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Everything posted by transplant08

  1. Anyone know what is happening at the railroad crossing during the SR trail closure? Are they straightening out the trail and removing the wooden bridge? I tried to look from the bridge on Washington Ext, but couldn't see too well.
  2. second Community Tap location near swamp rabbit crossfit
  3. drove by site today. No activity at all.
  4. foundation work has started
  5. map came from this greenville news article http://www.greenvilleonline.com/story/money/business/2015/01/09/swamp-rabbit-trail-extension-go/21515945/?from=global&sessionKey=&autologin=
  6. https://a.tiles.mapbox.com/v4/greenville.ko55nm6i/page.html?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoiZ3JlZW52aWxsZSIsImEiOiJiWE5Zd3BRIn0.-3o5t6kz-GO58c1_u_kwGw
  7. Any idea on Price, Sq Ft?
  8. Demolition at corner of Anderson and Dunbar this morning. Don't know what is going in. Quinn Satterfield had put in a rezoning app a few months ago, but don't know what came of it.
  9. Fred Payne has been working on this for a long time. Agree or disagree, you've got to admire his passion for the project.
  10. correct. These plans have been before the neighborhood association for months. It is more spacious, and with a greater mix of sizes, than most projects their size. If you take a look at the housing stock they are replacing, it is a big improvement.
  11. I would really love a grocery store to work in this venue. However, I have little faith in this owner. Remember the crepe myrtle fiasco that resulted in him being forced to rip up parking spots and plant trees at significant expense? If you can't keep on top of landscaping regs, keeping a grocery store afloat will be a long haul.
  12. The same company that did "The Elements" on Mohawk (North Main area) is going to refurbish an old cotton warehouse into lofts 1/2 mi. from the baseball stadium on Green Ave. http://www.trvdevelopment.com/the-elements-city-lofts.php
  13. Spinx is gearing up to restart its zoning fight in the old Gene's location
  14. Oh, c'mon. You're killing me. How about a hint?
  15. I'm not as worried by a glut of apartments. Empty apartments can drive rents down. Empty houses, on the other hand, can cause big problems. If we're going to have an over supply of housing, I'd rather it be apartments than stand alone residences.
  16. I know they just cut the hours short... didn't know about closing though.
  17. Parkins Mill folks don't want the SRT coming through. Not sure if this is the majority view, but those in that area who hold it are vocal. I've heard it first hand at multiple public events. That area will likely be the last link in the chain to be completed.
  18. For more context http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_rapid_transit
  19. Anyone know the Grape and Grains folks? I'd love it if they would start a BOP (Brew on Premises) service for homebrewers without space/equipment to brew at home.
  20. yes and yes. If hip-hop music was blaring from vehicles at similar decibels, there'd be an ordinance banning it yesterday.
  21. Yes, that is correct. I'm referring to the planning meetings that occurred before the charrettes.
  22. I agree. But much of the funding for this park is coming from a development grant designed to assist "special emphasis" westside neighborhoods. Thus, much of the planning for the park revolved around what people in the immediate neighborhoods wanted. During our planning meetings, there was no evidence that folks in Southernside, Sterling, etc. expressed a similar pent-up demand as expressed in the Greenville News article.
  23. http://www.greenvillesc.gov/ParksRec/ParkConcepts.htm
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