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Everything posted by GreenHillsBoy

  1. And consider voting for a Governor that will stand up to the rural nut legislators that seemingly want to also govern Metro Nashville.
  2. I sorta disgree about the country music, took some friends from out of town and we bar hopped. Most of it was the newer country covers which often doesn't sound very country which may be donNdonelson2's point. But what all of them said and we heard it all night from others was how talented the singers and musicians were in every bar we went into. They also couldn't believe they were hearing so much talent with no cover charge. We also went to Rudy's Jazz room and saw a local singer who teaches at Belmont in the music department and she is fantastic with both standard jazz and her own song. Go see Stephanie Adlington there or she also performs at Grays on Main in Franklin or Sambucca.
  3. I ve heard similar numbers that just blow other bar owners outside down town away.
  4. Can we move on from the constant complaining about the Westin? I see new things on there and then look to find the same griping about it. Time to move on please.
  5. Good news as we need more restaurant options and Epice is one of the best restaurants in town. Food there is fresh and somewhat different but not to the degree some might think. I know many on here are not fans of Green Hills, but I've been here 35 years and I wouldn't live anywhere else. I know how to maneuver the traffic issues, which are legitimate, and I don't mind walking from Hill Place and Y, to the mall....yes you can do that.
  6. I went downtown on a Tuesday to get a look at several of the new roof top bars including the new hotels and a couple of Broadway clubs. I have to say I was most impressed with The Bobby, it was more spacious and the bus was actually pretty cool. I liked the Noelle but was closed for a private party and it was difficult to find the elevator to the roof, almost hidden. It looked nice but was much smaller and looked cramped. Both of the new "celebrity" bars downtown were also well done, Blake Sheltons Ole Red seems more high end but was also closed for a private party so couldn' really get a feel but the overall place looked really nice. The FGL House just off Broadway was also well done and had lots of room. All were very crowded on a fairly hot Tuesday around 5:30 pm, but that is now the norm downtown.
  7. Swain is Lee Beaman's candidate and that is all I need to know, plus she has made MANY negative and bigoted comments on gays and anyone not a standard Christian. Plus she was a supporter of Roy Moore in Alabama. She is anti anti.
  8. I agree about corporate welfare and it is something I would like to see stopped, but it has to be nationwide or they will continue to pit cities/states against each other. It is nothing short of legal blackmail, but it works for big companies and they will continue until something is done on a federal level, which I don't see happening under either party.
  9. Early voting begins April 11 at the usual places and all items will be on the ballot including the transit referendum.
  10. I was downtown last night for the Titans jersey unveiling and was very surprised to see large vote against transit signs hanging from Honkey Tonk Central and Rippy's. I don't understand those establishments being against it. The tax really won't hit retail other than customers paying a little more on sales. It would seem better transit options and hopefully less traffic on Broadway would be a good thing especially with the escalating parking prices. What am I missing?
  11. I couldn't agree with you more, I'm a big supporter of Megan but she made a serious mistake and did what was right by resigning. She admitted it, is paying for it and has never backed away from the truth. I am SICK of many who were quick to condemn her but are complete supporters of the someone who lies, has cost taxpayers millions, not thousands, due to the travel and extra security, made fun of the handicapped, and let's don't even talk about sexual harassment. This is the definition of a hypocrite. Let's hold all politicians to the same standard we held Megan.
  12. It sounds as if the intention is to have local restaurants/food truck types that provide lots of options with a brewery/cocktail options/ entertainment. There is one in Columbus that is very popular and I've been to ones in Stockholm and Barcelona and they are great!!!
  13. Flight to Dallas Love was packed day after Christmas and also coming back day after New Year's on Southwest.
  14. I totally agree. I travel often and there are way too many of the new restaurants that are priced almost exactly like many of the restaurants I go to in New York, Denver, Northern California. I am also sick of small plates that are $15, salads that are $12-$15, entrees right at $40 then need to add a side dish. I would love to see more restaurants have the prix fixe meals like they did during Restaurant Week and like you see all over Europe. Three courses for $30 to $36 would be well received. I also see most of these new, high end, restaurants charging 4 times the retail cost of wine. A $12 retail bottle of wine is usually in the $45 to higher and I firmly believe that many people that know wine will not pay 4 times the retail cost for average wine and therefore don't order any.
  15. I know several people in 12South where the AIRBNB's cause real problems with parking, loud partying, trash, etc. On the other hand , I have one across from me in Green Hills and it causes no problems at all.
  16. Couldn't agree more. there was no reason to allow them to not include windows. Even Macy's has windows on the Hillsboro Road side. The store is simply big with no personality and feels like you are inside a big box, which you are.
  17. I really like the whole MCC, and I do like the stone too.
  18. I would also add Whataburger to the over rated. Very hard to get excited over any chain, but agree it does offer a high profile name that lots of people do like. Give me local Pat Martin's Hugh Baby Burgers.
  19. But with the new technology that we heard about regarding the underground tunnel for our transit system, isn't it time to begin to push this? Also, if anyone saw the salaries of a LARGE number of NES employees in a recent Green Hills News article, trimming a few of those would go a long way toward starting moving lines underground. Also, how can Murfreesboro have so many underground and Nashville so few?
  20. I agree, I know that some felt that this would detract from the look but I was downtown last Saturday and passed the MCC and believe that they have done a good job and added some much requested options.
  21. For anyone who has had business operations in Atlanta, there are challenges for sure. The traffic is a constant excuse for employees coming and going at all kinds of hours, almost impossible to have employees on a set schedule. The use of MARTA has risen but is not looked at as a great way to commute, therefore the incredible grid lock at virtually any time of day. And while the metro area has a huge population, the traffic issues tend to force people to want or try to work as close to home as possible, which limits the employee pool. The immediate downtown area is deserted at night and has lots of crime. I'm also aware of a significant number of EEOC issues and lawsuits, it is a very litigious city in general. I am aware of a couple of large companies that placed major operations there and have regretted it and have slowly downsized to some extent. Due to the hurricane possibilities , I would rule out Florida and coastal cities. In my opinion for what its worth, look for Nashville to be in the mix with Charlotte, Austin, Dallas, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and maybe Indy.
  22. I have to join the dissenting views and say I am OK with it. We have had a significant amount of out of town visitors this summer so far and most felt it was interesting and different. No one seemed to dislike it and I tend to agree. I like it better than the one on the Cumberland, the unfinished roller coaster, but you will never please everybody.
  23. Maybe some of this can go to the Mobile site instead of here.
  24. Just saw that it is now bigger, but it is behind the pay wall and could not get details, anyone know?
  25. They began the demolition of the old Dillard's today and made significant progress in one day. I don't know the date it is expected to be totally down however.
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