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I hate it when people try to oversimplify things. The folks who most adamantly oppose McCain and Obama generally know the least about them. Don't dumb down the political conversation throwing around generalizations you heard on the radio. Do some research. I did that myself recently and one of the main reasons people call him a socialist is because of one quote that wasn't even his own... read this link in its entirety, read the transcript from the Wall Street Journal, then come back and tell us your thoughts. The last sentence really sums it up.


How about we just leave politics out of this thread altogether.

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I attempted to attend today and was right at the 6th Street entrance to the Coliseum when the fire marshal closed it. I was one of the first redirected to a 'holding area' outside the coliseum, and 10 minutes later met face to face with Obama himself. It was a-w-e-s-o-m-e!

Tommy, scroll down to the "Related" box and click Slideshow.

Do you see yourself in any of these pix? :)


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Well if Obama isnt a socialist then I dont know what you have to do to be a socialist. By the way the wall street journal and the new york times is as liberal and one sided as you can get. No offense burt if you read it. Not only that but even the terrorist want Obama to be president so they can bomb us again. What more do you need to know about obama to learn that he is no good for this country. His friends are very shady too. Look at mr Bill Ayers and Reverent Wright. Talk about shady now thats shady. I havent even mentioned he is friends with Toni Rezko and he lives not too far from Louis Farracon.

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Congrats Tommy! I wish I could have been there but it was too soon for me to schedule a day off. I did go to the rally at Mary Washington Sept 27... and I had never seen that many people at one place at one time, especially on that campus. I was FAR from meeting him. Well my life goes on with plenty of chances down the line. I will be in DC for Obama's inauguration, so maybe... just maybe then.

Yeah... "socialism"... right. :ph34r:

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Tommy, scroll down to the "Related" box and click Slideshow.

Do you see yourself in any of these pix? :)


The pictures where he's just outside the Coliseum making a speech to all the people that didn't make it in, I'm pretty much right there, second row in so you cant see me from this angle. Nonetheless, very cool! I'd do it again, just gotta be sure to get there a couple hours earlier instead of last minute!

Congrats Tommy! I wish I could have been there but it was too soon for me to schedule a day off. I did go to the rally at Mary Washington Sept 27... and I had never seen that many people at one place at one time, especially on that campus. I was FAR from meeting him. Well my life goes on with plenty of chances down the line. I will be in DC for Obama's inauguration, so maybe... just maybe then.

Yeah... "socialism"... right. :ph34r:

That's awesome! Please please please don't forget your camera like I did!

Edited by TBurban
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The pictures where he's just outside the Coliseum making a speech to all the people that didn't make it in, I'm pretty much right there, second row in so you cant see me from this angle. Nonetheless, very cool! I'd do it again, just gotta be sure to get there a couple hours earlier instead of last minute!

That's awesome! Please please please don't forget your camera like I did!

Come on folks! This guy puts his pants on one leg at a time just like everyone else - why are you guys making him to be such a huge star? He's done nothing but talk (no actions). How can anyone trust a man who has nothing to back up what he is saying...and I mean absolutely NOTHING? Because of this fact alone electing him is too risky at this time in our nation's history. So what if he's black (I know that's why many are voting for him - "history" in the making)? I'd vote for someone who was black or a woman in a heartbeat if their head was screwed on right, but to do it just because...that's not a reason to vote for someone to be president! Personally, I think that McCain isn't that great either, but at least with him I know what to expect (even if I don't agree with him all the time). With Obama, there's no proof of anything other than his past record of voting either "present" or so far left he's in outer space! In fact, most all politicians are crooked and never end up delivering what they say they will do at the beginning because all they're doing is trying to win your vote - then they never deliver on their promises. Let's get someone in the Oval Office who is honest and not looking out for their own butts all the time - someone who listens and cares about who they really work for - US, THE PEOPLE!!!

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The pictures where he's just outside the Coliseum making a speech to all the people that didn't make it in, I'm pretty much right there, second row in so you cant see me from this angle. Nonetheless, very cool! I'd do it again, just gotta be sure to get there a couple hours earlier instead of last minute!

That's awesome! Please please please don't forget your camera like I did!

Are you crazy? Never forget the camera for an event like that. I have an almost 30 minute video of Obama's speech.

Come on Eric! Like McCain really cares or thinks about you. I know he doesn't care or think about me. Under a McCain and Ditzy Duke administration, the American Dream for common people will be placed much father away than it is now. We may even kiss it goodbye as more jobs get sent over to India, China, and Canada thanks to tax breaks for companies who do that. Do you really think you know McCain? There have been about 20 different McCains since his campaign began and he's a far far far cry from the person he was in 2000 when I wish they had nominated him instead of George the Idiot. McCain was much more qualified than what we got and here under him everything is falling apart. It's time to burn the Karl Rove playbook. It's not working anymore and people across the country are fed up with Republicans in general who have gotten out of hand.

Besides, we're not voting for Obama because he's black. Are you voting for McCain because he's white? Anyway you forget Obama's half white and was raised by white grandparents. His being elected would be historical but that's the bonus. He has his head screwed on tight. He's a smarter man than I could ever wish to be. This man knows the Constitution and will know how to respect it, uphold it, and protect it unlike the Republicans. He'll try to make good on promises when possible. Those running for office may lie for the vote or say anything, like McCain is at the moment, but what typically happens is facts change or whatever new ideas are attempted get blocked or so watered down to appease everyone that it appears the promise was a lie.

Besides, do we really want an uneducated yokel like Palin anywhere near the White House other than on a tour? If anything should happen to McCain, she'd be her own brand of terrorist and destroy this country.

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Why don't we know more about what happened in our City Hall yesterday??

City Hall firefighter sick

Do you suppose it had anything to do with registering to vote?

Conspiracists might even claim the power shortage downtown this morning was a devious move by one party or the other. It's all coincidence, IMO.

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I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist. It just stands to reason that our city government would explain what the two fire alarms were for and why the bomb squad was there.

It does make you wonder when power goes out in downtown Richmond TWICE in one morning.

From inRich Breaking News:


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The news explained it last night... I understood it to have been someone smelling smoke both times. The second one was from a space heater I'm really worried for City Hall...when can they install a sprinkler system?

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