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Who were the woke a55holes here that argued about the "Redskins" name and logo being offensive? I'm too lazy to research it. Watch this clip, SJW's. How stupid does this make you look now? Very:
Ok. I agree with your first paragraph. And I also agree with your second paragraph- right up to the point of the amount in question (of waste). I believe the grift is huge. We knew about the Clinton Foundation and the fraud in Haiti since 2014/15, so when Musk exposes these other programs, it is consistent with a deficit like we have, and the notion that politicians are corrupt, kickbacks, etc. And I remember back in the 1980's talk of thousand dollar screws and toilet seats for the aerospace program, so, clearly, the notion of huge overspending is not a new thing; it isn't a Trump thing and it isn't a Musk or DOGE thing; it has been going on for decades with both parties and their pet programs. There is no such thing as a funded program without a kickback. Trump hit the nail on the head. The protesting Democrats just don't want to see their cash cows killed. Besides, since when has the GOP ever had to justify their tax cuts? And are you talking about the same billionaire cronies like Bezos, Cuban, Gates, Disney, Google, Zuckerberg, Cheney, etc., that supported B1den/H4rris? You are still pushing the tired old narrative that don't apply here no more. You may not want to acknowledge it because it is inconsistent with Marxism, but it is a fact that the major billionaire donors support the Democrats, so you're argument is shot. So what does that say about your faux Marxism now?
I know that (for the most part), but the people that need it told to are The Leftist MSM and showboating Democrats that try to push a false narrative, and then air drop their pamphlets to that posters here have something else to gripe. USAID was created by EO. You're comment about CA denotes that they are organized incompetent fools that don't know the numbers. I think they do know the numbers because everything they do is by design, however illogical it seems.
^^ Its amazing how The Leftists here haven't commented once about any of these corrupt programs embezzling money out of this country for BS programs- to the tune of hundreds of millions- just from USAID alone, a bureaucratic entity answering to no one. But they get their little bullet point story about the CFPB and run with it, along with stories about billionaire endorsements, Nazi salutes, and claims of white supremacy. Here's a hot tip about the CFPB: if you don't have the money to buy it...do what B1den said: Don't. And here's another tip: 43% of food stamps goes to illegals. Not to mention that DOGE discovered that FEMA spent $59M last week to pay for hotel rooms in NYC to house illegals (no wonder NC isn't 'fixed' yet). That's our tax money. And your "hate the rich" stance just don't cut it anymore since H4rris & Co. raised $1T in campaign funding a few months back, more than 3x what Trump raised, and you benefitted from another $1/2T in election interference favorable media coverage. Who do you think those billionaires back, you? So nobody believes your hypocrisy. You support a permanent bureaucratic state to fight an imaginary foe which in turn subjugates each of us by taxing us to death so they can subsidize the rest of the world, and corrupt politicians like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders can pad their wallets.
If you're gonna comment, at least state it straight. It wasn't petty, rather, he had it coming. B1den stole confidential documents as VP that he would have been prosecuted for had it not been for his "senility." He also took money from China and Ukraine. Why give him access to anything when he's giving the likes of George Soros awards and stuff-and that f*cker has been using our embezzled money to destroy our country- and I guarantee you B1den knew it. He deserves nothing less than spending the rest of his days in the geriatric wing of Gitmo. Meanwhile, on the atheist-non-existent-deity "help us all" theme, or, the God help us now that they figured it out theme:
Lmfao. I don't feel as bad anymore that 8yo kids were kicking my a55 at Halo online, because 19yo BIG BALLS just took down the entire grifter Democrat corruption machine with the push of a button. But the real comedy here is that this was already old news by Day Two, while the Democrats and MSM were focused on deportations and Newscum vowing to Trump-proof CA illegals from ICE raids while LA still burned, and People was critiquing the Trump-Melania non-kiss at the inauguration because of her V for Vendetta hat. And, when B1den and H4rris were trying to take credit for the Hostages the weekend before, the computer algorithms were getting finalized. You Democrats thought you were so superior with your woke atheism, like Grand Moff Tarkin being dismissive about the damage a few X-wings could cause; you were already on Death Row and didn't even know it, like The Pied Piper's rats heading for the cliff. Oh, yeah, and Luke was able to destroy The Death Star- because of the help of his "imaginary friend."
If you study history, it is the inverse. Atheists were the extreme minority, and simply correlated science as their self created God just because some a55hole dropped an apple and said...look! And when another a55hole looked at the sky, charted the stars and declared he was God for doing something a monkey could do. Not to mention the stalwarts that dug up bones. Hey, look, I just strung a bunch of words together to make what you call word salad, but what I call philosophy, therefore, I am God. And when you talk about imaginary friends, your scientism pals at CERN already said they are trying to open a portal to the other side. Are you smarter than them?
No, but the Democrats conducted themselves like they were a religious cult. It was shameful, really. Ooooh..."don't try to equate the two." You say that like you just got done debating whether the greatest rock band of all time was The Beatles versus Led Zeppelin, and you don't own stock in either band. You don't even know what science is. You wouldn't know science if it fell on your lap, yet you rely on "science" as if its this holy item that dare not be questioned. THAT is religious zeal. Science doesn't disprove God and never did.
You talk about "religious" and make reference to "socially acceptable cults" and reliance on "imaginary friends:" "I believe the Earth is going to boil over because I took comfort in the fact that unknown and unseen "imaginary friend" experts told me so thru a high priest on CNN, and, because this sizable group I am part of also believes it. I say this though muffled as I wear a face diaper because my high priest told me to wear it and to take it on faith that it is the morally right thing to do. And, to mix and mingle in "proper" society, I am doing my part by taking 'the jab' as a show of my commitment to the cause, because they told me it is the morally right thing to do, and, who am I to second guess them; they are the experts."