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On 11/11/2023 at 9:40 PM, JFW657 said:

Hang on a minute.... I have several times for asked for some kind of proof that the actions being described as antisemitism by young Democrats, were actually being done by Democrats.

So far.... nothing but angry resentment and rhetoric. 

Were they wearing "I'm a Democrat"  signs? Democrat donkey tattoos? How do your two buddies know what the party affiliation of the demonstrators was just by watching a video?

Here's what I'm envisioning... some right-wing propaganda pusher got ahold of a video of a crowd of people staging a protest against the Israeli govt's slaughter of Palestinian civilians. In the crowd, were a few far right, skinhead agitators and Jew-haters who were planted there, to loudly yell antisemitic comments. The right-winger who posted the video put in the title that it was Democrats who were yelling the antisemitism. Then, every right-wing goober who looks under every nook and cranny for something negative to hang around the necks of Democrats, reposts the video on forums like this and other social media, and calls it "proof" of what bad people Democrats are.

One of the oldest tricks in the book and typical of underhanded, right-wing tactics and dirty tricks.

Either post some kind of proof or even strong evidence that the people making the antisemitic comments were Democrats, or stuff it. 

And who sent the bus load after bus load of them up to NYC? 

Sure it's going to be overwhelming if a huge number of them are bussed to one city.  

But.... none of that changes the fact that illegal immigrants account for around 3% of the US population and most of them are law abiding, have jobs and pay income tax.

Obviously, you prefer to push Trump's version of them as violent drug dealers and rapists.

Fits in with your innate right-wing bigotry and xenophobia. 

While obfuscating and spewing misinformation and unhinged ranting and raving is all you've ever done.  

fair enough, but if you REALLY want to go there, then don't ever discount again Lyin' Ted at the Jan 6 hearings and everything I've said about that event being a set up.  You can't all of the sudden claim that a reported event is a set up by either the other party or, say, the MSM, because if affects the left negatively, while at the same time calling Right wingers conspiracy theorists about other stuff (that actually have legs).  That's my only point...

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1 hour ago, jack said:

It was said at a rally in Australia. But looking at the photos, they do not look like your typical Australian. 

No respectable republican would join forces with him. At least none of them that ran or are running for president. Maybe Vivek but he is not a conservative. 

I suppose we might have different definitions for the term "respectable Republican".

Mine involves having common sense, centrist views and a willingness to compromise.

Same holds true for my definition of "respectable Democrat". 

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48 minutes ago, jack said:

Being a Neo nazi is not only about being a Jew hater. You must firmy believe in white supremacy. All Neo nazis are ardent nationalists. They hate legal and illegal immigration, especially from non white countries. They want to use the state to further their beliefs. Okay, that one is consistent. 

If you went to a rally, I bet half of them could not articulate a position of why Isreal is bad. They have no knowledge of history, and are regurgitating what they hear at rallies or online. I also don't want to conflate anti Israeli with being an anti Jew. 

I think the first thing that needs to be done here is to separate out the terms "Nazi" and "nationalist."

The second thing is Anti-Israel vs Anti-Jew.  How do you separate that out when you look at the mandate of why Israel was originally created based on recent events of the time during WWII?  

Seriously, when Muslim countries surround Israel and Jews have a target on their backs for being infidels, you really cannot separate the two.  Listen to their words.  It's just like Pulse:  it's a hate crime b/c Obama didn't want the "Muslim" religion smeared because of dude's allegiance to ISIS in committing those killings.  So it's a "hate crime," and those protests are "anti-zionist" only (they don't hate Jews).  Got it.

So Hamas goes into Israel and kills all those people.  Literally immediately afterwards, they are protesting a planned retaliation by Israel in the streets of NYC with printed up signs.  Printing takes time.  They knew this was going to happen.  All this other sideshow lingo BS is just that, BS.  They want them dead.  If they can't kill them, then they want to smear their name on the world stage.

And, it is mixed in with Marxism as a whole, which is why they thrive in the Democratic Party.  They view Israel as "The Man."  Israel is literally an American "outpost" in the Middle East, and it is considered "The West."  And the fact that they're Jewish is an added plus.  That's why Taleeb and her ilk are so vocal and that is also why the MSM is giving them a pass, because, at the end of the day, even though there are a lot of Jews in the MSM, government, etc., this is a perfect example of Marxism, where they will push an agenda against what they label as the "occupiers" or "oppressors" even if it goes against their own interests- because it is a Marxist ideology at play.  How do you think Lenin got into power?  They ousted The Czar- the oppressor.  And then Lenin became the oppressor in slaughtering millions along with Stalin.  What do you think the Muslim extremists want to do to The West?

You think its an exaggeration?  Don't count on it.

Every major topic discussed on UP that had to do with Trump, the MSM, the corruption of the DOJ, Jews, Israel, Hamas, how Pulse was treated, Biden taking Chinese money, spy balloons, college protesters, BLM rioters, gun control; you name it.  All of these topics have to do with Marxism trying to take over the country.  Even the knock against white supremists- what does that even mean, that a white person prefers a white mate?  Gimme a break.  Blacks prefer blacks and Latinos prefer Latinos, and other ethnic groups prefer to breed within their own group (Jews with Jews too).  So how are whites now considered "bad" for doing the same?  They're not.  it's a Marxist jab, because whites are seen as "The Man."

And this is why the "anti-zionist" excuse is just that, an excuse to be anti-semetic.  From the river to the sea, right?  So, the Muslims will take over Israel politically and spare the Jews?  Yeah, right.  Israel will nuke the entirety of the Muslim Middle East before it ever goes down, because this is about survival for them, not higher taxes.

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2 hours ago, jrs2 said:

fair enough, but if you REALLY want to go there, then don't ever discount again Lyin' Ted at the Jan 6 hearings and everything I've said about that event being a set up.  You can't all of the sudden claim that a reported event is a set up by either the other party or, say, the MSM, because if affects the left negatively, while at the same time calling Right wingers conspiracy theorists about other stuff (that actually have legs).  That's my only point...

Sounds like you're implying that if some anti-Semitic shouting heard in some amateur produced cellphone video of anti-Israel protesters was purposely misrepresented by some lone individual as being done by Democrats, then the only logical conclusion would be that the hours and hours of legitimate, professional journalistic video of the J6 riots was actually all a big fake, perpetrated by the entire mainstream media. 

If that's what you mean, then I think you either have a serious perception problem or you're really digging deep in a sad, weak attempt to draw a false parallel.  

Not buying it.

Not in a million years.

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1 hour ago, jrs2 said:

I think the first thing that needs to be done here is to separate out the terms "Nazi" and "nationalist."

The second thing is Anti-Israel vs Anti-Jew.  How do you separate that out when you look at the mandate of why Israel was originally created based on recent events of the time during WWII?  

Seriously, when Muslim countries surround Israel and Jews have a target on their backs for being infidels, you really cannot separate the two.  Listen to their words.  It's just like Pulse:  it's a hate crime b/c Obama didn't want the "Muslim" religion smeared because of dude's allegiance to ISIS in committing those killings.  So it's a "hate crime," and those protests are "anti-zionist" only (they don't hate Jews).  Got it.

So Hamas goes into Israel and kills all those people.  Literally immediately afterwards, they are protesting a planned retaliation by Israel in the streets of NYC with printed up signs.  Printing takes time.  They knew this was going to happen.  All this other sideshow lingo BS is just that, BS.  They want them dead.  If they can't kill them, then they want to smear their name on the world stage.

And, it is mixed in with Marxism as a whole, which is why they thrive in the Democratic Party.  They view Israel as "The Man."  Israel is literally an American "outpost" in the Middle East, and it is considered "The West."  And the fact that they're Jewish is an added plus.  That's why Taleeb and her ilk are so vocal and that is also why the MSM is giving them a pass, because, at the end of the day, even though there are a lot of Jews in the MSM, government, etc., this is a perfect example of Marxism, where they will push an agenda against what they label as the "occupiers" or "oppressors" even if it goes against their own interests- because it is a Marxist ideology at play.  How do you think Lenin got into power?  They ousted The Czar- the oppressor.  And then Lenin became the oppressor in slaughtering millions along with Stalin.  What do you think the Muslim extremists want to do to The West?

You think its an exaggeration?  Don't count on it.

Every major topic discussed on UP that had to do with Trump, the MSM, the corruption of the DOJ, Jews, Israel, Hamas, how Pulse was treated, Biden taking Chinese money, spy balloons, college protesters, BLM rioters, gun control; you name it.  All of these topics have to do with Marxism trying to take over the country.  Even the knock against white supremists- what does that even mean, that a white person prefers a white mate?  Gimme a break.  Blacks prefer blacks and Latinos prefer Latinos, and other ethnic groups prefer to breed within their own group (Jews with Jews too).  So how are whites now considered "bad" for doing the same?  They're not.  it's a Marxist jab, because whites are seen as "The Man."

And this is why the "anti-zionist" excuse is just that, an excuse to be anti-semetic.  From the river to the sea, right?  So, the Muslims will take over Israel politically and spare the Jews?  Yeah, right.  Israel will nuke the entirety of the Muslim Middle East before it ever goes down, because this is about survival for them, not higher taxes.

Some observant jews where a Kippah throughout the day. More orthodox jews wear tzitzits. Wearing this attire as a jew is not making a political statement. Wearing this attire, just living your life, anywhere near one of those protests can be a danger to ones health, including ones life. And yet the antisemites try to tell others it is just anti Zionist and not anti Jewish. It is just as bad as an racist apologist make excuses for a KKK convention saying they are just against the countries in Africa, not against African Americans, when the target of their vile rhetoric and violence is against African Americans. 

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12 minutes ago, JFW657 said:

Sounds like you're implying that if some anti-Semitic shouting heard in some amateur produced cellphone video of anti-Israel protesters was purposely misrepresented by some lone individual as being done by Democrats, then the only logical conclusion would be that the hours and hours of legitimate, professional journalistic video of the J6 riots was actually all a big fake, perpetrated by the entire mainstream media. 

If that's what you mean, then I think you either have a serious perception problem or you're really digging deep in a sad, weak attempt to draw a false parallel.  

Not buying it.

Not in a million years.

I'm not gonna rehash everything; everything's been said already about Jan 6 and other factors that were present that Democrats just roll their eyes at because they hate Trump and his supporters.  You know, the deplorables?

But its just like the Magic Bullet Theory from 1963.  You are now claiming a Magic Bullet mysterious cell phone video at an anti-Jewish rally is an isolated incident like the entire world didn't see pro-Palestinian protesters protesting anti-Jew and anti-Israel rhetoric, more than once, and Democrat congresspersons doing the whole 'bloody hands up in the air' thing, and Taleeb's statements and non-statements, and others in the Democratic Party with anti-Israeli stances since October 7.  I may have short term memory loss, but its not that short term.

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17 minutes ago, shardoon said:

Some observant jews where a Kippah throughout the day. More orthodox jews wear tzitzits. Wearing this attire as a jew is not making a political statement. Wearing this attire, just living your life, anywhere near one of those protests can be a danger to ones health, including ones life. And yet the antisemites try to tell others it is just anti Zionist and not anti Jewish. It is just as bad as an racist apologist make excuses for a KKK convention saying they are just against the countries in Africa, not against African Americans, when the target of their vile rhetoric and violence is against African Americans. 

this is about egg on the Democrats' faces which can literally destroy them, and leave that party as just being a party of Leftists.  Think of that.  RFK Jr. already gave them the finger and he's got 22-24% of the vote.  First, RFK Jr... a Kennedy for God's sake.  If that ain't huge, I dunno what is.  I mean, what was it, 2008, when Hillary got the shaft b/c the Kennedy's decided to back Obama instead?  Like the Kennedy name has no clout when airports, theaters, expressways, and US currency have the Kennedy name on it?

Take that as a main course, and add as a side item antisemitism because of this Hamas thing.  The Democrats are in trouble.  I'd gloat except they control much of the voting fraud apparatus, and, Vivek and the RNC chair are involved in a circus, so...whatever.

I don't know much about the Que Que Que, but I haven't seen much of anything of note from that Democrat-Party-created-group lately that could top the anti-semitism within the Democratic Party that has been put on public display over the past month.  My point being that it always existed, just like racism and corruption, its just that things came to a head recently to flush it out. 

The problem is that the racism is a class-related racism that is based on the tenets of Marxism.  How so?  I posted on it an hour ago, but, start with BLM and Antifa, then with the Pro-Palestinian anti-Jew protests, add to that the support for Hamas from BLM (before they recanted-if they did), and the sh!t show from the Democrats about Israel since.   Biden's delays during that week was pathetic; just like Obama in 2012 Benghazi with the whole 'this ain't a terrorist attack, it's just pissed off movie watchers.' If people didn't know who the Democrats have an allegiance to after 8 years of Obama and 3-4 years of Biden, you should know by now.  And if you know and STILL vote Democrat, it is because you are drinking strong Kool-Aid.  You only care about your Party much like Marxists that only care about the Communist Party- Party over Country every time.  Just like the Soviets, that changed the names of cities and took down statues and outlawed religion in favor of their religion, Marxism.  Here the Democrats take down statues in the name of being PC.  It's no different.  

And lately it is not PC to be white because you are considered to be "the man."  Whether you are white in the US or a Jew in Israel, you are considered "the man."  That is why The Left white-shames and why they support Hamas against Israel.  Israeli's aren't necessarily white, which is interesting.  But they represent The West, and The West, for people like Middle Easterners (and even Obama, based on his apology tour and dislike for Colonial Britain) is evil.  

What is it that Van Jones said on election night on CNN (Communist News Network) when it was clear Trump was going to win?  "This was a white lash!"

A white lash.  And everything that progressed after that pretty much followed that reasoning.

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15 minutes ago, Ivanhoe said:

The reason why Republicans cannot win elections is neatly summed up in the last 2-3 pages of this thread. Keep it up, pretty please! Really, please!

No, it is because they can't seem to get over themselves with the abortion issue. When they finally realize that a good majority of the country is pro choice with term limits, that will never win elections. In all honesty, Democrats have over performed, and a good part of that was the abortion debate. 

Now that I had a normal response to your little banter, please do not make a weirdo sexual predatory comment like you have a history of doing here. 

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56 minutes ago, jrs2 said:

I'm not gonna rehash everything; everything's been said already about Jan 6 and other factors that were present that Democrats just roll their eyes at because they hate Trump and his supporters.  You know, the deplorables?

But its just like the Magic Bullet Theory from 1963.  You are now claiming a Magic Bullet mysterious cell phone video at an anti-Jewish rally is an isolated incident like the entire world didn't see pro-Palestinian protesters protesting anti-Jew and anti-Israel rhetoric, more than once, and Democrat congresspersons doing the whole 'bloody hands up in the air' thing, and Taleeb's statements and non-statements, and others in the Democratic Party with anti-Israeli stances since October 7.  I may have short term memory loss, but its not that short term.

The two subjects.... the J6 protests vs whichever protests the antisemitic comments were heard (I still haven't seen this video because nobody wants to post it here) are a case of apples and oranges.

More precisely....


These anti-Israel protests did not involve any violence or any attempted overthrowing of the government or storming of any official government building or any of the countless other crimes and acts of violence and assault which were perpetrated by Trump supporters that day.

The J6 video was shot by professional journalists including one allowed on the scene by the attackers themselves. The actions carried out by the pro-Trump mob was on a scale so large, there is no conceivable way it could have been faked by the media. 

The supposed "antisemitic" protest in question is not being described as or alleged to be faked or staged.

Not by me anyway.

But because that protest was on such a smaller scale, and I'm guessing the video shot by someone in the crowd, it would have been much easier to mis-label as something it wasn't.

Take note that I did not claim the video was doctored or fake. But anyone can blame some shouting in a crowd on any group they want to, and some gullible people will just believe it.

That's what I think happened. Somebody took some video of a protest. Antisemitic comments were shouted. The person who posted it conveniently mislabeled it as Democrats doing the shouting.

What you're talking about is something altogether different as well as downright outlandish. 

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1 hour ago, shardoon said:

No, it is because they can't seem to get over themselves with the abortion issue. When they finally realize that a good majority of the country is pro choice with term limits, that will never win elections. In all honesty, Democrats have over performed, and a good part of that was the abortion debate. 

Now that I had a normal response to your little banter, please do not make a weirdo sexual predatory comment like you have a history of doing here. 

It is your behavior that is being observed, not mine. What is the sexual predatory nonsense you are blabbering on about? 

I do agree though, that’s about as normal a response as you’ve provided. Touché!

Edited by Ivanhoe
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18 hours ago, jrs2 said:

this is about egg on the Democrats' faces which can literally destroy them, and leave that party as just being a party of Leftists.  Think of that.  RFK Jr. already gave them the finger and he's got 22-24% of the vote.  First, RFK Jr... a Kennedy for God's sake.  If that ain't huge, I dunno what is.  I mean, what was it, 2008, when Hillary got the shaft b/c the Kennedy's decided to back Obama instead?  Like the Kennedy name has no clout when airports, theaters, expressways, and US currency have the Kennedy name on it?

Take that as a main course, and add as a side item antisemitism because of this Hamas thing.  The Democrats are in trouble.  I'd gloat except they control much of the voting fraud apparatus, and, Vivek and the RNC chair are involved in a circus, so...whatever.

I don't know much about the Que Que Que, but I haven't seen much of anything of note from that Democrat-Party-created-group lately that could top the anti-semitism within the Democratic Party that has been put on public display over the past month.  My point being that it always existed, just like racism and corruption, its just that things came to a head recently to flush it out. 

The problem is that the racism is a class-related racism that is based on the tenets of Marxism.  How so?  I posted on it an hour ago, but, start with BLM and Antifa, then with the Pro-Palestinian anti-Jew protests, add to that the support for Hamas from BLM (before they recanted-if they did), and the sh!t show from the Democrats about Israel since.   Biden's delays during that week was pathetic; just like Obama in 2012 Benghazi with the whole 'this ain't a terrorist attack, it's just pissed off movie watchers.' If people didn't know who the Democrats have an allegiance to after 8 years of Obama and 3-4 years of Biden, you should know by now.  And if you know and STILL vote Democrat, it is because you are drinking strong Kool-Aid.  You only care about your Party much like Marxists that only care about the Communist Party- Party over Country every time.  Just like the Soviets, that changed the names of cities and took down statues and outlawed religion in favor of their religion, Marxism.  Here the Democrats take down statues in the name of being PC.  It's no different.  

And lately it is not PC to be white because you are considered to be "the man."  Whether you are white in the US or a Jew in Israel, you are considered "the man."  That is why The Left white-shames and why they support Hamas against Israel.  Israeli's aren't necessarily white, which is interesting.  But they represent The West, and The West, for people like Middle Easterners (and even Obama, based on his apology tour and dislike for Colonial Britain) is evil.  

What is it that Van Jones said on election night on CNN (Communist News Network) when it was clear Trump was going to win?  "This was a white lash!"

A white lash.  And everything that progressed after that pretty much followed that reasoning.

Anti Israel and anti Jew is not the same thing. But one can unintentionally lead into the other. 

Secondly, Israelis are not white in the traditional sense. If they are considered white, so are the Palestinians. So in my mind, it is just white on white violence. 

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19 hours ago, JFW657 said:

The two subjects.... the J6 protests vs whichever protests the antisemitic comments were heard (I still haven't seen this video because nobody wants to post it here) are a case of apples and oranges.

More precisely....


These anti-Israel protests did not involve any violence or any attempted overthrowing of the government or storming of any official government building or any of the countless other crimes and acts of violence and assault which were perpetrated by Trump supporters that day.

The J6 video was shot by professional journalists including one allowed on the scene by the attackers themselves. The actions carried out by the pro-Trump mob was on a scale so large, there is no conceivable way it could have been faked by the media. 

The supposed "antisemitic" protest in question is not being described as or alleged to be faked or staged.

Not by me anyway.

But because that protest was on such a smaller scale, and I'm guessing the video shot by someone in the crowd, it would have been much easier to mis-label as something it wasn't.

Take note that I did not claim the video was doctored or fake. But anyone can blame some shouting in a crowd on any group they want to, and some gullible people will just believe it.

That's what I think happened. Somebody took some video of a protest. Antisemitic comments were shouted. The person who posted it conveniently mislabeled it as Democrats doing the shouting.

What you're talking about is something altogether different as well as downright outlandish. 

well, that particular video aside, the "from the river to the sea" is about exterminating Jews, and protesters operating under the guise of the "Pro-Palestinian" label are hiding behind it and most all Democrats are excuse making to save face.  And, just a few weeks ago the same ilk of protesters stormed another Congressional building illegally. So?



Yeah.  The attackers.  Walking slowly and being escorted down the halls and not being told to leave by the same people that opened the doors.

You already tried to explain away the Chinese spy balloon, which has only one explanation: treason, and treason based on being politically compromised.  

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1 hour ago, jack said:

Anti Israel and anti Jew is not the same thing. But one can unintentionally lead into the other. 

Secondly, Israelis are not white in the traditional sense. If they are considered white, so are the Palestinians. So in my mind, it is just white on white violence. 

exactly.  ultimately this all about class warfare (Marxism).  white shaming; anti-zionism; it is the same thing.  how do I know it's the same thing?  For one, because it is the same thing, and secondly, because the same ilk back the same sides in both situations.  That's why BLM backed Hamas at the onset before they got the phone call.  That's why Taleeb has other congressperson followers.  Anti-Zionism is Anti-Westernism is Anti-Colonialism.  This is Socialism 101.

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2 hours ago, jrs2 said:

well, that particular video aside, the "from the river to the sea" is about exterminating Jews, and protesters operating under the guise of the "Pro-Palestinian" label are hiding behind it and most all Democrats are excuse making to save face.  And, just a few weeks ago the same ilk of protesters stormed another Congressional building illegally. So?



Did you actually watch the video or read the article at the links you posted above? 

Did you notice that these "antisemites" who are actually anti-Zionist, are Jewish themselves? 


How does that work anyway?

Are they not considered "real Jews"? 

Is it the same as with the way pro-Trumpers feel anyone who doesn't share their cockeyed world view isn't a real American?

2 hours ago, jrs2 said:

Yeah.  The attackers.  Walking slowly and being escorted down the halls and not being told to leave by the same people that opened the doors.

So you are trying to claim that because a handful of Capitol security people were Trump sympathizers who shirked their duty that day, that means all the insane violence that can be plainly seen in the hours and hours of video, was not real?

Is this the slow walking escort you're talking about?

Or maybe it was filmed on a movie set in Hollywood? 

Get a grip on reality.

And not your usual right-wing nutjob version of it. 

2 hours ago, jrs2 said:

You already tried to explain away the Chinese spy balloon, which has only one explanation: treason, and treason based on being politically compromised.  

That garbage does not even merit a serious response. 

You're just desperately crawling around on the floor sucking up any crumbs you can find just to have words to post.

My cat is smart enough to know what that nonsense is good for....


....and what to do with it. 



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1 hour ago, jrs2 said:

exactly.  ultimately this all about class warfare (Marxism).  white shaming; anti-zionism; it is the same thing.  how do I know it's the same thing?  For one, because it is the same thing, and secondly, because the same ilk back the same sides in both situations.  That's why BLM backed Hamas at the onset before they got the phone call.  That's why Taleeb has other congressperson followers.  Anti-Zionism is Anti-Westernism is Anti-Colonialism.  This is Socialism 101.


:silly:  :w00t: 

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33 minutes ago, JFW657 said:

Did you actually watch the video or read the article at the links you posted above? 

Did you notice that these "antisemites" who are actually anti-Zionist, are Jewish themselves? 


How does that work anyway?

Are they not considered "real Jews"? 

Is it the same as with the way pro-Trumpers feel anyone who doesn't share their cockeyed world view isn't a real American?

So you are trying to claim that because a handful of Capitol security people were Trump sympathizers who shirked their duty that day, that means all the insane violence that can be plainly seen in the hours and hours of video, was not real?

Is this slow walking escort you're talking about?

Or was it filmed on a movie set in Hollywood? 


Get a grip on reality.

And not your usual right-wing nutjob version of it. 

That garbage does not even merit a serious response. 

You're just desperately crawling around on the floor sucking up any crumbs you can find just to have words to post.

My cat is smart enough to know what that nonsense is good for....


....and what to do with it. 

It's all good.  Chinese Spy Balloon.  Money from China and Ukraine.  Open borders.  Sanctuary Cities. Catch & Release. Political Persecutions. White shaming.  Class warfare.  Shutting down our exportable energy infrastructure in favor of lining the pockets of other countries with the Go Green circus. Making excuses for terrorists.  Inflation.  

That is the Democratic Party.  That is what you support because...drum roll...Biden is doing such a great job.

What kind of a person shuts down wall construction at the southern border on Day One?  What kind of regime illegally usurps Texas' right to put up barbed wire at the southern border by cutting it down?  A bunch of Marxist traitors.  

What does that say about you for supporting that?

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GOP lawmaker claims Kevin McCarthy elbowed him after meeting, sparking altercation

Article: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/gop-lawmaker-claims-kevin-mccarthy-elbowed-after-meeting/story?id=104879724

GOP lawmaker Markwayne Mullin challenges Teamsters' president to fist fight at Senate hearing

Article: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/markwayne-mullin-fight-teamsters-president-sean-obrien-senate-hearing/

House Freedom Caucus formally opposes Speaker Mike Johnson’s government funding bill

Article: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/markwayne-mullin-fight-teamsters-president-sean-obrien-senate-hearing/

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3 hours ago, jrs2 said:

It's all good.  Chinese Spy Balloon.  Money from China and Ukraine.  Open borders.  Sanctuary Cities. Catch & Release. Political Persecutions. White shaming.  Class warfare.  Shutting down our exportable energy infrastructure in favor of lining the pockets of other countries with the Go Green circus. Making excuses for terrorists.  Inflation.  

That is the Democratic Party.  That is what you support because...drum roll...Biden is doing such a great job.

What kind of a person shuts down wall construction at the southern border on Day One?  What kind of regime illegally usurps Texas' right to put up barbed wire at the southern border by cutting it down?  A bunch of Marxist traitors.  

What does that say about you for supporting that?

Well, notwithstanding the fact that none of that is true, I'm guessing that supporting the decency of President Biden over the selfishness of the plutocratic a-holes in the GOP, says I'm not a paranoid, narrow-minded, xenophobic, environment hating, con man/criminal loving jerk who wants to return our country to the 19th century?   

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4 hours ago, jrs2 said:

It's all good.  Chinese Spy Balloon.  Money from China and Ukraine.  Open borders.  Sanctuary Cities. Catch & Release. Political Persecutions. White shaming.  Class warfare.  Shutting down our exportable energy infrastructure in favor of lining the pockets of other countries with the Go Green circus. Making excuses for terrorists.  Inflation.  

That is the Democratic Party.  That is what you support because...drum roll...Biden is doing such a great job.

What kind of a person shuts down wall construction at the southern border on Day One?  What kind of regime illegally usurps Texas' right to put up barbed wire at the southern border by cutting it down?  A bunch of Marxist traitors.  

What does that say about you for supporting that?

Makes you wonder how the dum dums are gonna handle life if someone like Nikki Haley comes out winning the primary and not Trump. Goes completely against their fantasy of labeling the GOP trumpers. The just wonderful people in this country with pink hair and 30 piercings living in mommy and daddy's basement are not gonna have Trump in their dreams to complain about. 

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46 minutes ago, shardoon said:

Makes you wonder how the dum dums are gonna handle life if someone like Nikki Haley comes out winning the primary and not Trump. Goes completely against their fantasy of labeling the GOP trumpers. The just wonderful people in this country with pink hair and 30 piercings living in mommy and daddy's basement are not gonna have Trump in their dreams to complain about. 

The dum dums would be lucky with Haley.

You know — those neo-Nazi, white nationals that your party and likely your brain.

Instead, it’ll be “take her by the ” Trump. Your God.

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