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IMPORTANT TO KNOW, in case you don't:

Daylight Savings Time has been adjusted as a result of The Energy Policy Act of 2005 which will extend daylight savings time by four weeks beginning this year.

Move your clocks ahead one hour by 2AM on Sunday, March 11th, 2007 and turn them back at 2AM on Sunday, November 4th, 2007.

See the Times Dispatch story below:


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I've been going through a ton of newspaper I've been saving from as far back as 1990. Man to look back at old planning articles and see what changed about projects or what didn't even get the green light is amazing. I have so far stopped at 2003. The bulk of the enjoyable reads were in 1999 and 2000. They really brought tears to my eyes remembering the better days. The news these days and even reporting is so boring. My life's even extremely boring at the moment and I long for those days when I was younger.

I've been taking time to go through my digital and physical junk. I've deleted thousands of files and today thre out 6 paper bags filled with newspaper... I have 2004 - 2006 to go and for some reason 1998 is missing and I do remember some of those articles, especially the one with the verdict of a trial where I served... I remember reading it on the way to Lynchburg, the last time my grandmother and I went on a bus trip. I have been swimming in memories of better days. Aside from my cleaning, it's just work work work.

My computer has been formatted and I'll be putting in a new hard drive to store all my pics, which I will eventually sort and replace back online, unedited. The last sets left on my card, I looked at on my mother's new computer and all my pics did not need to be lightened. On my screen everything is very dark even with the monitor at its brightest. But I'll get a new one some day down the line. I'm pricing them and cameras.

My grandmother and I are at my aunt's right now though until it gets warm because we had a chimney fire thanks to a malfunctioning early 1950s kerosene oil-burning stove which had a leak a few months ago (if anyone remembers) and since that was fixed, it was not burning much at all. Then they fixed it and then it started burning way too much, with no control. So luckily, we didn't lose anything. But most of my stuff is here (I have a room here where I've stored half of my stuff, books, art, clothes, the newspapers...), and since I have it combined here, I'm sorting through it each night doing to bed at dawn. I should be done later on this week and I can get my life back kinda. I had just completed one part of my New Year's resolution and fate helps with the other part. The only thing is I've lost out on taking pictures this winter.

Winter is the best time to take pictures. The air is crisp, trees and people do not get in the way. Thugs don't look at you like you're crazy... Soon it'll be warm and all the bugs will come out, and I'll have to stock up on water again... then there will be pollen and I'll be suffering... and people will be literally hanging off their porches not knowing what to do! So until next winter, I'll have to look at the areas I want to record from google or msn.

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Ten years ago today was an exciting time. Finally, to be grown! Fast forward to today and *gasp!* the word young becomes relatively speaking. I have finished my look back in time, going through my newspaper articles and putting them in chronological order... it's left me with a wanting to go back. Oh father time, stop the train, I left something behind. I want to go back again. But no, it just goes on and on with no stops. So far the beginning of 2007 just isn't as exciting. Maybe it's all the work I'm doing? Maybe it's working late? Maybe it's just the times... where are the good times? Where's the hype? I need a new groove... or to get it back. The only advice I'll give for the young folks, is to soak it all up now, because memories are a wonderful thing for the times when you can hardly remember yesterday or the week is just one exhausting day.

So what's next? Let me stand on the threshold of future's doorway and search for the light in the dark.

So how's everyone on this side?

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The only advice I'll give for the young folks, is to soak it all up now, because memories are a wonderful thing for the times when you can hardly remember yesterday or the week is just one exhausting day.

I really needed to read this. I'm in my mid 20s and NOT living life to the fullest when I know I could actively be doing things to make life better. 10 years from now the only person I could blame if I do not change things now would be myself.

One thing I am actively doing is focusing on finding the right job so I can come back home. Things are looking good but I am taking it one step at a time.

Thx for sharing your advice, know you at least touched one person.

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Welcome sbc.. although I don't remember writing "one exhausting day"... if I did, I must have been exhausted! My message wasn't about wasting time, it was more about cherishing the good times to help you get through those that aren't as good. They'll help you get through. If I've empowered you, I'm glad. The thing I always tell people though, is have fun. Never stop doing that if you can help it.

It's just to me that now I've hit 28, I really miss my college years. Nothing was like that time period. I say again (and I know everyone always objects), the best year to have been born was 1979. Yes I said it! Things just fell in place during the 90s for the most part. I find myself in a lull right now, where things aren't as exciting or novel, the news isn't exciting (but that guy leaving those dvds along Hull was a hoot!), music is blah, and... maybe it's just me, I'm starting to find old ways where I just don't agree with the new. They had to mess with what was perfect.

Ask almost any producer, director or actor and you'll learn that TV pilots rarely get picked up. That has not deterred ABC from thinking seriously about producing a pilot based on The Martin Agency's Cavemen. :)


How long will it last do you think?

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Can anyone give me information about Univ of Richmond. I am currently looking into a graduate degree but would love to hear more first-hand information about the college. Some info that I'd appreciate are as follows:

How are the professors overall?

Are the staff helpful?

How is the career service department?

How are the job fairs?

What is the temperment of the student body?

Do you feel you got your values worth?

Anything additional would be great. BTW, I received my BA from W&M.

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From all I've heard, the U of R is one hot school! It is much in demand among the rich kids -- particularly those from the Northeast. Wealthy parents shell out something like $45k a year toward their offspring's tuition, including room and board. It is among the most beautiful campuses in the country. The school's endowment is over $5 billion.

Others younger and more knowledgable can answer most of your questions sbc.

Why don't you check out the VCU Development thread as well?

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AN IMPORTANT REMINDER: Next Sunday, March 11th at 2am, move your clock forward one hour. (Spring forward, Fall back :) .) Daylight Savings Time has been legislated to begin earlier and end later beginning this year.

I hope all the new fangled electrical and digital appliances and urbanplanet are programed to change our clocks automatically.

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Others younger and more knowledgable can answer most of your questions sbc.

Why don't you check out the VCU Development thread as well?

Awww, I actually never been through that thread (DOH!). Thanks for the advice

It would also depend on what graduate program(s) you are interested in.

Master of Acc.

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