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CONSTRUCTION THREAD: Mulberry at Pinckney


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This little in town village/neighborhood has started construction. Site prep is well underway. Definitely a cost affordable option for downtown:



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  • 6 months later...

This intown development is starting to take some form. The houses are going up and to my surprise, Mulberry Street has been redone....repaved with brick intersections and plantings. I would assume since this is a public street, this was the work of the city? So great to see this happening in this area!! In another thread we were talking about the redevelopment of Poinsett Highway in town....this development is between Poinsett and the downtown post office, right near the Pete Hollis area. This area is definitely coming back! :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Here's the website for the development:


Some of the first few homes under construction:


One of the multiple bricked intersections along Mulberry:



WOW! :yahoo: That intersection looks truly amazing. You're right, this area really is coming back. I'm putting this on my list of things to do, too.

Go the whole length of Mulberry....you'll be shocked. I was! :shok: There are SEVERAL intersections done like this.....new sidewalks.....plantings......it all runs the entire length of the street.

Also.......and maybe someone knows about this.....about a block off Washington, on Mulberry is a VERY large area where the old homes have been torn down.....site work is obviously underway for something new (and fairly sizable). The construction fence is up, but no sign yet. Construction equipment is on site. At first I thought it may be part of the Randolph Group development that this thread is about, but on second thought, it's 3 or 4 blocks away. Anybody know?


Go the whole length of Mulberry....you'll be shocked. I was! :shok: There are SEVERAL intersections done like this.....new sidewalks.....plantings......it all runs the entire length of the street.

Also.......and maybe someone knows about this.....about a block off Washington, on Mulberry is a VERY large area where the old homes have been torn down.....site work is obviously underway for something new (and fairly sizable). The construction fence is up, but no sign yet. Construction equipment is on site. At first I thought it may be part of the Randolph Group development that this thread is about, but on second thought, it's 3 or 4 blocks away. Anybody know?

I saw that a few weeks ago, and I was wondering if it might be some sort of park?


Well, I checked on the GIS site, and it looks like it belongs to a group from Atlanta. Sold to them by the City earlier this year. It is zoned Multi-Family, so it looks like housing will be going in.

Mercy Housing is the group that owns it. Here is there website: http://www.mercyhousing.org/default.asp

Page 8 of this pdf tells about the project: http://www.mercyhousing.org/where/pdf/TakingtheLead.pdf


After reading the pdf, and looking at the numbers they are talking about. It hardly makes sense to me. They were initially talking about 42 units at $100K per unit ($4.2 mm), and now the costs are going up by $700K. That is over $116K per unit. How is this affordable housing?

Maybe they should call it what it is. Subsidized housing.

Housing can be built for less than this.


Thanks Chickenwing. :thumbsup:

I just read the article on the project and they said it was on Mulberry in "Southernside". This isn't South of Greenville, so I'm assuming that wasn't a geographical reference. Is this neighborhood called "Southernside for some reason?

This, along with the street improvements and the Randolp Group project of homes, should definitely help this area. :thumbsup:


After reading the pdf, and looking at the numbers they are talking about. It hardly makes sense to me. They were initially talking about 42 units at $100K per unit ($4.2 mm), and now the costs are going up by $700K. That is over $116K per unit. How is this affordable housing?

Maybe they should call it what it is. Subsidized housing.

Housing can be built for less than this.

Construction costs have risen dramatically in the last few years. It is nearly impossible to build something for less than $100 a foot, unless the land cost was very, very low. I don't know how big these units are, but those prices sound like a steal to me.

There were MLS listing on Mulberry, Oscar and another connecting street, (all near the Kroc Center) that started at $250k for a 2BR/2 BR. Could that be part of this?

  • 1 month later...

They look to be sitting pretty far off the street. Are they going to squeeze more in?

One of the buildings actually slants across the corner. The streets don't intersect at perfect right angles. One building is closer than it seems....they've left some large trees between the building and the street (I was excited to see that) and I'm thinking they may be going to landscape a small area between the building and the street.

  • 5 months later...

As construction of houses continues, condos / apartments have now started construction. These are almost directly behind the Hincapie Sportswear office.




This part of downtown was definitly in need of good quality infill like this.I hope to see more happen with the buncombe and rutherford area.


I've heard this development has possible multiple phases over the next three or so years. I think the current homes / townhomes under construction are in about a 3 block area. My understanding is, this could be expanded by several blocks. Funny, this is starting to resemble Pendleton West. :good:

  • 1 month later...

Work continues on Mulberry, and this development is starting to spur gentrification in the area. First photo below of Mulberry Townhomes under construction. Second photo of an old house down the street (not part of the development) that is getting a new life. :thumbsup:




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