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Inner Loop - CBD, Downtown, East Bank, Germantown, Gulch, Rutledge


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The main reason I despise that thing isn't because it looks ridiculous, but because it's a statue of the founder of the Klu Klux Klan, surrounded by confederate flags, sitting right beside one of the main entrance points of our great city.  I mean really, what a first introduction that must be to someone who has never been to Nashville before. 

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That is factually incorrect.  

The statement "was the first leader" is correct.  This has been confused the last several decades with meaning he founded the group. He did not found it,  some of his former soldiers did, and they made him the first leader without his initial knowledge. He did however accept the position. At that time it was a Fraternal organization for Confederate veterans similar to the Grand Army of the Republic(union veterans), the American Legion (WWI veterans), or the Veterans of Foreign wars(WWII Veterans) When the group started to become a violent and racist organization he actually ordered it to be disbanded, and refused to have anything to do with those members that chose to continue.  Let me be clear I am not defending the KKK as it has existed for the last 130+ years, a racist organizations that has taken several forms. 

To your point of it being a bad greeting to the city, I completely agree.  because most people incorrectly believe as you do, and that does not convey the message we want to visitors.  the Tennessee Battle flags surrounding it only reinforce this idea.  The man who owns the land is very misinformed and racist himself or he would not do something that was obviously meant to be offensive. 


People like me, who love history and have studied it extensively find non offensive ways to show our love of it.


Also, that statue is just plain ugly, as stated before bad design, it would not look good in any medium.


Back to the topic at hand, I have no personal love for the old library but seriously why another surface lot?

Can the state really think of nothing better than bulldoze and pave?  

How about they sell the land and a neo clasical office or hotel, id even go for a state office building in the Federalist style, though it would be huge for that style. 

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That is factually incorrect.  

The statement "was the first leader" is correct.  This has been confused the last several decades with meaning he founded the group. He did not found it,  some of his former soldiers did, and they made him the first leader without his initial knowledge. He did however accept the position. At that time it was a Fraternal organization for Confederate veterans similar to the Grand Army of the Republic(union veterans), the American Legion (WWI veterans), or the Veterans of Foreign wars(WWII Veterans) When the group started to become a violent and racist organization he actually ordered it to be disbanded, and refused to have anything to do with those members that chose to continue.  Let me be clear I am not defending the KKK as it has existed for the last 130+ years, a racist organizations that has taken several forms. 

To your point of it being a bad greeting to the city, I completely agree.  because most people incorrectly believe as you do, and that does not convey the message we want to visitors.  the Tennessee Battle flags surrounding it only reinforce this idea.  The man who owns the land is very misinformed and racist himself or he would not do something that was obviously meant to be offensive. 


People like me, who love history and have studied it extensively find non offensive ways to show our love of it.


Also, that statue is just plain ugly, as stated before bad design, it would not look good in any medium.


Back to the topic at hand, I have no personal love for the old library but seriously why another surface lot?

Can the state really think of nothing better than bulldoze and pave?  

How about they sell the land and a neo clasical office or hotel, id even go for a state office building in the Federalist style, though it would be huge for that style. 


Great little history lesson. I knew a good bit of that, but it's been a while since I really studied my Civil War era history. I completely agree with your perspective, too.



As for other use for the land...the state seems to be worried about consolidating/modernizing its office space. How about build a very large parking garage, and top it with a "stately" modern office building and sell some of their other holdings (the ugly ones)...and friggin keep the Hull and Sevier buildings.

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The man who owns the land is very misinformed and racist himself or he would not do something that was obviously meant to be offensive.


Whether or not this is true, I can't say; but, I have heard stories of bad blood between the land owner and the city.  Hopefully, someone can shed some light on the subject if I'm mistaken.  What I heard was that the owner wanted to develop the land; but, the city stated that the land was too narrow.  So, as a symbolic middle finger to the city, he cut down all the trees and erected the most offensive monument he could think of, both in subject matter and appearance.  As I said, I can't verify that the story is true.  But it is interesting, nonetheless.



As to the old library, I do think it could be more effectively reused than as a parking lot.  I still say we should start a petition.  UT, you raise an interesting point about selling off some of the "ugly" buildings (Andrew and Rachel Jackson - I'm looking at you).  But (and don't crucify me for this!!) some might argue that the Hull is nearly equally as utilitarian and architecturally uninspired as the aforementioned buildings.

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Whether or not this is true, I can't say; but, I have heard stories of bad blood between the land owner and the city.  Hopefully, someone can shed some light on the subject if I'm mistaken.  What I heard was that the owner wanted to develop the land; but, the city stated that the land was too narrow.  So, as a symbolic middle finger to the city, he cut down all the trees and erected the most offensive monument he could think of, both in subject matter and appearance.  As I said, I can't verify that the story is true.  But it is interesting, nonetheless.



As to the old library, I do think it could be more effectively reused than as a parking lot.  I still say we should start a petition.  UT, you raise an interesting point about selling off some of the "ugly" buildings (Andrew and Rachel Jackson - I'm looking at you).  But (and don't crucify me for this!!) some might argue that the Hull is nearly equally as utilitarian and architecturally uninspired as the aforementioned buildings.


To the first part -- I can't shed much light on that...but I do remember reading that the man who put that monument in place was a member of an organization that the SPLC labeled a hate group.


As for the Hull being utilitarian...I'm not going to argue that it's beautiful...but there's something I like about the mass of the 50s style government buildings. Snodgrass/Tennessee tower is of similar style to the Andrew Jackson, but much more beautiful in terms of execution. AJ is just a big box. Hull at least has a more interesting shape.

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These cottage-style developments around a common area or a "village green" are getting to be popular with developers.  But I think that Planning needs to proceed with caution. 


The Cathedral Homes cottage development at 18th/Sevier across from Shelby Park in East Nashville finally won approval from the neighborhood precisely because the homes fronted the street with parking in the rear.  The neighborhood granted the variance for the side setback variance request after a lot of discussion, but the street frontage was key.  The resulting "cottage development" is similar to the Martin's Corner cottage development that was built near 11th/Fatherland in Five Points, where the homes face the street but have a common parking area in the rear off the street.


But some of the other development proposals, particularly the Cahal Corners proposal in the South Inglewood neighborhood of East Nashville, would create self-contained neighborhoods that would turn their backs on the rest of the neighborhood.  Those proposals are having an even harder time convincing the neighborhoods of their merits.


That very concern is something to consider for this parcel.  It would be interesting to see a rendering.  It's great that it would use a large, awkward parcel to achieve some density.  But how well would it actually interact with the Salemtown neighborhood?

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To the first part -- I can't shed much light on that...but I do remember reading that the man who put that monument in place was a member of an organization that the SPLC labeled a hate group.


I can't speak to the guy or his hideously ugly statue, but the SPLC has about as much credibility as the KKK. Being called a "hate group" by them is a badge of honor.


As for the Hull being utilitarian...I'm not going to argue that it's beautiful...but there's something I like about the mass of the 50s style government buildings. Snodgrass/Tennessee tower is of similar style to the Andrew Jackson, but much more beautiful in terms of execution. AJ is just a big box. Hull at least has a more interesting shape.


I'd have rather they kept those Victorians that lined Park Place (nevermind the four square blocks of mansions that were brought down for the War Memorial Plaza) than demolish them en masse for buildings like the Hull. Still, I don't see any particular reason to demolish the Hull.

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Seriously, man?  There he goes again.  On this episode of FMDJ's Bizarro Ramblings (that have nothing whatsoever to do with any negative feelings on his part, how dare you think that): 'The KKK is no worse than the Southern Poverty Law Center.' 


Honestly, I won't get into this any more than that, because the thread should not be steered off topic, but I just wanted to point out that while I'm not saying that I, personally, think any sort of "action" should be taken against him, if moderators are looking for a repeated antagonist on issues we aren't allowed to discuss here, I don't think you have to look any further than the above post (and many others by the same author.)  That's all I'm going to say. 

Edited by BnaBreaker
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Oh, how I love slaying the sacred cows of the left. :yahoo:



~~BNA, seeing as how you augmented your post from your original one liner (since you couldn't respond to the substance of my point), I will say that I responded to UTGrad's comment about the SPLC being some sort of credible organization to be labelling others "hate groups" (in the case of the guy who put up that ugly statue). It is a thoroughly discredited group, with the ONLY people that pay any attention to it are those on the extreme left of the political spectrum (who love having anyone to their right labelled as "hate groups.") Obviously, you are one of those who actually believes it has credibility (and I have no doubt you didn't read that article exposing it). I know you hate having your belief system shaken and wish to shut up those who dare try to question it. Seriously, dude, get some perspective. It's embarrassing.

Edited by fieldmarshaldj
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Stop what ? Telling the truth ? My arguments have a basis in logic and reason and reality, and backed up with facts. Rather than attempt to address the indictment I make of the SPLC, you turn it solely on me, responding with the usual personal, reactionary Alinskyite attacks on me, and demands I be silenced. You can't handle ANY disagreement that shakes your biases, so you flip out. You just keep proving my point time and time again.

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I am interested in the views of all the members of this board... and while would not equate the KKK with the SPLC I would agree that neither have any particular standing with my views.

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Enough of the political BS. All I did was make a comment. I did not say I endorse their opinion. I just read it somewhere. Take it with a grain of salt. If you trust the SPLC, fine. If you don't, equally fine. My comment was NOT an opinion on the matter. Don't read too much into it.


Leave the political crap in the coffee house...it does not need to be polluting the development threads. Verständlich?

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Guest 5th & Main Urbanite

When I was in the hotel business people used to ask me all the time who the guy was riding the horse surrounded by flags. I think it is mostly ignored by Nashvillian's, but noticed by out of towners. However, that part of town is redeveloping rather quickly and that land may be worth more than the monument at some point. It won't be there forever.


Back to the built environment....


By the fall we should see some major development happening behind the MCC, with two hotels starting and the new police precinct. 

I am interested in the views of all the members of this board... 


While my good friend Todd and I don't agree on much, we always enjoy our conversations. I know FMDJ. He is a good guy and Davy is always welcome here, although he and I are diametrically opposed on most issues, I welcome his input.

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Saw that article this morning. Great news for this area. I am glad you guys are posting these articles. I don't have to do all the work now which is great. We have a great group of folks here even though we don't always agree.


Welcome to the board Griz83. Make sure you come to the forum meet.

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