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Everything posted by GVLer

  1. GVLer

    Noise Pollution

    Lot’s of revving engines tonight. Do not understand the mentality of how that makes one “cool”. Idiotic.
  2. GVLer

    Noise Pollution

    Street performers are legally regulated in many locations. Noise ordinances are commonplace. Engine noise perhaps tricky. Nonetheless I stand by my post that obnoxious elements may become detrimental
  3. Greenville has a downtown that is the envy of many other locations. However, if they continue to allow the incredibly obnoxious revving cars and motorcycles along Main, the End of Days religious zealots on microphones, etc then they risk killing the goose that laid the golden egg. Please protect the charm of downtown GVL and rein in the excesses. Rant over.
  4. Fantastic addition to the West End. This could be a signature piece.
  5. It is more difficult to finance condos within the same project as a hotel.....interesting decision.
  6. I still have not become optimistic about how this will turn out. The bar was set so high with Falls Park I am having a hard time envisioning how this flat and low site with a straight and skinny river (ditch) will have strong aesthetic appeal. Hoping very much to be proven wrong.
  7. GVLer

    The West End

    Absolutely hate the drive through possibility.
  8. I don't disagree on the Go Big Or Go Home stance on the tower. Falls Park has enormous advantages with respect to natural topography, the falls, and of course Liberty Bridge. This site has far greater obstacles by being flat and low with a straight and skinny stretch of the river. I hope the budget and designers are up to the challenge to make this new park stunning in its own way and not just a glorified playground.
  9. I appreciated the comment on power lines.....West End area in particular would benefit greatly if all overhead lines were buried.
  10. https://upstatebusinessjournal.com/square-feet/mauldins-sc-long-planned-city-center-project-is-set-to-open-in-summer-2022/ I hate to seem negative but how is building a food hall akin to creating a downtown?
  11. GVLer

    The West End

    Looks nice but not a fan of the name
  12. GVLer

    The West End

    The vacant site just north of the Cigar Warehouse is a prime spot....and a vacant site just South and behind Otto Izakaya.
  13. GVLer

    The West End

    https://www.greenvilleonline.com/story/news/local/greenville/downtown/2020/12/18/heres-what-greenville-wants-do-west-end-entertainment-district/3903724001/ I am also looking forward to the proposed music venue on Rhett behind the Cigar Warehouse. The West End is coming along.
  14. I like that rendering too. At first I thought a suspension bridge would tie into the current Falls Park bridge....but this park should have its own identify. Saving a million bucks does not hurt either.
  15. I wish ALL of the overhead power lines in Downtown GVL would be buried. Certain streets and alleys look like a third world country.
  16. GVLer

    The West End

    Per their Instagram account it appears that Husk is changing to a BBQ based restaurant
  17. The concern is having numerous downtown hotels default due to vacancy rate. While COVID is causing havoc for hotel operators everywhere, there was concern GVL was already overbuilt on hotel rooms downtown. Yesterday I heard a large scale hotel operator say on Fox Biz channel that this may be the worst economic period for hotels in history.
  18. GVLer

    The West End

    I think the interior space is great aesthetically....I hope someone finds success there.
  19. GVLer

    The West End

    Here is a candidate for that space: https://greenvillejournal.com/eat-drink/greenville-chef-drew-erickson-returns-home-from-stint-at-best-restaurant-in-the-world/
  20. GVLer

    The West End

    Sorry to see this...
  21. GVLer

    The West End

    Is Starbucks vacating Riverplace for Camperdown?
  22. GVLer

    The West End

    Love Bex coffee and local coffee shops in general. Starbucks has become an overpriced McDonalds.
  23. Disregard....wrong Greenville! I misread this.
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