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yes it's me cdude. You know why I changed usernames yet once again.

I know that there is nothing the mods can do to stop you from registering a new member name but why would you want to continue to use a board you keep getting banned from? Also, since you do, stop letting people know who you are. It only improves your chances of getting that name banned as well.

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I know that there is nothing the mods can do to stop you from registering a new member name but why would you want to continue to use a board you keep getting banned from? Also, since you do, stop letting people know who you are. It only improves your chances of getting that name banned as well.

Exactly. Or perhaps stop doing whatever it is that keeps getting you banned. We like having you around, clemsonman/cdude/g-man.

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Isnt that Big bank building in spartanburg 250ft. I believe it says BB&T on it. That is a big building so if it is as tall as that ill be happy.

Sorry I'm a alittle late on the uptake here...

Yes the Denny's/BB&T tower is 250 ft tall. 18 stories.

It doesn't look very tall. Maybe because of its context...? I think it's the Denny's headquarters and says BB&T on top.
The Denny's tower in Spartanburg is really not as tall or big as it appears. The illusion is created by the lack of surrounding towers in downtown, and the windows are "split," which creates an appearance of many more floors than actually exist, in my viewpoint. It is a nicely designed building though, regardless of height. :shades:

I'm not sure about that. Its not that tall. It may indeed appear taller due to the lack of other towers nearby, but also because it sits on top of a ridge in such a way that you can see it from a distance from all roads approaching downtown except North Pine/I-585. It has excellent visibility.

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I know that there is nothing the mods can do to stop you from registering a new member name but why would you want to continue to use a board you keep getting banned from? Also, since you do, stop letting people know who you are. It only improves your chances of getting that name banned as well.
Exactly. Or perhaps stop doing whatever it is that keeps getting you banned. We like having you around, clemsonman/cdude/g-man.

Its unfortunate that g-man decided to break the rules, as I enjoyed his input as well. However, the decision has been made. He can sign up all he likes, but I his chances of being let back on are pretty low, and I can guarantee that signing up over and over again will not help his cause. We have a zero tolerance policy on multiple accounts, and you are required to read the rules when you sign up, so everyone should be familiar with this. If you have forgotten them, please check the rules section which can be accessed from the yellow bar at the top.

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That's been my attitude all along. Don't get expectations set too highly and when they're not met immediately, there's no disappointment. Also, keep in mind that old story of the tortise racing the hare. Slow and steady wins the race. I wouldn't want any of these projects to rush to fruition only to go bust in the end.

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That's been my attitude all along. Don't get expectations set too highly and when they're not met immediately, there's no disappointment. Also, keep in mind that old story of the tortise racing the hare. Slow and steady wins the race. I wouldn't want any of these projects to rush to fruition only to go bust in the end.
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Maybe not. But as you said we are not those cities. We have to love Greenville for what it is and be content with it and see any new additions as a bonus. I don't think the child and test thing is a good analogy to use here. A child's success is a lot more important than these buildings and a city in my opinion.

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I understand you reasoning, but it is kind of like a child telling himself he will fail all of his tests, so that he will not be dissapointed if he does not do well. Shouldn't we want that child to have confidence that he will do well?

I think this Pinnacle issue (and other project issues) are a demonstration that Gville, as much as we alll love it, is probably not as vibrant and happening as we all like to think it is. We tend to think that we are close to the level of a Raleigh, or Austin, or Charlotte. But in reality, that is not the case. Those cities are able to get projects out of the ground. For example, do you think a site like the old Mem Aud site would sit empty for that long in one of those cities?

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Maybe not, and that is a valid point. However, do uptown Charlotte or downtown Raleigh have the street-level activity that downtown Greenville has after the workday is over? Probably not.

Other cities can have their skylines. Ours can obviously be improved, and I think it will happen with time. In the meantime, we need to focus on increased density (filling in parking lots downtown) and improving the offerings available in terms of residential, retail, dining, and entertainment. I think we're doing a great job of that in Greenville. :thumbsup:

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Two emails from a person on another website today who I guess was banned here recently or at least that i've heard:


Regarding the Pinnacle-on-Main we are moving forward, ever so slowly. We have met with our engineers and City regarding grading permits. We have another meeting scheduled next week. The City has a new storm water policy, passed in September, regarding water quality which will require an additional water treatment facility which we want to incorporate with our storm water recycling and green roof system. We are spending the extra effort to have this building certified as LEED Silver. That is not easy or cheap but it would be the first high-rise in South Carolina to be LEED Certified, especially Silver, not to mention the energy efficiency and environmental quality. In fact, very few high rises achieve LEED certification. We want to start construction as soon as anyone, but we want to do it right. We have spent a lot of time and study to make this a signature building and we believe it will be worth the wait.

Thank you for your interest.

-Bob Ellis

Another email he posted later today too:

Question-Is the Pinnacle on Main still going to start this month?

Answer-That is a day to day item. We will have a better feel next week after meetings with City engineering, traffic and economic development.

-Bob Ellis

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