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Best SC City To Live In


Based on your knowlege and personal experience, where would you live in SC if given the opportunity to choose between the given cities? If you choose "Other," please give the name of the city you would like to live in and why. Please don't  

77 members have voted

  1. 1. Based on your knowlege and personal experience, where would you live in SC if given the opportunity to choose between the given cities? If you choose "Other," please give the name of the city you would like to live in and why. Please don't

    • Aiken/N. Augusta
    • Anderson
    • Charleston
    • Columbia
    • Florence
    • Greenville
    • Myrtle Beach
    • Rock Hill
    • Spartanburg
    • Other

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This thread will be used to show what the members and guests(?) of UP think about living in South Carolina cities. Feel free to explain why you would like to live in the city of your choice. :)

Please remain mature and refrain from becoming detramental to the state by blasting the cities other people may prefer. Good debate is what we're looking for, not immature arguing. :)

:D Let the FUN begin! :D

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Here's what Forbes Magazine thought? ;) But I'm sure everyone's personal opinion means more than what Forbes has too say about it.

Metro Area Cost of Doing Business JobGrowth Educational Attainment Population

1 Madison, WI 56 32 3 443

2 Raleigh-Durham, NC 13 52 6 1,268

3 Austin, TX 45 30 9 1,349

4 Washington, DC-Northern VA 102 23 2 5,162

5 Atlanta, GA 44 50 16 4,386

6 Provo, UT 37 35 19 388

7 Boise, ID 18 12 57 465

8 Huntsville, AL 14 46 22 354

9 Lexington, KY 2 114 35 490

10 Richmond, VA 55 53 31 1,023

11 Omaha, NE 22 65 43 734

12 Albuquerque, NM 1 42 39 737

13 Knoxville, TN 20 29 85 704

14 Des Moines, IA 36 90 36 471

15 Houston, TX 48 55 49 4,420

16 Appleton, WI 29 78 101 367

17 San Diego, CA 148 15 27 2,907

18 Albany, NY 88 68 41 885

19 Minneapolis-St Paul, MN 94 74 14 3,055

20 Ann Arbor, MI 111 54 8 603

21 Little Rock, AR 26 82 70 596

22 Charleston, SC 58 33 65 563

23 Fort Worth, TX 42 58 64 1,802

24 Colorado Springs, CO 49 47 17 544

25 Reno, NV 62 28 82 362

26 Phoenix, AZ 74 21 63 3,500

27 Charlotte, NC 19 49 55 1,585

28 Columbia, SC39 112 32 552

29 Dallas, TX 35 76 25 3,743

30 Tucson, AZ 86 41 54 881

31 Nashville, TN 25 67 52 1,271

32 Oklahoma City, OK 4 77 77 1,109

33 Norfolk, VA 46 38 81 1,606

34 Indianapolis, IN 54 62 59 1,655

35 Columbus, OH 71 73 33 1,584

36 Denver, CO 68 71 12 2,228

37 Orange County, NY 114 25 104 407

38 Wilmington, DE 15 94 48 603

39 Nassau-Suffolk, NY 117 44 21 2,804

40 Orange County, CA 141 27 23 2,939

41 Santa Barbara, CA 125 40 28 403

42 Boston, MA 149 106 5 6,152

43 Cincinnati, OH 57 102 61 1,669

44 Mercer, NJ 132 11 13 359

45 Providence, RI 67 72 83 984

46 Pittsburgh, PA 99 95 80 2,347

47 Sacramento, CA 142 6 58 1,749

48 Ventura, CA 135 14 53 784

49 Portland, OR 16 118 34 2,006

50 Allentown, PA 75 59 109 651 ......................

76 Pensacola, FL 60 81 108 424

77 Birmingham, AL 17 105 71 935

78 Johnson City, TN 21 104 137 483

79 Riverside, CA 144 3 139 3,515

80 Syracuse, NY 106 99 79 735

81 San Francisco, CA 139 145 1 1,715

82 Wichita, KS 41 141 72 556

83 Harrisburg, PA 91 84 98 636

84 Jackson, MS 66 88 42 449

85 Buffalo, NY 92 109 89 1,163

86 Orlando, FL 87 24 69 1,752

87 Daytona Beach, FL 79 18 128 517

88 Springfield, MA 130 107 75 613

89 Akron, OH 98 108 78 700

90 Augusta, GA 47 89 112 484

91 Spokane, WA 64 56 66 428

92 Greenville, SC43 127 114 988

93 Greensboro, NC 12 130 91 1,286

94 Melbourne, FL 101 39 84 496

95 Chicago, IL 103 119 24 8,449

96 Salem, OR 5 92 113 358

97 San Jose, CA 129 150 4 1,684

98 Milwaukee, WI 69 128 51 1,513

99 Tulsa, OK 3 132 90 821

100 New York, NY 150 103 29 9,412



Yeah, I'm afraid Forbes magazine doesn't share the views of everyone else. They base their rankings on certain numbers, most often unassociated with general living satisfaction (more money and business related). But hey, they're not a home life/vacation/residential real estate type of magazine anyway, and it is good to see that there are three of this state's cities even acknowledged by their list (even though I fail to see the real relevance of it to the question posed by this thread). :)


After living in 3 of the 9 destinations I would have to choose Charleston. There really aren't many cities that offer the history, beachfront, and

"city" atomeshpere all in one package. I haven't spent a whole lot of time there but from what I have experienced it's been okay!


No contest, Charleston.

The history, architecture, urban environment, dining, waterfront, diversity.


Maybe Im missing something here, but I have been to Charleston Sc. probably 20 times in my life and there is no way this would be the best city to live in. Im not trying to step on anyones toes but lets face reality here. While Charleston may be historic and have great restaurants, Charleston is a dump. Ever notice all the section 8 complex's you have to drive through just to get into downtown. How about the local drug dealers standing at all the stop signs. This is just my opinion, but i think Charleston is a dirty city full of dope dealing thugs and goverment assisted housing. Id take Greenville or myrtle Beach any day over Charleston.


Like all three of the majors (Charleston, Columbia, Greenville) but would have to vote Greenville because of location. I love the mountains. Also being so easy to get to Charlotte and Atlanta, anything not readily available in GV is easily acquired with a quick trip up or down I-85. Location, location, location.


Maybe Im missing something here, but I have been to Charleston Sc. probably 20 times in my life and there is no way this would be the best city to live in.  Im not trying to step on anyones toes but lets face reality here.  While Charleston may be historic and have great restaurants, Charleston is a dump.  Ever notice all the section 8 complex's you have to drive through just to get into downtown.  How about the local drug dealers standing at all the stop signs.  This is just my opinion, but i think Charleston is a dirty city full of dope dealing thugs and goverment assisted housing.  Id take Greenville or myrtle Beach any day over Charleston.


Yes, you are missing something. Everything you describe above can be found in Columbia, Greenville and MB. Not as much in MB proper perhaps, because it is smaller, but it's there. EVERY city of any size has its poverty-striken areas and areas you might not want to be in after dark. And every city has nieghborhoods were people are hanging out on the street.

Charleston's blighted areas are more visible due to the fact there are only a couple of major highways lead to the historic district and they all run through North Charleston and the "neck" area. The "neck" is a narrow area between the Cooper and Ashley Rivers. It is industrial and low-income residential. Some areas of North Charleston ( a separate city, not a part of Charleston proper) also have declined in recent decades. Columbia and Greenville however can be approached from more roads from many directions (No ocean or harbor to work around).

Most motorists visiting Greenville enter through the attractive, growing Eastside via 385. But come in through the Westside, and you get a different picture. Same can be said for Columbia. Take Farrow Road or Two Notch into downtown instead of 277 or 126 sometime.

Another reason that Charleston looks more "run down" in certain areas is that the historic preservation ordinances prevent demolition of old buildings in all but the most extreme cases. While this leaves a run-down appearance in place, these structures will eventually be renovated. Most cities aren't that patient. As hard as it may be to believe, the vast majority of houses on the battery and throughout the "nicer" sections of the historic district were once in a state of disrepair. In the '70's the King Street commercial district was abandoned, boarded up and falling down. Today of course, it has completely turned around. It's gone from Family Dollar to Saks Fifth Avenue. Good thing the city didn't try to "clean it up" by tearing down everything in sight down. My hometown of Florence did that and has nothing but empty parking lots to show for it.

Also, you can't assume everyone standing on a sidewalk or at a corner is selling drugs. Charleston is known nationally for the significant drop in crime since their Police Chief took over a couple of decades ago.

Charleston isn't just the "neck" area, it is John's Island, James Island, West Ashley and the peninsula, not to mention Daniel Island. And that's just the city proper.


I chose Spartanburg. The hometown bias is quite blatant here. I love my hometown despite is flaws. It has most of the big stores you would find in any large city, but it also has a nice downtown area that is slowly reviving itself.

Maybe Im missing something here, but I have been to Charleston Sc. probably 20 times in my life and there is no way this would be the best city to live in.  Im not trying to step on anyones toes but lets face reality here.  While Charleston may be historic and have great restaurants, Charleston is a dump.  Ever notice all the section 8 complex's you have to drive through just to get into downtown.  How about the local drug dealers standing at all the stop signs.  This is just my opinion, but i think Charleston is a dirty city full of dope dealing thugs and goverment assisted housing.  Id take Greenville or myrtle Beach any day over Charleston.


Charleston is no dump. Like vicupstate said, the Neck area is crap, and thats where the drug dealers are. Charleston's homeless population is very visable because of where 26 puts you. The city is voting on a rezoning of that area to try to improve it. Click here for more information on the Neck area.

The lower part of the pennensula is quite nice. Also, Charleston is more than that. Go to Mount Pleaseant or West Ashley and you can find the nicer areas, albiet less urban than downtown.


I chose Spartanburg. The hometown bias is quite blatant here. I love my hometown despite is flaws. It has most of the big stores you would find in any large city, but it also has a nice downtown area that is slowly reviving itself.

Charleston is no dump.  Like vicupstate said, the Neck area is crap, and thats where the drug dealers are. Charleston's homeless population is very visable because of where 26 puts you. The city is voting on a rezoning of that area to try to improve it. Click here for more information on the Neck area.

The lower part of the pennensula is quite nice. Also, Charleston is more than that. Go to Mount Pleaseant or West Ashley and you can find the nicer areas, albiet less urban than downtown.


thanks for your reply about Charleston, I realize that every city has there bad areas, but first impressions is what sticks out. I do like to visit Charleston, but i will never forget my first impression----Dump. Im glad to hear that they are addressing those issues.


As lovely as Charleston is, the average well off person can't afford to live there. Property in Old Charleston is in the stratosphere. The rest of the area is typical auto orient sprawl and very bad at that. So I would not want to live there.

I grew up in Myrtle Beach and would return to the Myrtle Beach that I left, but that doesn't exist anymore. So I would probably go with Rock Hill since it is part of Charlotte's metro.


I love Charleston as a place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. I have to choose Columbia. It has, by far, the largest university in the state, state government, USC sports, the Colonial Center, which is easily the largest arena in the state. It also has Trustus - the only professional theater in the Carolina's along with many other high quality local theaters. Nickelodeon is here as well as the Vista and 5 Points. Lake Murray is a plus and Columbia has great in-town neighborhoods and generally affordable housing. If you want to go to the beach or the mountains you can be in either place in less than 2 hours. Since this is an urban discussion site, Columbia also has, by far, the best skyline in South Carolina.


Can't argue with the skyline comment. Columbia definetly has that, other than maybe Myrtle Beach because of its tourism industry. I like most of the cities here in SC, I chose Greenville because it was closer to my true home, Greenwood. Greenville's skyline is improving with 3 or so towers planned to begin construction this year. Everyone has something to be proud of in their respective cities, and of course some things not to be proud of.


I like most of the cities here in SC


This is a good point. I too would gladly live in any of SC's cities.

True about Myrtle Beach.  It will soon have the tallest towers in the SC


Yes, and that is very sad. Its only by a few feet I think. Columbia or Greenville needs to have this honor, not MB. Charleston isn't a high rise city. However, coming over the Ashley River Bridge gives an excellent view of MUSC, which has a nice "skyline" effect.


I would say the metro Charleston area as the best place to live. Sadly, as mentioned before, average people would have ahard time making ends meet in the lower pennisula of the city. Mt Pleasant is now becoming more expensive now too but still affordable. The suburbs such as Summerville and Moncks Corner i can imagine are MUCH cheaper than living near the coast and is getting more and more built up.

My pros to Charleston are:

Awsome feel to the town

Friendly people

Keeps getting more improved with lots of gentrification

Awsome dining (and i mean good food, not talking about atmosphere)

Shopping (for the ladies of course, a guys nightmare!)

Beautiful waterfronts, depending on what side you look at

College life where you cant go wrong

Cons to Charleston:

Not a safe city, especially at night

The roads are crumbling and are in terrible shape

(the main roads are fine for the most part)

High cost of living

Location the rest of the state is at a disadvantage

(3.5 hours to Greenville)(2 hours to Columbia)(1.5 hours from Florence)

Fear of bad weather (flooding, hurricanes, tornadoes/water spouts)


Had to join and put my vote in for Spartanburg. While I don't live in the city - guess I contribute to sprawl - I do work and drive downtown. The city has made great strides over the past several years. Not only are new buildings going up, but a lot of renovation is happening also. I can actually walk to lunch and have lots of options. That was not possible four years ago. Now, if we could only get a Marble Slab downtown, I'd be set.


Had to join and put my vote in for Spartanburg. While I don't live in the city - guess I contribute to sprawl - I do work and drive downtown.  The city has made great strides over the past several years.  Not only are new buildings going up, but a lot of renovation is happening also.  I can actually walk to lunch and have lots of options.  That was not possible four years ago.  Now, if we could only get a Marble Slab downtown, I'd be set.


Welcome to the forum hubcity!

I would like to see a Marble Slab downtown as well. I have heard that we are going to get one out by the new movie theater in one of the other buildings that will go up around the area. It is an unfortunate location. But hey, we can have more than one :)

I would also like to see more restaurants downtown. If they will ever open that Wild Wing Cafe on Morgan Square I'd go there all the time. My girlfriend and I go to the one in Greenville occasionally and enjoy it.


I would argue that MB is not very urban at all. Certainly along Ocean Blvd, and the area between the Intracoastal Waterway and the Atlantic Ocean, but that is all. MB could be descibed as an artificial or non-traditional urban area since it is so strongly fueled by tourists.


I would say the metro Charleston area as the best place to live. Sadly, as mentioned before, average people would have ahard time making ends meet in the lower pennisula of the city. Mt Pleasant is now becoming more expensive now too but still affordable. The suburbs such as Summerville and Moncks Corner i can imagine are MUCH cheaper than living near the coast and is getting more and more built up.

My pros to Charleston are:

Awsome feel to the town

Friendly people

Keeps getting more improved with lots of gentrification

Awsome dining (and i mean good food, not talking about atmosphere)

Shopping (for the ladies of course, a guys nightmare!)

Beautiful waterfronts, depending on what side you look at

College life where you cant go wrong

Cons to Charleston:

Not a safe city, especially at night

The roads are crumbling and are in terrible shape

(the main roads are fine for the most part)

High cost of living

Location the rest of the state is at a disadvantage

(3.5 hours to Greenville)(2 hours to Columbia)(1.5 hours from Florence)

Fear of bad weather (flooding, hurricanes, tornadoes/water spouts)


Jerseyman you forgot another con, Traffic!


Is traffic that bad down there? I know it can be tricky downtown because of the old streets, but everywhere else? Maybe 17 and also 26 during rush hour?


Is traffic that bad down there? I know it can be tricky downtown because of the old streets, but everywhere else? Maybe 17 and also 26 during rush hour?


When I was living there traffic is pretty thick on US 17 & 17 by-pass, and of course US 501 which I tried to avoid at all cost. After dinner hours (8-9pm) though things started to thin out a bit though. It might be a little different now that the Carolinas by-ways has been built. last time I was there was in June (04) and traffic looked about the same. I don't no if many people realize this new express-way exist or not?


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