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Everything posted by DH17

  1. Excited about the Digital Transformation/Tech group they want here in Charlotte. If they are serious about investment in this, that's easily 500+ workers right there.
  2. Would just like to remark on the 'ScoopM' ad in the foreground. I walk by it every day on the way to work. Maybe I should download it and give it a try.... No idea how they are still in business or of anyone that has ever actually used them.
  3. Really sad about this one. They had $2.50 drafts during the football off-season and had a fun trivia environment. Ah well, at least there are other options around town.
  4. I've become a pessimist the past few years of living in the South. With that in mind, bring on the 33 degree rain!
  5. I realize much has been made recently of Nashville and they are indeed red hot. Charlotte is just hotter. By taking the yearly rate of growth for the last 7 years, I estimate the following population changes between 2010 and 2020 censuses: Nashville: +93,000 residents, 15% 10-yr growth rate Charlotte: +186,000 residents, 25% 10-yr growth rate
  6. I totally agree with this. There is nothing wrong with that mindset and the fintech here works well for the banks and financial companies. However, the true "tech" firms are such a different beast than a "traditional" industry that has developed technology capabilities to complement what they already do.
  7. They are trying to support a good work-life balance. /s
  8. So much for my Whitewater Center season pass. Way too many weekends this fall with terrible weather only to be followed by days of sun monday-friday.
  9. It's gonna be a heck of a lot of sleet here in Charlotte. Hopefully trends more towards snow than just freezing rain. Tight gradient N to S as well.
  10. Fully expecting a sleetstorm with freezing rain, but would be elated to get mostly snow. Or maybe we all just get rain just to spite any snow-lovers even more.
  11. AIG has expanded to portions of other floors Uptown and is completing renovations/expansions in their current space in Uptown and South Park. Of course LU2 is 2-3 years away from full completion so could still be in the cards. AIG's office space in the US is a mix of suburban and very urban, but they like to have their own dedicated space.
  12. VERY long ways out on this one, but liking the potential so far. Euro and GFS op runs and ensemble runs both look good for some wintry weather this coming weekend. NWS has already bit on putting it in their discussion, which is very early for them. Of course I won't hold my breath until Thursday or Friday. Good winter storms are so hard to get in the South.
  13. This might be a dumb question, but why aren't things like that caught during the permitting process? How much of the technical design is considered beyond meeting zoning and ordinance requirements? Or would something like this more likely be a failure during the construction process where the design wasn't followed properly?
  14. Agreed on this. I live in one of the mid-rises and I'd say the median age is around 29 or so and average age is probably mid 30s. For as many on my end of the age spectrum there are late middle-aged couples or even a few near-retirement-aged tenants. South End is a much different story, depending on the complex.
  15. Well, we are the Queen City. I suppose the nobility needs their land somewhere.
  16. Sure, I will take a stab at this. I love Charlotte and never run out of things to do, but could understand the lack of things to do if I were a new arrival with few/no friends (I have a lot of college friends who came here) or a different lifestyle preference/set of expectations. In other cities, you can visit historical districts or areas with a powerful 'vibe'. I'm not talking about NoDa or Plaza, I'm talking about a full culture that is distinctive and built out. Think Country Music/Broadway and Nashville, South Beach and Miami, The Strip in Vegas, Monuments/museums/Georgetown and DC, Chinatown or the Fish Market in SF, East Village, Hell's Kitchen, or a dozen other areas and NYC, etc. These districts are very well known, even globally, and it is usually a lot of fun to visit, explore, and enjoy these areas as a tourist or resident. Charlotte does not have such a well-known urban district with full character that you can truly 'lose yourself' in. I would argue that Atlanta somewhat struggles with this and Raleigh or Jacksonville definitely struggle with this, at least among the 'New South' cities. It is a result of our cities rapidly growing without an overwhelming 'culture' beyond being a great place to live and work. Give it enough time and one day the issue will likely solve itself. Now I realize that just because your city has these districts does not mean that you consistently visit them more than once or twice a year (if that) as a resident. However, the perception of these areas becomes a point of pride or notoriety and generally become considered as a place where things are 'happening'. If you don't have things to do, it is because you decided to not engage as these areas will ALWAYS have something specific going on. If I lived in Vegas and told a friend from elsewhere that 'I only visit The Strip once a year and otherwise stay home', the perception isn't that there is nothing to do but rather that I am excluding myself from what is already happening. There is a preconceived notion that things are always going on associated with that location. If I tell a friend from elsewhere that 'I only visit the South End breweries once a year', it sounds as if there is nothing to do and they aren't worth visiting as they have no other understanding of what is there. From my point of view, perception is key and, on a macro level, defines the mindset of thousands and millions of people in relation to how a city is viewed. This extends primarily to outsiders but I have also seen many people that I personally know that live in Charlotte have the same mindset. This is entirely my $0.02, and I welcome disagreement with my thoughts on this.
  17. That's the one! Hopefully they will open up the sidewalk again soon once the demo is out of the way. Do we have any renderings of what the police station will look like?
  18. I can confirm that they signed and plan on occupying the space when it opens. I'm not sure on the total size but do know it is going to be primarily for IT developers and production support folks, of which there are several hundred currently split between WeWork and University City. The main operations/call center hub in Charlotte will remain up in University City.
  19. I'll see what I can find out, but my source isn't on the development side of things so it would be second hand. The last I talked to him there were no delays he was aware of.
  20. The lot between the streetcar and the road closest to the front of the picture is. The rest are still used for parking.
  21. I love this project just because I get to walk by every day and see changes as they occur. Just wish I could keep my view from Trade St. towards DEC as I walk by!
  22. Well, as soon as they close the sidewalk I will have to change my walking commute down 5th. The other side is already closed further down due to the new police station, and I don't plan on jaywalking every day.
  23. I'm definitely no fan of Trump but am a fan of the national press and coverage our city will get. Short of Chicago '68, this will be good for the city in the long run.
  24. Given that it is publicly posted I now feel comfortable posting on this. Rumor is that AIG will significantly expand several back-end business functions in Charlotte. The company currently leases a full floor of the BB&T center. Expansion of the IT center has been very consistent but little-publicized. Not sure if new development will be focused Uptown or elsewhere.
  25. I was just about to post this. I'm glad to see this moving. It, along with Gateway station, will truly make Gateway Village fell connected to the rest of Uptown. Now I just need to remember to cross the street while walking to the office BEFORE I get to the construction site.
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