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Everything posted by DH17

  1. I am very excited. I am also morbidly curious if the pandemic will have an impact on the accuracy and ability to report data consistently. On the one hand, many are now at home, but on the other hand, everyone is quite a bit distracted.
  2. Fantastic maps! Well, terrible maps given the situation, but fascinating look at the data. Would you mind sharing a rough color legend even if outside of the map you just shared?
  3. Does anyone know about the brick foundation across the street from this? Towards the cemetery? I suppose it's an older building that was torn down when 6th st. came through, but not even sure where to look.
  4. This has been a rumor to varying degrees for a while now, I believe this is tied to the Econ Dev thread as well. Wonder if they are the 2nd half of the Spectrum development or South End's new tallest across the street? Who knows with the pandemic but if they are serious and it's not Spec, I wonder if either could still start by the end of this year.
  5. My guess though is that bounces back very quickly. Sure, "non-essential" medical procedures have been postponed, but the latent demand in the population is still there, unlike certain types of retail/conventions/travel/etc.
  6. I think the article makes a great point on the RNC. I hope we are able to have it as scheduled so long as it is safe from a public health perspective - would be a massive shot in the arm for the region's service sector and jumpstart the local hospitality industry.
  7. This building dominates the skyline from East blvd in the westernmost part of Dilworth. Noticed that this morning and can't wait until Lowe's breaks the tree-line as well.
  8. I do think you are quite possibly right on the first and second parts (massive run down and a test on the previous low, quite likely beyond that low). The markets can act irrational longer than people can remain solvent, but only for so long. The pain on main street will eventually reach wall street if it goes on long enough, no matter how much money the Fed pumps. Now for the third part (end of USD) - I think there is still yet slack in our monetary policy. Maybe I just have too much faith in the system, but I still think printing is relatively irrelevant for a long time. Eventually we will have the pay the piper, but I'm not this bearish on the third point. Yet. I hope my more positive take is closer to reality when all of this is said and done. I do definitely appreciate the input you bring to this thread and the board, A2.
  9. Same, currently I am on a 13th floor as well. Might have been an omen, we'll see.
  10. Unfortunately Lombardy has been on a lockdown for over 3 weeks now. We might be waiting a while before we see new cases reduce significantly.
  11. Not A2, but it just means that the 50-day moving average crossed below the 200-day moving average. Not sure it really means anything in this case as it was bound to happen since we had such a massive decline. It's not truly predictive, in that everyone can literally see it coming on the chart a mile away, but it is an indicator that we are in bear territory (again, everyone knew that we were given what just happened).
  12. Just to speak a little on the "average" casual investor, I was speaking with a coworker of mine on Monday (via IM since we are all WFH) who thought 401(K)s are just fancy savings accounts and that they were guaranteed to keep at least what they put in. Let's just say a lot of late millennials (currently in their mid-late 20's) have no idea what is about to hit all of us. When this started diving in earnest I moved my investments to the safest possible places, and otherwise will only be paying down debt in the mean time. I'll hop back in after a few months but I'm struggling to think of any time in history with simultaneous Demand and Supply shocks like this. My background is Economics, not Finance, but it doesn't take John Maynard Keynes to think that the GS analysis earlier in this thread is blowing smoke. Edit: I wish I had my first Macro teacher providing his insight on all of this. That guy was a genius and would have amazing insight right about now
  13. Born in West Michigan near the lake. My family left Michigan during the '08 recession, landing in Virginia near Blacksburg/VT. When choosing colleges I picked Chapel Hill over UVA and VT - I guess I wanted another fresh start and UNC's campus is just perfect in April. Fast forward 4 years, and with a good job offer in Uptown and a sibling now living in the area, it made perfect sense to come here to start out. Over the past several years I have called Charlotte home, I've grown to love this place and see it as one that I could live in for a very long time. I'm not ready to truly settle down yet, but Charlotte is absolutely on a very tiny short-list of places I want to spend most of my career. I've both brought many friends (including my roommate) with me and met many new friends so far. My next goal is to get my other sibling and my parents to move down here, with my local sibling and I having varying degrees of success with those two goals. I also will be in the market for a house in the near future if I don't decide on grad school first. We'll see what the future brings, but I expect Charlotte to be at least some degree of home for a long time to come.
  14. That's my running trail I was able to get past the fence down there this weekend (thought it was related to Duke clearing brush under the power lines near Litaker/Walnut), but came across some workers and they kindly sent me back the other way.
  15. That angle at night makes it feel like a picture of a city twice our actual size!
  16. Mind elaborating on this? NC and Kentucky are the two best states for college basketball fandom by far.
  17. Probably coming as soon as tomorrow night. Keep an eye on late next week too, trend is colder and wet. Probably a cold rain, but good chance another deep freeze late in the 3rd week of the month which will hold off spring (and pollen) for a little while at least.
  18. Coming from a different thread - the above is relating to the RFP we should hear about relatively soon based on the original timeline (120-180 days after the 3 finalists are announced - they were announced in October). Really interested in what comes of this - hoping Phase 2 can start by the end of this year or early 2021, but there are still a lot of unknowns.
  19. Care to elaborate? I'll say this has all seemed painfully slow so far with Phase 1 development. Wondering if the RFP for Phase 2 will come back with bad options no one really wants to go with.
  20. Wouldn't this be in the way of the new Silver Line alignment? Or am I mistaken in where this would fit in on the Central City Development google map?
  21. This building feels wider than I pictured it would. I suppose dimensions can be deceiving, but the renderings made me feel this would be thinner than it is. Not complaining at all - I think that's a great thing - but just an observation.
  22. What about in 2022? We will have a high-priority senate election that year, but depending how 2020 goes not sure which way the political tide will be going state-wide. I would hate having to wait until 2024 to see this up on the ballot.
  23. Hoping that's a testing/timing issue on "cured". Otherwise that's a lot of people quite sick for a long time.
  24. I absolutely love now having skyline shots that face AWAY from Uptown. What a change a few years make, and it's mind-boggling how even more different this view will look just a few short years from now.
  25. Considering how ill I felt when I last ate there, can't say I am disappointed
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