to be passed. The first two issues passed easily. So even if the last one dealing more with the stadium fell through people voted to extend the sales tax to keep working on roads.

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Okay I see where some of the confusion is coming from after watching some of the local news this morning. It appears the Washington County part of Springdale actually had more people vote against the stadium than for. So it's the Benton County numbers that actually pushed it over just enough to be passed.

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Okay I see where some of the confusion is coming from after watching some of the local news this morning. It appears the Washington County part of Springdale actually had more people vote against the stadium than for. So it's the Benton County numbers that actually pushed it over just enough to be passed.

That must mean they're trying to figure out if the Benton County votes will count or not, being that ballpark would be within Washington County. I would guess that since the 1% sales tax is a city tax and not a county tax that the votes by Springdale residents residing in Benton County would count.

Damn... now even I'm confused! :lol:

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Okay I see where some of the confusion is coming from after watching some of the local news this morning. It appears the Washington County part of Springdale actually had more people vote against the stadium than for. So it's the Benton County numbers that actually pushed it over just enough to be passed.

If THAT doesn't tell you something...

(EDIT: and in fact:

The care in certifying the election multiplied when results showed the stadium measure failed in the Washington County portion of Springdale, 2,252 to 2,255. The proposition passed in the one Benton County precinct, 157 to 138.

The Benton County Election Commission plans to meet at 10 a.m. Tuesday to certify the votes cast in Benton County, according to Jim McCarthy, election coordinator. The commission will decide if it needs to examine ballots or the counting process before it certifies.

"They will be free to take any steps they deem necessary," Burrow said.

The Benton County Commission could go to Fayetteville to examine and count the ballots or accept the results of the Washington County Commission. Ballots used in the election were printed to work with the Washington County ballot counting machines.

The Washington County Commission plans to meet at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday to certify the complete election. An official announcement about the team is not expected until certification is complete, according to Perry Webb, Springdale Chamber of Commerce director.

The owners of the team might wait until a memorandum of agreement is signed, according to a phone message left by Webb. The signing of a memo of agreement might delay the announcement by two weeks, Webb said.

An examination of the returns showed a majority of the voters living near the site of the stadium, the southwest corner of the intersection of Watkins Avenue and 56th Street, approved of the stadium. Van Hoose noticed another trend.

"Residents of newer housing, probably with children, who might use the stadium voted for it," Van Hoose said. "Those in the older, more established areas of town voted against it."

Voters west of Interstate 540, along 40th Street and in Benton County approved the proposition heavily enough to carry the election. Residential areas on either side of U.S. 71B tended to cast their votes against the stadium.


We're still learning that we're becoming a major metro area, not just a collection of hometowns.

And major metro areas, specifically ones booming economically, tend to get a lot of people from all over the country (and the world) who mightn't care much at all about the big local University team of the city they've just moved to. They bring different loyalties. However, they WILL build loyalties to pro sports teams in their market.

(Now, it's a free country with freedom of speech, but that doesn't give one the license to dis said University team...))

(EDIT #2 - Benton County's support is the headline for the NWA News story on the subject.)

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Obviously it has to be the Wranglers. Why else would the Riches sit in silence and not deny the rumors to the people of Wichita?

Thank God for Bethel Heights and Tontitown. Everywhere else in Springdale denied this.

I'm wondering if residents in west east Springdale will vote against any developments going in around 540. The only thing that makes sense is they're afraid that major developments like a ballpark so far to the east west of downtown will cause their property values to plummet and any downtown revitalization projects to be less likely. Then again it may just be the tax thing.

Actually, I said west Springdale when I meant east Springdale, but when you work 3rd shift and haven't gotten any sleep yet my right hand is east and my left hand is west and I just happen to be sitting facing south... anyway.

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Obviously it has to be the Wranglers. Why else would the Riches sit in silence and not deny the rumors to the people of Wichita?

Thank God for Bethel Heights and Tontitown. Everywhere else in Springdale denied this.

Yeah I also don't see who else it would be either. Springdale seems rather confident about the whole thing and I don't think they'd act like that if it wasn't a Texas League team. I also don't really see any of the other Texas League teams as likely of a candidate as Wichita. Just a bit odd that the Riches insist on remaining so quiet on the whole thing on both sides. I know Springdale wanted them to make a comment before the election to try to have more validation on the stadium vote.

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Yeah I also don't see who else it would be either. Springdale seems rather confident about the whole thing and I don't think they'd act like that if it wasn't a Texas League team. I also don't really see any of the other Texas League teams as likely of a candidate as Wichita. Just a bit odd that the Riches insist on remaining so quiet on the whole thing on both sides. I know Springdale wanted them to make a comment before the election to try to have more validation on the stadium vote.

It would be funny if the Riches have just been playing a sick little joke on Springdale just to watch everybody get their hopes up then tell the media that they didn't even know anything about Springdale. The Riches are probably sitting in their penthouse apartment in the sky laughing their arses off right now. :lol:

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It would be funny if the Riches have just been playing a sick little joke on Springdale just to watch everybody get their hopes up then tell the media that they didn't even know anything about Springdale. The Riches are probably sitting in their penthouse apartment in the sky laughing their arses off right now. :lol:

I think more importantly that the Riches, if indeed they've struck a deal with Springdale, are protecting their players (or their investment, however you look at it).

Right now I think Wichita is #1 in the TL North standings. If it's for certain known that they're going to be flying the coop next year (no pun intended) they're going to be subject to perhaps some treatment that, were I an owner, I wouldn't want to see my men on the team go through. These players are just trying to get into the "bigs"...they've nothing whatsoever to do with the move nor should they be blamed for it.

Now I'm with you though, Masons...if this is a sick joke there are going to be some nauseous, green-faced Springdale municipal execs come next week. I don't think they'd got as far on the limb as they've gone (however foolishly, IMO) were they not nearly dead-certain sure the limb would hold their collective weight...

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The Riches would be an excellent team owner and I'm sure they know what they're doing. I lived in Buffalo for three years in high school and went on more than one occasion to see the Bison play up there. The stadium was beautiful, the team was good, don't know if they still are, but everything seemed to go according to plan. Hopefully they can transfer that success down here. I know everything is contingent upon the city providing good facilities, but as far as ownership goes, they seem to have it all together.

I really believe they are just waiting on the certification. How embaressing if they had no intentions on moving to Springdale. Highly unlikely, but a thought. :unsure:

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The Riches would be an excellent team owner and I'm sure they know what they're doing. I lived in Buffalo for three years in high school and went on more than one occasion to see the Bison play up there. The stadium was beautiful, the team was good, don't know if they still are, but everything seemed to go according to plan. Hopefully they can transfer that success down here. I know everything is contingent upon the city providing good facilities, but as far as ownership goes, they seem to have it all together.

I really believe they are just waiting on the certification. How embaressing if they had no intentions on moving to Springdale. Highly unlikely, but a thought. :unsure:

I've heard good things about the Riches up in Buffalo but of course not so pleasant things in Wichita. Although obviously people there are biased now that they think they are losing their team. But I do think people expected the Riches to make some sort of announcement by now and feel hurt that they haven't told Wichita a single word. But I do agree that I'm sure they are doing what's best for the team. It makes it frustrating for the citizens of Wichita and Springdale. But we'll just have to wait till everything is ready. I've been wondering if the Riches thought they would be playing at Baum next year and if this has caused any additional problems. Or was that just a rumor just here in NWA about the team playing at Baum until the stadium in Springdale is ready.

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There wasn't going to be a 1% sales tax increase... the 1% sales tax increase is already in effect. Springdale was going to split the existing 1% sales tax applied to road projects with paying for the ballpark. It would extend the 1% sales tax for a certain number of years, but the 1% sales tax would be there even without the ballpark. At least the community would have gotten something out of the 1% sales tax besides more traffic delays while roads are being resurfaced. I'd be willing to pay a 1% sales tax for a few more years if it meant getting a ballpark and nice roads out of the deal, instead of just 1 year and only getting nice roads out of it.


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If THAT doesn't tell you something...

(EDIT: and in fact:

We're still learning that we're becoming a major metro area, not just a collection of hometowns.

And major metro areas, specifically ones booming economically, tend to get a lot of people from all over the country (and the world) who mightn't care much at all about the big local University team of the city they've just moved to. They bring different loyalties. However, they WILL build loyalties to pro sports teams in their market.

(Now, it's a free country with freedom of speech, but that doesn't give one the license to dis said University team...))

(EDIT #2 - Benton County's support is the headline for the NWA News story on the subject.)

That's incredible. Exciting election.

From the NWA News:

Van Hoose said he did little active campaigning for the stadium, but said the Springdale Chamber of Commerce relied on its members, calling lists of voters and asking them to vote for the project.

One resident told Van Hoose he’d received three phone calls and six e-mails reminding him to vote Tuesday.

I've always wondered if those phone calls made much of a difference. They definitely did for this project. And for Hot Springs gambling.

Hilarious finish from the article:

After paying for his meal Friday afternoon, Steve Wilcox said his family in Fayetteville would probably get season tickets to watch a professional team in Springdale. “I’m tickled to death that Springdale is subsidizing the stadium for me to go see ballgames,” Wilcox said.
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It's pretty much a done deal, according to several sources of Don Elkins:


Reliable sources close to the folks talking with the Wichita Wranglers about moving to NWA tell Arkansas Tonight that as of about 20 minutes ago, the move to Springdale is a "done deal, signed, sealed and delivered." If so, that wouldn't come as a big surprise...again, the farm teams belongs to the Royals, which belong to former WMT CEO David Glass. Still no official word from the city as of yet -- but our source is placed close to those in the negotiations, and we take that source's word as truth. Some movin' and shakin going on...tip of the hat to our teammember Matt D. over at Overtaken by Events.

From http://www.arkansastonight.com/

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Yeah I have to say I was a bit surprised to see all the interest and excitement this caused in NWA. I had a lot of my coworkers on the day of the election going around trying to find other coworkers that lived in Springdale and was wondering if they were going to vote.

Since Johnny mentioned Don Elkins I was curious does anyone know if he is still working for KNWA? I don't think I've seen him on since I came back from vacation. He stopped doing his editorial in the Northwest Arkansas Times a while back ago. I've heard of some possible political aspirations and was wondering if he was going for it and cutting back on everything else like KNWA.

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Yeah I have to say I was a bit surprised to see all the interest and excitement this caused in NWA. I had a lot of my coworkers on the day of the election going around trying to find other coworkers that lived in Springdale and was wondering if they were going to vote.

Since Johnny mentioned Don Elkins I was curious does anyone know if he is still working for KNWA? I don't think I've seen him on since I came back from vacation. He stopped doing his editorial in the Northwest Arkansas Times a while back ago. I've heard of some possible political aspirations and was wondering if he was going for it and cutting back on everything else like KNWA.

He is no longer with KNWA...to be honest I'm not quite sure what all he is doing these days. He has a radio program on in the mornings on AM 1030, that is what I listen to everyday on the way to work.

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