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Everything posted by cstonesparty

  1. between this building and the old DisplayPak building, there's gigantic amount of potential housing in a few years up there...
  2. I'm going to go out on a limb and say the downtown business community won't be very happy with this and how long the route has become. My wife used to work downtown and use DASH lot. She said this would tick off her and her former coworkers to have to ride this route to get from lot to office. Will be interesting to see how this goes.
  3. I live in the Shawmut Hills area, and there's a small traffic circle now on Collindale that was completed late last year. It had so many tire tracks across it all winter, the city wound up putting those portable orange/white road blocks in the middle of it so people would see it. One character even apparently launched off it in the middle of the night before they put up the barricade and careened into a pickup in one of the neighboring driveways... All to say, what goes in the middle matters, apparently.
  4. I feel like this is the wave of the future, lots more projects this size scattered around instead of bigger developments. Is it just me?
  5. The whole thing is artificial if you want to use that language...
  6. Noooo. Just leave the ravines and woods alone.
  7. The 'Opportunity Sites' noted in this page are pretty interesting too...
  8. I read the master plan as well. Went to the county parcel viewer out of curiousity and was kind of stunned to see that GVSU has bought up all the houses between Trowbridge / Hastings to expand their Belknap part of Health Campus. (I know, probably a cross post, but a continuation of the topic, right?) gvsu_master_plan_update_2022__final_document_web.pdf
  9. reporting on their web site is incomplete and out of date, a google search for ridership information is unproductive. Where does the public go to learn about effectiveness of the system? I have family members who use the Rapid regularly and I support it. But the difficulty for me in locating information is a big flag. People from taxpayer activist groups and anti-transit groups have grouse for many years about the Rapid and poor transparency. And I can see why. If you can point to this kind of data, I'd be really pleased to learn more...
  10. I think chances of this are very slim with the Rapid hiding ridership numbers and its record of transparency bringing conservatives out of the woodwork whenever investment in the system is discussed... I live on Laker Line and see huge variation in ridership from day to day there. ROI is going to be a gigantic question before any more investment in BRT is brought forward. I think the hype over silverline development and ridership has fueled cynicism and will prove to be a significant barrier...
  11. Seems like if you put a 'park & ride' at the 36th exit and ran a shuttle in to the airport, you could do this very inexpensively and serve non-airport traffic into downtown from that corner. I know nothing about railroads, so the tracks may not be suitable for this purpose in that corridor...
  12. There is a range of options in the downtown area where a traveler without a car would be well served. The reputational issue of being unfriendly to people WITH a car is a larger risk since MOST of the population has one...
  13. online reviews will excoriate a hotel with not enough parking and depress occupancy
  14. huh. okay then... wonder why they didn't enclose the courtyard further and have eight more apartments to rent...
  15. interesting mural in there...
  16. will be interesting to watch Holland tourism efforts grapple with the PR hit from county leadership
  17. wow, that was hard to read. where have all the writers gone...
  18. This. Exactly. I grew up out there. This is not the same as the reliably republican county of my childhood...
  19. Behind Lincoln Square senior living community on the last piece of the old MSU ag station property that's not been developed yet.
  20. I seem to recall that one of the regulars on here built an ADU... was that you, WhiteMice?
  21. in one of these threads, we've had some conversation about the old gypsum mines, and I found an old map I posted there... Fulton would cross those mines, and the sinkholes that exist in that area. I suspect a thoroughfare of the kind you're suggesting would be problematic. I live in the Shawmut Hills area and we go through LMD/Wilson and down Wilson frequently. It's quickly becoming a major traffic headache, and lots of people on this side of town are finding ways to avoid both. MDOT and GVMC need to take a real close look at long range plans for this area.
  22. I talked to someone with Acrisure recently who said the HQ building is pretty much full. Also said they're very happy being part of that area of downtown and all that is developing in that area, with an eye towards further development in the area that will benefit their employees as well. FWIW.
  23. I enjoy a whopper, but it seems universally service levels at BK has dropped off.
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