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Chester Cheeto

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Everything posted by Chester Cheeto

  1. The brand must be expanding into the Grand Rapids market, there is one kuming to 2134 Alpine Ave NW as well.
  2. Pure speculation here, but I've noticed that the postal service has recently added themselves to this sign that used to be Knoll's on 36th street. Move incoming? Any one have any info on this? Who can we petition to get them to move their operations downtown to this location? Easy highway access and close proximity to the airport.
  3. Ada House Hotel stair cores are currently going up: This will be building A4/A5 in the below Ada town plan: Also there has been fencing put up and a lot of earthwork on the townhouse/ apartment area to the east of the developments pictured above:
  4. Interesting, so this is across the street from the development they've been building the last few years on the bluff. Looks like with the 600 Fairview buildings they are continuing the townhome look that is just south of Trowbridge that Artesian did a few years back.
  5. Not sure about reno to existing field house. This expansion is a new gym, locker rooms, weight room and new entry area.
  6. It's pretty much just an expansion of the field house.
  7. Gun Lake is likely going to be busy with their property south of Wayland to get too involved with anything downtown anytime soon. Their casino could potentially be much more visible from 131 in the near future, like Firekeepers visible, just on a smaller scale. I don't think they would want to vulture themselves by drawing people away from their current location. https://www.500nations.com/casinos/miGunLakeCasino.asp I didn't want to say anything because it hadn't been announced as far as I knew, but I just found this article so it must not be too big a secret, too bad they don't have a rendering of the hotel.
  8. That's exciting! Now if the racing games I've played over the years are accurate, there should be a ramp installed somewhere on 131 that'll jump me into the parking garage for a major shortcut.
  9. That's funny, pretty sure they already have foundations in the ground... I'll try to nab a picture on my way through one of these days now that's it is light enough when I drive through after work.
  10. I'll let y'all decide on the appropriateness of the look of the building for the location.
  11. I admit I'm cheating a bit with these predictions (with some insider info), but here are my two predictions: 1 - The addition of floors onto Keeler doesn't go anywhere, unsure if that means the renovation of the existing is being put off as well. 2 - There is an announcement to turn a parking lot into a residential building (think official GR height) near the arena, but not a parking lot a lot of people would first think of (obvious hint below):
  12. Don't know, but the steel fabricator who is working on Perrigo will also be doing Spectrum CTI, and looking at the schedule for CTI it makes sense to just tear it down, drive a few blocks north and set it back up.
  13. A few more angles. I believe this to be rather budgetary at the moment, no clue if it'll become anything anytime soon. Bids to the GC are due 12/1 if I'm reading all the documents correctly.
  14. You may be on to something here... Not a ramp, and something right around the official GR height.
  15. Anyone out there particularly fond of this building?
  16. The project name on the drawings is Keeler Flats. Looks like ground floor retail, tenant space in the basement, then apartments from the second floor on up.
  17. Not trying to get hopes up here, but there is a 'conceptual' project schedule that shows demo work would be starting in a few weeks, tower crane would be put up first week of May next year.
  18. Picture from the coversheet on the set of drawings that have been received.
  19. https://www.woodtv.com/news/kent-county/2020-too-much-for-us-iconic-28th-street-diner-shuts-down/ This diner was sitting on blocks when I went to the Pit Stop BBQ a few weeks ago.
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