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Could be quite a change in the SEC West next near; Nutt won't be at Arkansas, Orgeron won't be at Ole Miss, Miles may not be at LSU, and now there are rumors about Tuberville leaving Auburn. :wacko:

Yeah there's been rumors about Tuberville for a while. Seems like he just never got along with some of the Auburn boosters or something. He has Arkansas ties so they could be going after him. Especially if Butch Davis is no longer interested in the job. Supposedly Ole Miss is pretty interested in Nutt. That would certainly make things 'interesting' if a couple of coaches switched SEC West teams.

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In addition to the offseason melodrama, the departure of McFadden, Jones, Hillis, and Monk after this season probably figured into his decision as well. Next season, with or without Nutt, looks to be rough. If there was ever a time to leave, it's now. Imagine a losing record next year when most of the state already wants you out. It would be a bloodbath. Going out with a big win, maybe the biggest win in the last 20 years, is a smart move, in my opinion, whatever the extenuating circumstances.

I really, really, really hope Arkansas can land a decent coach. The possibiliy of a well-known coach, with a proven track record, accepting an offer seems very slim to me. Hope I'm wrong.

Yeah I figured that played a large part on the decision. All of the drama wasn't going to go away that easily and with so many good players leaving. Next season was going to be rough and you know that would get the drama going again.

I wonder if they are going for a more well known coach or looking for someone new. You might come across a good coach, but you might also end up with someone like Stan Heath. Nice guy but just didn't fit.

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Yeah I figured that played a large part on the decision. All of the drama wasn't going to go away that easily and with so many good players leaving. Next season was going to be rough and you know that would get the drama going again.

I wonder if they are going for a more well known coach or looking for someone new. You might come across a good coach, but you might also end up with someone like Stan Heath. Nice guy but just didn't fit.

Going for a unknown might be the better option, look at what happened when SC and AL spent big bucks to get a well known coach. I realize that as head coach that person has the end responsibilty for the team but sometimes it seems the head coach gets to much credit when things go good and too much blame when things go in the dumper. The college season this year proves that on any given night any Div. 1 team can beat another, regardless of who the coaches are.

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Not trying to toot my horn, but remember this thread...a name that keeps resurfacing (and is making my fellow Red Raider fans uneasy) is Texas Tech head coach Mike Leach, whom Aporkalypse and I have discussed here before.

He's never had a losing season in eight years (his only ones as an HFC) at Texas Tech. He and new Razorback AD Jeff Long were at Oklahoma before their departures for Tech and Pittsburgh, respectively. I don't know that he'd be a fit - they call him TSO (The Strange One) in Lubbock. Where other coaches would normally be gladhanding alumni groups across the state, he'd rather be surfing or rollerblading or whatever. Brilliant guy, though.

And he's got to be looking at the PARADE of players, namely, quarterbacks, that have started coming out of Arkansas (most of them leaving) the past few years and be thinking "Man, what we could do with THEM..." (He even signed one of them, Stefan Loucks from Little Rock Pulaski Academy.)

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Well, I'm sure Nutt will be doing ok next year in Mississippi. I don't think they could do any worse. I wish we could get a coach who is from Arkansas, like Nutt, and motivates his players to play like they should and even better, like Nutt. However, I hope he is more non-emotional play caller who can really crank out the good timely plays. We looked like a genius team by the end of the LSU game, but I think there are some crucial monumental plays that have surfaced that past few years that could have been called better at the end of the game.

Last night during the press conference I tried not to read too much into the verbage of the chancellor and Nutt and Broyles. The time for being honest and upfront was passed already, however it seemed they presented a unified front of supporting Nutt and his good deeds while expressing his decision to leave was what he decided and seemed inevitable from the toll on his family. However, some of the facts are interestings that were presented, and who knows or who cares if they were really honest or not. They told us what we need to know, and I think that was good and why they were confident of what they said.

However, I can't seem to figure how John White compensated for removing the "golden handcuffs" from Nutt's contract by making it seem like a termination (in terms of benefits received). I figure, surely it is ok for our university to remove contractual obligation by Nutt to not have to pay penalties for resigning early. However, does that mean we have to pay him an extra $2 million compensation? He was saying this in plain sight, but did I hear it right or mishear it? He didn't give the details on the compensation but I think he eluded to it being known. Anyways, the removal of penalties to be paid does not obviously mean that we should pay him extra to leave on his own terms. So what is the verdict? I guess the verdict is I shouldn't read too much into it because the time has passed for them to be honest probably. Just hope that the Razorback foundation is separate of university funding.

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I imagine everyone now knows Nutt is heading to Ole Miss. For them to set all of this up it seemed like pretty bad timing. It looks pretty convincing that Nutt basically was fired, the real reason why he's getting all the money. It really happened a little while back which is why Nutt already had Ole Miss job set up so quickly. What I find the most ironic about the whole situation is how many of the pro-Nutt fans are. After many of them complained when people said they were going to start rooting for Tulsa and how those people weren't 'true fans'. Now many of them are rooting not just for Ole Miss, but for Ole Miss to beat Arkansas. I hate to say it but I get the feeling the drama isn't going to end anytime soon. Before it was the strongly anti Nutt people that seemed to keep all the drama going. Now it seems to strongly pro Nutt crowd is going to do the same thing. I haven't seen anything come out yet but I'm hearing a number of players aren't planning on participating on the bowl. I'm hoping this is just a knee jerk reaction and that some will change their mind as time goes on. But I suppose it's possible we could be fielding a 'depleted' team at the bowl game. I still think in the long run Nutt leaving was the best thing to do to try to get over all this drama. But unfortunately it looks like the drama might not be ending as soon as I had hoped.

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I imagine everyone now knows Nutt is heading to Ole Miss. For them to set all of this up it seemed like pretty bad timing. It looks pretty convincing that Nutt basically was fired, the real reason why he's getting all the money. It really happened a little while back which is why Nutt already had Ole Miss job set up so quickly. What I find the most ironic about the whole situation is how many of the pro-Nutt fans are. After many of them complained when people said they were going to start rooting for Tulsa and how those people weren't 'true fans'. Now many of them are rooting not just for Ole Miss, but for Ole Miss to beat Arkansas. I hate to say it but I get the feeling the drama isn't going to end anytime soon. Before it was the strongly anti Nutt people that seemed to keep all the drama going. Now it seems to strongly pro Nutt crowd is going to do the same thing. I haven't seen anything come out yet but I'm hearing a number of players aren't planning on participating on the bowl. I'm hoping this is just a knee jerk reaction and that some will change their mind as time goes on. But I suppose it's possible we could be fielding a 'depleted' team at the bowl game. I still think in the long run Nutt leaving was the best thing to do to try to get over all this drama. But unfortunately it looks like the drama might not be ending as soon as I had hoped.

I think you're probably correct in your assessment. If he left of his own accord, why in the world would the players boycott the bowl? You don't pay a buyout for a coach to voluntarily resign.

Some of our basketball players were leaving until they sat down with Pelphrey and that was nipped in the bud very quickly.

I think we'll hear an announcement by the end of the week about a new coach and it will be someone we'll all be VERY excited about, it's been in the works for two weeks.

KJW, Leach will take the job if offered. He's in the second tier of candidates, though.

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KJW, Leach will take the job if offered. He's in the second tier of candidates, though.

What info do you have on Leach. I don't know really know much but one person I talked to today acted like he hoped he didn't get the job. But he never really went into detail why.

I'm also wondering does anyone think there's a coach out there that can help put this division between the fans aside? The bad thing is overall I think a strong winning season is what it's really going to take. But unfortunately I don't think that's going to happen very soon. Even if we got a really good coach, you'd think it might take a couple of years before we got some pretty good positive effects.

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However, I can't seem to figure how John White compensated for removing the "golden handcuffs" from Nutt's contract by making it seem like a termination (in terms of benefits received). I figure, surely it is ok for our university to remove contractual obligation by Nutt to not have to pay penalties for resigning early. However, does that mean we have to pay him an extra $2 million compensation? He was saying this in plain sight, but did I hear it right or mishear it? He didn't give the details on the compensation but I think he eluded to it being known. Anyways, the removal of penalties to be paid does not obviously mean that we should pay him extra to leave on his own terms. So what is the verdict? I guess the verdict is I shouldn't read too much into it because the time has passed for them to be honest probably. Just hope that the Razorback foundation is separate of university funding.

We'd have to see the contract to be sure, but a provision making the whole amount payable to Nutt immediately on signing is not unheard of, with yearly/monthly/whatever salary disbursements being merely a payment plan of sorts to retire the university's obligation to Nutt over x years. As far as I know, the contract is confidential and probably not subject to a FOIA request. A court would likely put the agreement under seal anyway.

Wouldn't it be nice to have such an employment arrangement? Sigh . . .

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KJW, Leach will take the job if offered. He's in the second tier of candidates, though.

Thanks, Aporkalypse...given the way you're talking about the "two week" deal it sounds like a strong possibility the "first tier" candidate could come through.

Given what Arkansas fans have come to expect in their coach I really didn't think Leach would be a good personality fit. Tech is now too "high tier" of a job for him to make a lateral or downward move to other jobs (i.e. Southern Miss, Colorado State, even Ole Miss when it was available) but Leach seems to have put himself in a quandary - he's still young (46), and apparently is ready to leave Lubbock for "the right job" but seems so set in his unique ways that he discourages those for whom he might work (i.e. the University of Miami job vacancy last year).

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Apparently ex Steeler coach Bill Cower was on campus today. Supposedly he's not being offered the job but it seems like an odd coincidence. Also it sounds like Malzahn isn't being offered the job. I think he would have been a pretty big long shot but I think a few people had him as a potential dark horse candidate. As I mentioned before it doesn't sound like Butch Davis is likely. Sounds like even Tuberville isn't too likely either. I suppose one thing that might limit things is that the university is wanting to hire someone as quickly as possible to get recruiting going. So the option to wait around for other potential candidates might not be a possibility. Some names I've heard mentioned a lot (among others) Navy coach Paul Johnson, Texas Tech coach Mike Leach, Brent Venables Oklahoma defensive coordinator, and Lane Kiffin Oakland Raider coach.

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I've been looking up some info on Mike Leach, myself. I now realize he's the one who had the controversy when he criticized Big 12 officials for being partial to the University of Texas. He's knows for his offensive oriented teams. I don't know if his style would appeal to everyone. But if we were going to lose a game I'd rather watch a wide open offense that will try just about anything over a rather mundane running attack. That's just my opinion though. After watching the Razorbacks occasionally use some trick plays and interesting formations, I'd hate to go back to a more conservative offense. I think that type of offense can work in the SEC. The main problem is just getting the right players to make it work.

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I think we'll hear an announcement by the end of the week about a new coach and it will be someone we'll all be VERY excited about, it's been in the works for two weeks.

KJW, Leach will take the job if offered. He's in the second tier of candidates, though.

You sound like you know something that none of the rest of us do. I don't want to wait anymore, I want to be VERY excited now. :w00t:

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I've been looking up some info on Mike Leach, myself. I now realize he's the one who had the controversy when he criticized Big 12 officials for being partial to the University of Texas. He's knows for his offensive oriented teams. I don't know if his style would appeal to everyone. But if we were going to lose a game I'd rather watch a wide open offense that will try just about anything over a rather mundane running attack. That's just my opinion though. After watching the Razorbacks occasionally use some trick plays and interesting formations, I'd hate to go back to a more conservative offense. I think that type of offense can work in the SEC. The main problem is just getting the right players to make it work.

Leach is very eccentric as KJW said. His offenses are pass-only, unlike guys Kiffin, Spurrier, and Malzahn who are high octane but balanced. His record in the Big XII is similar to Nutt's. He's never gotten over the hump, he's consistently middle of the pack in the Big XII South, where defenses are not SEC caliber. I think this Mountain West-style offense won't work here.

I don't know much that's not public knowledge but right now I'd almost put money on Kiffin with Ole Miss's former HC Orgeron as DC. I think Tuberville's playing us to get more money out of Auburn and it looks like he pulled off a raise and contract extension today (unsigned). Kiffin seems genuinely interested and apparently he and Al Davis are not getting along. He's very young and a terrific recruiter. His offenses at USC put up 120+ points in two games against us.

Everybody keeps saying we'll have this wrapped up by Friday regardless of who we take. I hope that's correct.

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I imagine everyone now knows Nutt is heading to Ole Miss. For them to set all of this up it seemed like pretty bad timing. It looks pretty convincing that Nutt basically was fired, the real reason why he's getting all the money. It really happened a little while back which is why Nutt already had Ole Miss job set up so quickly. What I find the most ironic about the whole situation is how many of the pro-Nutt fans are. After many of them complained when people said they were going to start rooting for Tulsa and how those people weren't 'true fans'. Now many of them are rooting not just for Ole Miss, but for Ole Miss to beat Arkansas. I hate to say it but I get the feeling the drama isn't going to end anytime soon. Before it was the strongly anti Nutt people that seemed to keep all the drama going. Now it seems to strongly pro Nutt crowd is going to do the same thing. I haven't seen anything come out yet but I'm hearing a number of players aren't planning on participating on the bowl. I'm hoping this is just a knee jerk reaction and that some will change their mind as time goes on. But I suppose it's possible we could be fielding a 'depleted' team at the bowl game. I still think in the long run Nutt leaving was the best thing to do to try to get over all this drama. But unfortunately it looks like the drama might not be ending as soon as I had hoped.

I think an initial strong reaction had to be expected. A lot of people feel Nutt and his family were bullied and harassed in a personal way that was totally uncalled for, no matter what the sports related situation was. I also think that everyone should support the the program, not turn on it because you don't like an individual in that program or because things didn't turn out the way you wanted. That goes for both sides of the debate.

Now is the time to get a new coach and AD and hopefully, over time, the fan base can be reunited. I think everyone will keep in the back of their minds who was on what side but will support the the new coaching staff and players. I certainly look forward to a great bowl game (anyone heard any more about that?) and to a new start next season. I'll still be buying my season ticket, showing up at each game and calling those Hogs!

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I think an initial strong reaction had to be expected. A lot of people feel Nutt and his family were bullied and harassed in a personal way that was totally uncalled for, no matter what the sports related situation was. I also think that everyone should support the the program, not turn on it because you don't like an individual in that program or because things didn't turn out the way you wanted. That goes for both sides of the debate.

Now is the time to get a new coach and AD and hopefully, over time, the fan base can be reunited. I think everyone will keep in the back of their minds who was on what side but will support the the new coaching staff and players. I certainly look forward to a great bowl game (anyone heard any more about that?) and to a new start next season. I'll still be buying my season ticket, showing up at each game and calling those Hogs!

Good point, I guess I was just hoping to get over all the drama as soon as possible. As far as as a bowl is concerned if LSU wins the SEC Championship we should go to the Cotton Bowl. If Tennessee wins it sounds like LSU will end up at the Cotton Bowl instead and we'll drop a little. I'm just not sure how far.

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Leach is very eccentric as KJW said. His offenses are pass-only, unlike guys Kiffin, Spurrier, and Malzahn who are high octane but balanced. His record in the Big XII is similar to Nutt's. He's never gotten over the hump, he's consistently middle of the pack in the Big XII South, where defenses are not SEC caliber. I think this Mountain West-style offense won't work here.

Let me partially correct you, Aporkalypse. (And I say "partially" because I don't fully understand Leach a.k.a. "TSO"'s mind.)

Tech has a Rivals 4-star running back from Oklahoma committed, they're playing a true frosh rb from Memphis who was the Tennessee "Mr. Football" for 5A (he is the son of a former Parade all-American and was offered by Arkansas) and they have 2 Texas 5A all-state running backs in the stable (one backing up the Memphis guy, the other redshirting due to injury). And this is AFTER TSO had relegated his starting RB, the Big XII returning all-purpose yardage leader at season's beginning, to scout team status for ego and legal troubles.

When TSO decides to run the ball along with passing for a lot of yards, Tech wins. (i.e. their 35-7 win over Texas A & M, a 7-5 team despite their now-departed coach, and their win over now 10-2 Oklahoma). Thing is, sometimes TSO just forgets, or seems to forget, the run.

That being said, he's eccentric indeed, and would at best be an acquired taste for many Razorback fans. That being said - some here may remember Tech's stadium (which was probably worse although a bit bigger than Bentonville High's stadium of today) and facilities back in the SWC days. They have dramatically improved Tech's Jones Stadium (and Tech's entire campus) and have built wonderful new football facilities, and TSO has been instrumental in helping that since his hiring. He's also been instrumental in making Tech a much more well-known name in college football circles than it ever was. His top QB (Sammy Baugh award for top passing QB this year) and WR (Almost a shoo-in for this season's Biletnikoff award for WRs) are likely to be pre-season Heisman candidates next season. Plus (loyalty is a good fault of his) he let go his defensive coordinator four games into the season this year (the coordinator gave Leach his first coaching job, but due to family problems simply wasn't getting the job done), and is getting some Rivals 4-star players on the d side of the ball coming in. (One HAS to have defene to win, in the Big XII, the SEC or anywhere.) Despite TSO's quirkiness he's accomplished a lot, and if he can tough it out at Tech one more year and get 10 or more wins with his talent he'll be a very hot commodity next season. Again, that's after never having had a losing season in his only years as a head coach, all in Lubbock.

Todays Times says he and the Oakland coach are two names that have emerged for the Razorbacks hfc job...I'm relying on (COUNTING ON) your comments that Leach is and at this time will remain second tier, Aporkalypse. :thumbsup:

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Read into it what you will but Tuberville didn't officially sign his extension yet. I'm not saying that means he's wanting to come to Arkansas or will. But there's some options out there. Sounds like Herring is speaking out for the position himself. Overall things have been pretty 'quiet' and it's hard to tell what direction Long is looking for a new coach.

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Read into it what you will but Tuberville didn't officially sign his extension yet. I'm not saying that means he's wanting to come to Arkansas or will. But there's some options out there. Sounds like Herring is speaking out for the position himself. Overall things have been pretty 'quiet' and it's hard to tell what direction Long is looking for a new coach.

That's a good sign. Quiet = good, it's just frustrating.

Tuberville's still in play.

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Read into it what you will but Tuberville didn't officially sign his extension yet. I'm not saying that means he's wanting to come to Arkansas or will. But there's some options out there. Sounds like Herring is speaking out for the position himself. Overall things have been pretty 'quiet' and it's hard to tell what direction Long is looking for a new coach.

Herring's been impressive with defense quite recently, but overall I don't know if I'd want him at head coach. It'd be hard to say since we haven't seen much of how he could perform in that capacity. The bowl game might be a good insight into that.

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Herring's been impressive with defense quite recently, but overall I don't know if I'd want him at head coach. It'd be hard to say since we haven't seen much of how he could perform in that capacity. The bowl game might be a good insight into that.

Yeah it would, but the bad thing is I don't think they're going to wait that long to decide on a coach. Sounds like they are hoping to make a decision soon. I don't think they want to wait a little over a month to decide. So Herring might not have a good shot. Honestly I get the feeling the only real shot he has is if they can't work anything out with any of the other candidates.

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It looks doubtful that Tuberville is coming to Arkansas. I don't think we ever had a chance to lure Tuberville though.

Tuberville, Auburn agree in principle to contract extension

Yeah they agreed in principle, but he supposedly was going to sign it the next day and didn't. Some of the local news has even reported that it sounds like at least one SEC West coach is interested in the job. They haven't said who but most people are assuming that it's Tuberville. But like I said before, that doesn't mean he's coming here. He could be extremely interested but unless the U of A has a lot of money to get him out of his contract at Auburn or they just basically let him out of it I don't know if anything will happen. NFL contracts are hard to get out of as well so that causes problems for the supposedly top two candidates.

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