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Everything posted by HighRiseHillbilly

  1. Sub par to someone with money is acceptable to someone without. It's not ideal, but it works. Are they supposed to be completely homeless until the city gets its act together and comes up with something pretty? A leaky roof is better than no roof.
  2. My unnecessary 2 cents for the day..... Coming in from Randolph early this morning it didn't look terrible, kinda nice, actually... standing close to it at twilight and looking straight up - eh...not too shabby... looking at it from the deck of the midtown Target - I wanted a slingshot and better aim. I totally get what all the complaining is about. Hot dang. Which one of you said that this building is all about angles? Yes. That. Kudos to you.
  3. The light rail isn't just for "poor" people. I find that opinion hella strange. My coworkers ride it every day. We work for a small business that doesn't offer parking uptown. We are, however, reimbursed for parking and transit fare. I drive in from the Matthews area, and am #blessed with free parking, but for someone who is regularly in a hurry, I have never been irked at the train holding me up. I love it. I love this city. I love it's progress - not necessarily the displacement of certain people, but this isn't utopia. Yes, this thing is newish, yes it could use some help, and yes more lines as well as affordable housing are needed, but that's no need for regressive thinking.
  4. Yeah, it's unnecessary and for some reason "LoSo" makes me think if Lindsey Lohan and I don't really want to be a part of that.
  5. What's the best way to stay informed about this game and meeting up with people if I were to go? I'm a little confused as to.....everything, but definitely interested in going.
  6. I went there with some people who could not be persuaded otherwise (all over 40, from up north, one of whom is a member of the clergy - very un -brolike)... it wasn't bad before 9, kind of loud because of the t.v.'s. That lamb, though.....the lamb pops were OUTSTANDING. If they clean up their act, I would definitely go back for more of the those things. Probably to go, though.
  7. I stared at this picture for a while thinking that very thing. Fascinating. I'm proud to have grown up in his little town and proud of the biggish city it's growing into.
  8. I was thinking that I like that....I don't even know what the structure is...an old church? a very old house? The one that is perilously close to the ramp near Broad St. on 95 in RVA. I know that's not a clear description, but it looks nice from the highway, so there's that.
  9. I'm assuming it's to create that bridge effect between bricked up South End and stucco uptown?
  10. What are they building on 7th right by the loop/bridge?
  11. Those are pretty nice. Very Spanish without trying too hard.
  12. Walk past it. I don't usually get all up in arms about materials, but it looks really weird in person. The only other time I've noticed something look so cheaply made has been the new Embassy Suites and that place is already peeling away in spots.
  13. I have had Price's maybe all if three times. It's not something I think about often, but it's really not such a crazy sandwich that it should be deemed inedible. I'm sure there are weirder things out there. I'm not getting in line for those eggs with the birds still in them, but some people like them. It is what it is.
  14. Thanks to y'alls' updates, I managed to catch an early train this morning so I was able to get to work on time despite having delays caused by two malfunctioning trains in our way.
  15. Price's is hardly garbage... it's some of the last remaining culinary history this city has left. It's done this well for this long because of / in spite of that quirky detail.
  16. I came across this article a few days ago. It's got some interesting insight into how soccer has grown in Atlanta. While we lack the superstar support, I'm curious to see how the impact of what's happened there impacts popularity and growth in our own city. It's a pretty interesting read. https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/2791278-listen-to-the-kids-how-atlanta-became-the-black-soccer-capital-of-america.amp.html The run at Five Points station is only one part of a vibrant soccer scene that has grown feverishly in and around the city in recent years. "I would say that soccer is the biggest sport in Atlanta," says Ryan Glover, an appointee to MARTA's board of directors and soccer dad to two daughters. "Above the Falcons, above the Braves and certainly above the Hawks." If you drive around Atlanta, it's not difficult to see: Soccer is everywhere—from the east side to the west, from the inner city to the suburbs.
  17. Like I said, it was a total mess, but the basis for the idea was a good one and many, many people were ready for it. Had it been done properly, it would have been great for the city and the state as a whole. I'm glad the Eastland property is finally being developed, but just because one thing happens in Charlotte doesn't mean something else can't happen. Someone would have found a different location for a soccer camp had the studio panned out and should this plan go well and the movie stars align in the future, someone will find a different location for a studio. It's not an either-or situation.
  18. I'm not saying that's a bad idea. I actually have a soccer article to share that I just haven't gotten around to posting yet. Just explaining what went on with the film stuff. We have room for more than one really great thing here, though.
  19. Weren't they looking for a new location when they were displaced by Brosef & the gang? Did they ever land anywhere?
  20. The movie studio made sense, it just wasn't done well and things have fallen apart since. At the time, North Carolina had great film incentives and was doing pretty well accumulating a decent portfolio (Nell, Juwana Man, Shallow Hal, Last of the Mohicans, Dawson's Creek, The Color Purple, Homeland, Banshee, etc). Having an actual studio where intricate sets could be built, difficult scenes could be shot, television shows could have audiences, and professionals could gather, work, and share ideas would have helped move us closer to Atlanta's film industry - which is doing quite well. There were plenty of people here ready & willing to get to work. The film classes at schools around the city were always full, alumni (some with impressive achievements) were eager to come home and start something special, a few networks were sniffing around, and there were some relatively well-established media professionals around town or otherwise connected watching carefully & meeting. Lots of people were vested in film here the way we're vested in cranes and TOD. Most people wouldn't want to join in on the conversation, but they're excited to see the end results. To this day, "Film = Jobs" stickers can still be seen on cars, but a few of the pros threw up their hands and left. I think it would have been something unique for Charlotte; that "Look at me!" and character/creativity we're always striving for, but between the planning fiasco here & the bumbling mess in Raleigh, we're way behind where we were at the start of the Eastland process. I mean, just think of how much better our Amazon bid video would have been if real film people had a hand in it...actually don't think about that video. That was a total embarrassment.
  21. They were working late into the night on Friday. I stood over a balcony and saw workers hosing off plants or bricks or both. I noticed the former Kure (I believe it was Revolve clothing or something to that effect as well) now has frosted windows and looks unusable. Not that it was a great location, but does anyone know if this has been absorbed into the hotel and is out of commission for other retail uses? It would have been nice as at least a hotel gift shop accessible from inside and out instead of just a blank space.
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