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Everything posted by cstonesparty

  1. Is this entire building pre-cast? How common is that for a building of this size? Brings to mind a giant toy set or IKEA fixture--"insert tab a into slot b"
  2. We've had this discussion at my house multiple times over the last few years. Seems like sheer ineptitude to us. It's like the city, county road commission and MDOT can't figure out how to map out the closures collaboratively to minimize overlap and disruption to core commuting routes. Then again, maybe it's part of the ongoing effort to get people to consider transit as an alternative to single-user cars...
  3. Could public works buildings go there if they're on slabs? Could do solar on top of those?
  4. LMD is the 6th highest volume surface road in the area (28th, Alpine, E Beltline, Plainfield, 44th St) with a last published traffic count of about 32k vehicles. If you throw diamond lanes in there, you sow havoc. Add another lane (12 ft? x2?) and you're wiping out tons of homes/businesses. How is this remotely practical? I think the LakerLine solution was to try to increase capacity and efficiency for the highest ridership line in the system without creating massive disruption with untenable solutions.
  5. It seems to me that the slow part of this route is from the Pew campus to 196, where the discussion about diamond lanes would be impractical, and the size of the bus being added does nothing to increase route speed, just addressing capacity.
  6. If you take a look at the leagues (Eastern League is where Erie belongs) you'll see that geographically the Whitecaps are in a natural fit now and it would be challenging to switch for travel and natural rivalries. The stadium is owned by the Whitecaps and they're unlikely to move for that reason. It's a profit center for them I'm sure. They do need to keep innovating in the facility and may have gotten lazy on that count the last few years with only premium seating areas the real changes to the stadium itself...
  7. My thought has been that a transit-oriented project there would be a great fit since any use with vehicular orientation would be incredibly complex for ingress/egress traffic. Such a convoluted intersection on top of high volume at peak times.
  8. I've been a lurker here for a long time, enjoying the dialogue. This Laker Line/Silver Line conversation is the thing that finally prompted me to jump in... I live along LMD on the LL route. My twenty-something kid uses the rapid often. This route will be hugely successful. Partly because of the choices they've made in the process. If they'd tried to get a dedicate lane, it would still be tied up in battles. And on the lower part of the route (John Ball to downtown) it wouldn't work anyway. Standale and Walker are undoubtedly going to reap HUGE benefit from LL. Four stops out there were planned carefully. by contrast, they opted not to put a stop at LMD/Collindale and I wonder if Family Fare will regret that... The stop at Covell will be a pretty big deal. What would you all do with the former Westdale building on that corner if you were looking at being TOD strategic?
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