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Va. Beach Towncenter project


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holy crap, beautiful pictures.  I would not of believed that was VB if I had just saw the TC pics.  It actually looks like a real downtown frm those shots.  It will probably never be a major noticed downtown on the east coast, but it will be VB's downtown. 

The combo of the Westin, the AH tower, Culumbus tower, the Cosmo and a collection of two story buildings.  It is actually starting to look like a downtown, then with the addition of city view and town square, I think the city will really be on to something there.

If you get a chance I would love a couple skyline pics from locations like the KMart, the "central park," or any other good spot to see all the buildings together.


Thanks and glad you liked the pics. Everything is really coming along nicely I think. Today was quite busy because of the festival but it was so cool to see so many people out. I will try and get you some more pics soon from Kmart and Central Park etc. I have a few others also that I hope to get.

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The building going up that vdogg is talking about is part of that resort area housing project.  I am sure that I have either seen it on here or maybe in the paper.  It's part one of three phases...  I have seen it in person but I am sure that I saw it online before that.


I believe you're referring to part of the OBC, and if thats the case that is incorrect. One building is almost complete. The other 2 will go in the property immediately adjacent to that building once they demolish a building on that land. I am referring to a structure going up that is on the opposite side of a building that is next to the OBC. It is not part of the OBC. Of this i am sure. guynvb, if you get a chance can you get down to that area and snap some photos so we can have some sort of referrence photo? In particular

I'd like a pic of the building being constructed with the yellow crane over it. If you could that would be great. It's driving me crazy trying to explain this to people without being able to show them anything.

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The squares you see in this pic are all part of the Ocean Beach Club project. The builiding i am referring to is going up immediately to the right of the building that is farthest to the right a the top of this picture.

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Here are just a few pics. This small pics seem to look fuzzy to me but hopefully you can get an idea. I hope to get skyline views from different areas later on.



Even Fuddruckers is updating their look.


The new Ethan Allen is set to open sometime this summer. It is on Columbus where the Navy Credit Union used to be.


really like the architectual details :)


For fun here are some old TC pics. It is really amazing how fast time goes.

Prolly one of the oldest, this was taken prob a couple yrs ago.


This was taken last year it seems. Look, no Cosmo!






A night shot during Christmas.


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I really wish that the pilot online would post the readers comments that they have in the normal pilot (in the hampton roads section ( B ) on the back pages). Needless to say, the NIMBYs are crawling out of the woodwork now. There were two comments absolutely trashing town center. They were talking about how Va. Beach should remain suburban and downtown is gonna bring major problems, but lacked any evidence or talking points to back their claim up. As for me, i have two questions:

1.) Where do these people come from? :angry:

2.) Can we send them back? :D

I hope this is not the start of some greater move towards nimbyism in our area. These columns seem to be popping up more and more. I wonder how well the Westin will be accepted when it is finally built. I think a lot of people are gonna be shocked by the size of it having a building so tall with not many (yet) other tall buildings around it.

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I think sometimes people are afraid of the unknown. Perhaps they think that building urban types of buildings is going to invite crime and such into the area. Of course we know better than that. These kind of upscale developments cater to the more wealthy residents not the mafia lol. Ok, that is extreme but hopefully you understand what I mean. And as another matter they should probably get used to it from now on. Our city is mostly built out and the only way to go is up. I say cheers to even more highrises! :D

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I think sometimes people are afraid of the unknown. Perhaps they think that building urban types of buildings is going to invite crime and such into the area. Of course we know better than that. These kind of upscale developments cater to the more wealthy residents not the mafia lol. Ok, that is extreme but hopefully you understand what I mean. And as another matter they should probably get used to it from now on. Our city is mostly built out and the only way to go is up. I say cheers to even more highrises!  :D


Yeah, i hear ya. It's just that these Nimbys get me so worked up sometimes. I have no problem with a different point of view so long as it has some rational sense behind it. It just seems like some of these people hate things just for the sake of hating it.

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This is great news really. From reading the interview it is going to take some time to get all these things done - from finding a major tenant for the proposed tower to getting all the retail to locate here in the old Taco Bell/Pilot area. I too was disappointed though that the walkover may or may not happen from TC to Pembroke Mall. In regards to retail , a while back Inside Business reported a retail store called Parisian was purportedly looking at this area (though they denied it). And regarding housing, as others have also said, the demand definitely seems to be here for upscale housing and that is great news. And speaking of redevelopment, hopefully soon the old FX building will be looked at by investors for redevelopment as well. That would be a great location for another mixed use project.


Good instincts, guy. Ya know, Parisian wanted to get into Lynnhaven Mall back in the early-mid 1990's but were blocked by Hechts and then by Proffits/Dillards. They've never really given up on Hampton Roads, though they'd probably deny even knowing who we were if you asked them! Also, Mr. Divaris cannot really say much about anything since these leasing negotiations/courtships tend to be highly sensitive beasts. What I do know is that Divaris is going after the retail--hard---after anyone and everyone who's anyone with an infectious and enthusiastic zeal. One example: After many brush-offs by the famed Cheesecake Factory, Mr. Divaris decided to fly to Charlotte to crash the Cheesecake Factory's grand opening there. He was able to gain access to the Chairman of Cheesecake Factory and to persuade him to fly up to Town Center a few months later. Mr. Divaris took the Chairman around in a helicopter over the oceanfront, above the bayfront and riverfront neighorhoods and around the monster intersection of Independence and VA Beach Blvd. Apparently, the Chairman was so surprised and impressed by the residences (he thought we were all hamburgers and beans type folk), by the density of development and by the traffic volume, and by Town Center, itself, that he decided that Cheesecake could not pass up the opportunity to sign on to Town Center. At present, the store is doing around 20-30 pct above the average Cheesecake Factory, placing it second only to Tyson's in the entire mid-Atlantic/South region! Our store is so dynamic inside (37 foot ceilings) and larger than the average store. In fact, Cheesecake is looking into making ours the prototype for future development! Just think, they're doing all this business now without the full force of tourist season and within a development that is still in its infancy! The future is bright, ladies and gentlemen!

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^Wow. I am really impressed! I would love to meet Mr. Divaris one day! Sounds like he is really the guy we need in Va Beach to help us out.


Mr. Divaris and Buddy Gadams are two people i'd love to meet.

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yeah I have meet Divaris when I was a kid. My mom use to work for several developers when I was growing up. anyway, he is a real nice guy and very sincere about everything he does. He wants this to work more than anyone else in VB and will see to it that it does. He has been trying to get this ball rolling for a long time and will not let it stop now that its going.

So any doubters of the TC being a real downtown someday soon, well they need to sit down with Divaris to see that yes VB will have its downtown. Just wish he would find a better architect. (thats a whole different story)

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It's amazing how far we have come in such a short time!


Its not THAT amazing. I mean, they built an office tower with a little retail and an apartment building. Whats so amazing about that? I guess that if all of these things come to fruition (i.e. Westin, Performing arts center, city view, town square) in the next few years, then I WILL be amazed!

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Its not THAT amazing. I mean, they built an office tower with a little retail and an apartment building. Whats so amazing about that? I guess that if all of these things come to fruition (i.e. Westin, Performing arts center, city view, town square) in the next few years, then I WILL be amazed!


For Va. Beach to get rid of the "suburban attitude" and even contemplate this, is amazing. Oh and if you lived here and actually witnessed what was a forest in the middle of the city transformed into an CBD in a short period of time, thats pretty amazing too. There is no need to belittle the accomplishments or progress made, you have to take everything in context. It's not like Va. Beach has been transformed into the great city of Troy overnight but there have been some marked accomplishments.

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For Va. Beach to get rid of the "suburban attitude" and even contemplate this, is amazing. Oh and if you lived here and actually witnessed what was a forest in the middle of the city transformed into an CBD in a short period of time, thats pretty amazing too. There is no need to belittle the accomplishments or progress made, you have to take everything in context. It's not like Va. Beach has been transformed into the great city of Troy overnight but there have been some marked accomplishments.


I am not belittling the accomplishments of Va. Beach at all, I just think people give it extraordinary amounts of acclaim. And like I said, once all of the announced developments are complete, it will absolutely be amazing.

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Here is a link to a briefing on the constrution of the performing arts center Performing arts center scroll down to the one titled "CM briefing: Theater Status" and click view council index. They show never before seen renderings of the inside of the theater. Looks pretty neat.


Hey, I watched the video presentation, and it looks like it's going to be a terrific facility. My only criticism deals with seating capacity - the fewer the seats, the higher the ticket costs. This is going to be a wonderful plus for TC. Congratulations to all of you in Hampton Roads.

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^ Thanks. I am excited about it. I am hoping to see a few shows there hopefully in the near future. A few years ago the city had a sing along at the Pavilion Theatre for Christmas and I really enjoyed that. By the way, they probably didn't build it larger b/c the public cried out about the $50 mil that was being spent for the construction of the facility.

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