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Everything posted by 21jump

  1. When Hard Rock (then Sun Life) Stadium in Miami was in need of renovation, the city/county rejected using tax dollars for renovations. The Dolphins were in no danger of leaving South Florida, but the NFL told Miami they were unlikely to host another Super Bowl in their current stadium. That, plus fickle attendance for a sorry a-- team (I'm a Fins fan) forced owner Stephen Ross's hand. He made a deal with the county that he would pay for the $800 million renovation himself. He's one of the richest owners in the sport and, iirc, donated $800 million in two $400 million payments to the University of Michigan. In exchange for paying for the renovations, Dade County will pay Ross millions in tax dollars for events that the Stadium gets as a result of the renovations. Those events include World Cup games, World Cup Final, Superbowl, College Football playoff or Championship game, NCAA Final Four (with special tarps over the roof), International soccer matches, and other events that reach certain attendance marks. I can't remember the specifics, but I believe that Ross would be due the full $800 million he invested if South Florida got 1 of each event that was listed in the agreement. This could be an option to explore when it comes time for the Titans to build a new stadium.
  2. The Tennessean said 25k yesterday.
  3. That is one of my favorite skyscrapers. There is also a Ritz Carlton in the same building that takes up the higher floors in the building.
  4. Looks like it'll be tough to read if you're driving through town and do not know that it's a JW Marriott.
  5. New Interchange in Spring Hill FHA approved an interchange at Buckner Rd. and Interstate 65 in Spring Hill. This is desperately needed in that area and should significantly reduce traffic on US 31 and Lewisburg Pike south of Franklin. Work will commence within 8 years.
  6. I went to a food hall in Florence, Italy that was next to a bustling street market multiple times while visiting the city. I think it will be a great addition to Nashville. It will be nice to walk in, grab a beer at one place, then walk around the hall and decide what to eat between the numerous offerings. It would also be nice for a visiting family or large group of friends to sit and eat in one place when everyone wants something different. It will also be a great place for visitors who aren't mobile, or do not know how to utilize ride sharing services to try different types of "Nashville" cuisine without have to worry about traveling all over town.
  7. It would be cool if they would put one of those new Taco Bell Cantina on the first floor. Would be a good location for one, considering there would have previously been a Taco Bell on the site.
  8. Hypothetical situation: I was in Las Vegas last week for the Preds game (I'll post pics from inside the arena later if anyone is interested) and one of the tallest buildings in the city is unfinished and stalled indefinitely. The building exterior appears finished but there are several busted out windows, and I'm sure there is a moderate amount of mischievous activity that takes place on the site. Would you rather have Lake Palmer currently, or have the exterior of West End Summit completed with 50 or so busted out windows and fencing still around the site/ sidewalks closed? I think I'd take Lake Palmer.
  9. Redneck Riviera is referring to the one they're building in Foley, AL, in an amusement/theme park that has recently opened up. It miles from the beaches of Gulf Shores and Orange Beach. I also believe they are opening one in Huntsville as well.
  10. I know two people who live in vans and they absolutely love it. For them, it has nothing to do with affordability, they make enough money to live comfortably in a nice apartment. Neither of them "look" like they're living out of their vehicles and each has a car they drive to go back and forth to work. One guy renovated the entire inside and it has a laminate floor, stove, top, loveseat, mini fridge, a sink, and a full size mattress. These two vans look like crap, but some people enjoy that lifestyle.
  11. The LED lights were flashing blue and gold Sunday night for the Preds. Was really cool, but still pretty dim.
  12. We are nowhere near the rent of Chigago/NYC/SF. While rent in Nashville may be increasing, it is still considerably cheaper than rent in those cities for what you get.
  13. Looks like 2016 Census Metropolitan Area estimates are out today. Metropolitan Nashville is still growing steadily adding approximately 36,000 new residents between July 2015 and July 2016. https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?src=bkmk
  14. What gets lost in the San Diego stadium plan is, not only did Spanos (Chargers owner) want the city to finance the stadium, he wanted the new stadium to go downtown next to the convention center. The city gov and the residents wanted the new stadium in Mission Valley where Qualcomm Stadium currently sits. San Diegans were not on board with putting a stadium that would sit empty 335+ days a year in a thriving, up and coming part of downtown; especially with the convention center looking at the same location for future expansion for ComiCon. This would essentially be the equivalent of Adams demanding putting Nissan Stadium's replacement in SoBro next to the Music City Center without even considering keeping the stadium on the East Bank. I believe city voters would have voted yes on measures C (public financing of the stadium) and D (hotel room tax increase to finance stadium) had Spanos pushed for the Mission Valley site. Sorry for the non-Nashville rambling, I'm not even a Chargers fan, but I live and work in Mission Valley and know a couple of people who are out of jobs now because they do not want to move to LA for this organization. It hits a sour note for me.
  15. Seeing the DMX bark typed out, to begin a post, just made my day!
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