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55 minutes ago, spenser1058 said:

A fifth generation Floridian whose family has long been active in Republican politics discovers there’s no room for him in the party he was raised in (a local story):


From The Advocate 

Some of it may be due  to being in Polk county. I used to be active in Orange County and never heard a negative remark about gay people. But I ran with the young republicans. 

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The Sentinel to Seminole commissioners: Don’t cave to developers (especially scumbag Chris Dorworth.


Ever notice in Florida that whenever someone is doing his/her darndest to fleece the public, said evildoer is almost always a Republican? Fix it, Florida!

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15 hours ago, spenser1058 said:

And now, the President of the United States, on national television, has suggested Americans inject themselves with Lysol. 

Fake news. President Trump has never suggested Americans inject themselves with Lysol or any other product. The only true part of that story is that some media outlets, like NBC News, simply reported that Trump suggested that, even though he never did such a thing.

What Trump actually said, or rather, inquired about to a doctor, was that there is some promise that a Medical Doctor could potentially inject certain disinfectants into the lung as a potential treatment. We're not talking about Lysol... we're talking about chemicals like Hydrogen Peroxide, which is actually a treatment already done for other diseases. Trump didn't so much say a sentence without saying these are treatments that a Medical Doctor could potentially provide due to the complications in doing so, never once suggesting anyone should inject themselves with anything.

Of course, with irresponsible Fake News outlets like NBC News reporting that, of course Lysol needs to issue a statement like that.

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13 minutes ago, aent said:

Fake news. President Trump has never suggested Americans inject themselves with Lysol or any other product. The only true part of that story is that some media outlets, like NBC News, simply reported that Trump suggested that, even though he never did such a thing.

What Trump actually said, or rather, inquired about to a doctor, was that there is some promise that a Medical Doctor could potentially inject certain disinfectants into the lung as a potential treatment. We're not talking about Lysol... we're talking about chemicals like Hydrogen Peroxide, which is actually a treatment already done for other diseases. Trump didn't so much say a sentence without saying these are treatments that a Medical Doctor could potentially provide due to the complications in doing so, never once suggesting anyone should inject themselves with anything.

Of course, with irresponsible Fake News outlets like NBC News reporting that, of course Lysol needs to issue a statement like that.

That may well be true, but after all the fake news, truth-twisting and BS the right-wing echo-chamber propaganda machine has put out about Democrats over the years - the Trump-led Birther Movement being the most prime example - neither Trump nor his supporters have any room to cry foul.

Even if it's not true, I for one, will continue to take every opportunity which presents itself, to have as much fun with, and propagate it to, the greatest extent possible.

Just look at it as the right getting a taste of its own medicine, then swallow it like good little soldiers and we'll all move on to Trump's next foot-in-mouth moment. 


Shouldn't have very long to wait.  :lol:

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7 hours ago, aent said:

Fake news. President Trump has never suggested Americans inject themselves with Lysol or any other product. The only true part of that story is that some media outlets, like NBC News, simply reported that Trump suggested that, even though he never did such a thing.

What Trump actually said, or rather, inquired about to a doctor, was that there is some promise that a Medical Doctor could potentially inject certain disinfectants into the lung as a potential treatment. We're not talking about Lysol... we're talking about chemicals like Hydrogen Peroxide, which is actually a treatment already done for other diseases. Trump didn't so much say a sentence without saying these are treatments that a Medical Doctor could potentially provide due to the complications in doing so, never once suggesting anyone should inject themselves with anything.

Of course, with irresponsible Fake News outlets like NBC News reporting that, of course Lysol needs to issue a statement like that.

Who's WE?? lol. Let the President speak for himself. I was wondering how people will try to spin his statements (seemed impossible to justify), but here you come running along to his defense with some pseudo-medical bunk in a desperate effort to polish a turd. FYI the President already clarified his statements and according to him it was a joke so... nice try. Here's a little reading about your peroxide infusions - bubbles don't belong in your bloodstream: https://www.scpr.org/news/2017/09/05/75250/iv-hydrogen-peroxide-an-unproven-therapy-that-coul/

...When Trump was asked about the comments during a bill signing on Friday, he said, "I was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you just to see what would happen."
He then suggested he was talking about disinfectants that can safely be rubbed on people's hands. And then he returned to the sarcasm explanation, saying it was "a very sarcastic question to the reporters in the room about disinfectant on the inside." A reporter noted that he had asked his medical experts to look into it. Trump responded: "No, no, no, no -- to look into whether or not sun and disinfectant on the hands, but whether or not sun can help us." https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/24/politics/fact-check-trump-disinfectant-sarcastic/index.html. I've also provided a link to Fox News if preferred: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-claims-he-was-being-sarcastic-about-disinfectant-comments
There are people who will blindly follow the President at his word and it can have dire consequences if they choose to self-medicate: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/coronavirus-trump-drug-chloroquine-cure-man-dies-arizona-a9422071.html. Not to mention Trump touting the actual use of the drug as safe - without any mention of potential cardiac side effects to the public in the same breath: https://www.dicardiology.com/article/covid-19-hydroxychloroquine-treatment-brings-prolonged-qt-arrhythmia-issues. Might be best to leave it to the medical community to figure out, while not perfect they are certainly in a better position to speculate.
Edited by nite owℓ
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The qualifying deadline has passed for candidates in advance of the Aug 18 primary.

There are GOP challengers for seats held by Darren Soto and Stephanie Murphy in Congress but both seats are rated Safe or Likely Democratic.

GOP Rep. Dan Webster drew a Democratic challenger but it’s unlikely to flip unless there is massive downballot carnage from a FL victory by Presidential candidate Joe Biden.

The key race of interest in the region is for Orange/Osceola State Attorney. The incumbent is stepping down and the candidate with the most buzz is former Chief Judge Belvin Perry, Jr.


From the Sentinel 


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On 4/24/2020 at 11:25 PM, nite owℓ said:

Who's WE?? lol. Let the President speak for himself. I was wondering how people will try to spin his statements (seemed impossible to justify), but here you come running along to his defense with some pseudo-medical bunk in a desperate effort to polish a turd.

I'm no fan of Trump. I didn't vote for him, he's not my side.


On 4/24/2020 at 11:25 PM, nite owℓ said:

There are people who will blindly follow the President at his word and it can have dire consequences if they choose to self-medicate

Except even in Trump's original statement, he said "by a medical doctor of course". He never so much as suggested people could self medicate, and specifically said the opposite. Even on the hydroxychloroquine, all he said was "it was showing promise in testing" which was a true statement, again that nobody should try to self medicate with it or everyone should take it. He didn't mention any sort of dosage, and everyone with a brain knows you need to take the correct dosage of any medication. Even over the counter drugs have ill effects if you go just downing the bottles and not taking the correct amount. And the Arizona person didn't even get the right damn chemical! Many suspect ulterior motives in that case, the person was a democratic donor, and reportedly the wife was having other issues as well.

Look, I'm no fan of Trump, I hate the way he talks and his rhetoric, but lets stop blaming him for BS like this. Plenty of stuff to have fun about... such as the conservatives who are all now "pro choice" and the democrats who now no longer want to offer healthcare at all to those who "violate" the stay at home orders and protest.

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1 hour ago, aent said:

I'm no fan of Trump. I didn't vote for him, he's not my side.


Except even in Trump's original statement, he said "by a medical doctor of course". He never so much as suggested people could self medicate, and specifically said the opposite. Even on the hydroxychloroquine, all he said was "it was showing promise in testing" which was a true statement, again that nobody should try to self medicate with it or everyone should take it. He didn't mention any sort of dosage, and everyone with a brain knows you need to take the correct dosage of any medication. Even over the counter drugs have ill effects if you go just downing the bottles and not taking the correct amount. And the Arizona person didn't even get the right damn chemical! Many suspect ulterior motives in that case, the person was a democratic donor, and reportedly the wife was having other issues as well.

Look, I'm no fan of Trump, I hate the way he talks and his rhetoric, but lets stop blaming him for BS like this. Plenty of stuff to have fun about... such as the conservatives who are all now "pro choice" and the democrats who now no longer want to offer healthcare at all to those who "violate" the stay at home orders and protest.

The problem lies in that a lot of people don't pay close attention to the parenthetical parts of his comments. They only pay attention to the gist of things said especially by people they trust. Trump's rhetoric problem is that he is always unprepared, speaks off the cuff and isn't careful enough about what he chooses to say.

As far as the blame game and the BS are concerned... I'm not going to  hold the Democrats to a higher standard while neither he nor his side hold him to no standards whatsoever.

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3 hours ago, JFW657 said:

As far as the blame game and the BS are concerned... I'm not going to  hold the Democrats to a higher standard while neither he nor his side hold him to no standards whatsoever.

You keep blaming Trump for this when the problem with what Trump said isn't what he said... its that people are just taking statements out of context... in particular, the democrats doing so. Fox News didn't intially report that Trump said to inject Lyson... that was MSNBC and CNN and democrats. So the very thing you're worried about came from the left, not the right. I never once heard the right say that, its the left saying "Trump said this (thing that Trump didn't say)". I hate the Republicans for their stance on many social issues and that they don't manage to actually cut spending like they always say they want to when they're not in office, but the Democrats just are so intolerant of anyone with an opposing view to the point where they lie and say that "the situation is so bad that the lies are nothing compared to what they do".

I do believe in Darwinism too. Anyone dumb enough to self medicate without knowing 1) what chemical and form 2) what dosage to take and 3) where the hell it goes really kind of deserves it. Although foul play is suspected in most of the few Hydroxychloroquine cases so that may not be Darwinism but malicious intent.

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6 hours ago, aent said:

You keep blaming Trump for this when the problem with what Trump said isn't what he said... its that people are just taking statements out of context... in particular, the democrats doing so. Fox News didn't intially report that Trump said to inject Lyson... that was MSNBC and CNN and democrats. So the very thing you're worried about came from the left, not the right. I never once heard the right say that, its the left saying "Trump said this (thing that Trump didn't say)". I hate the Republicans for their stance on many social issues and that they don't manage to actually cut spending like they always say they want to when they're not in office, but the Democrats just are so intolerant of anyone with an opposing view to the point where they lie and say that "the situation is so bad that the lies are nothing compared to what they do".

I do believe in Darwinism too. Anyone dumb enough to self medicate without knowing 1) what chemical and form 2) what dosage to take and 3) where the hell it goes really kind of deserves it. Although foul play is suspected in most of the few Hydroxychloroquine cases so that may not be Darwinism but malicious intent.

To all of that, all I have to say is.... Trump's constant, shameless, blatant BALD-FACED LYING aside -- meaning let's just not even consider that for the moment because there are so many other of his faults to cover -- Trump  was for 12 years, the leader of the "Birther Movement" and knowingly pushed a gigantic lie about President Obama not being an American citizen. And then, even after it was proven to be utter nonsense, his shameless, mindless supporters put him in the WH anyway.

During all those 12 years, those hated and despised "dang ol' lib'rul media" outlets like MSNBC and CNN stood by and let Trump get away with it by not forcefully calling him out for it or pointing out what a lying, low-life POS he was/is.

Strangely, we don't hear any crying from the right about that little lapse in journalistic oversight.

So if I'm supposed to feel some kind of sympathy for Trump or resentment or revulsion towards MSNBC and CNN, you're in for a disappointment.

AAMOF.... I not only HOPE that they actually got together and plotted to purposely twist Trump's comments to make him look like an even bigger idiot than he already does, but that their plan works, the public buys it and Trump's job approval takes a nose dive causing him to get booted out of office in November because of it.

I'd laugh my tail off because nobody deserves to be crapped on the way Trump does, given the way he craps on everyone else.

I have ZERO sympathy for Trump or any regret whatsoever, over any unfairness that wrongs or slights him in any way.

He brings every bit of it on himself.

Let him choke on it.



Edited by JFW657
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11 hours ago, aent said:

I'm no fan of Trump. I didn't vote for him, he's not my side.


Except even in Trump's original statement, he said "by a medical doctor of course". He never so much as suggested people could self medicate, and specifically said the opposite. Even on the hydroxychloroquine, all he said was "it was showing promise in testing" which was a true statement, again that nobody should try to self medicate with it or everyone should take it. He didn't mention any sort of dosage, and everyone with a brain knows you need to take the correct dosage of any medication. Even over the counter drugs have ill effects if you go just downing the bottles and not taking the correct amount. And the Arizona person didn't even get the right damn chemical! Many suspect ulterior motives in that case, the person was a democratic donor, and reportedly the wife was having other issues as well.

Look, I'm no fan of Trump, I hate the way he talks and his rhetoric, but lets stop blaming him for BS like this. Plenty of stuff to have fun about... such as the conservatives who are all now "pro choice" and the democrats who now no longer want to offer healthcare at all to those who "violate" the stay at home orders and protest.

Fake News your ass.

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Rick Scott continues to make a mockery of Florida’s workers, saying they’re trying to scam the unemployment system he and his fellow Republicans created specifically not to work.

Meanwhile, he scammed Medicare so badly even GOP stalwarts the Frists wanted nothing to do with him.

Not to worry. He just came to Florida, ran for governor, gave huge tax cuts to his cronies while decimating public education, growth management and environmental regulations (think it’s an accident that after doing that, Florida had the worst red tide blooms ever? Not his problem).

This is one of the leaders of Florida’s Republican Party. It’s how they’ve done business here for more than two decades now. Florida’s Democrats have had zero control over anything done in Tallahassee since 1999.

We can do better. Fix it, Florida!


From the Sentinel 

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Major kudos to Seminole County commissioners for rejecting the blackmail of Chris Dorworth and his developer cabal. Instead, they supported, ummm, the people.

As usual, Chris is going to make the county spend a lot of money so he can enrich himself, but that’s what the Tallahassee crowd of the past 20 years does.

Fix It, Florida! Seminole County has shown the way.


From the Sentinel 

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Here is a quick recap of my notes from today's press conference. This is on the State level, and we should see more information from Orange County before the end of the week, WHICH MAY BE DIFFERENT.

Phase I businesses are able to open Monday and include

  • Restaurants may offer outdoor seating with six foot space between tables and indoor seating at 25% capacity.
  • Retail can operate at 25% of indoor capacity.
  • No change for bars, gyms, and personal services such as hair dressers.

Further Guidance

  • Vulnerable individuals should avoid close contact with people outside the home.
  • All individuals, when in public, should maximize physical distance from others.
  • Avoid socializing in groups of more than 10 people in circumstances that do not readily allow for physical distancing.
  • Face masks are recommended for all those in face-to-face interactions and where you can’t social distance.

The governor did not recommend any other regulations such as temperature checks or mandatory hand sanitizer.

The governor gave no date for a phase 2 opening at this time but suggested it would be a matter of weeks not months. 

Link to the Governor's report: https://www.flgov.com/wp-content/uploads/covid19/Safe%20Smart%20Step_Templat4.29%20FINAL.pdf

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Big news in OC politics: FL Rep. Amy Mercado will challenge Property Appraiser Rick Singh.

Both are Democrats, although personally I’m ashamed to be in the same party as Mr. Singh. He is bad news and has been almost from the day he was elected.

Since OC is so blue, a Republican has almost no chance in the race. Fortunately, Ms. Mercado will be a fine replacement for the corrupt incumbent.


From the Sentinel 

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Even US Rep. Stephanie Murphy, who was appointed to President Trump’s bipartisan task force to reopen the national economy, says the state blew it on its unemployment system and response to COVID-19:


From the Sentinel 

Fix It, Florida!

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4 hours ago, spenser1058 said:

Big news in OC politics: FL Rep. Amy Mercado will challenge Property Appraiser Rick Singh.

Both are Democrats, although personally I’m ashamed to be in the same party as Mr. Singh. He is bad news and has been almost from the day he was elected.

Since OC is so blue, a Republican has almost no chance in the race. Fortunately, Ms. Mercado will be a fine replacement for the corrupt incumbent.


From the Sentinel 

Hes the only Dem I voted against last time. He's the absolute worst.

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20 hours ago, spenser1058 said:

Big news in OC politics: FL Rep. Amy Mercado will challenge Property Appraiser Rick Singh.

Both are Democrats, although personally I’m ashamed to be in the same party as Mr. Singh. He is bad news and has been almost from the day he was elected.

Since OC is so blue, a Republican has almost no chance in the race. Fortunately, Ms. Mercado will be a fine replacement for the corrupt incumbent.


From the Sentinel 

Question: Why do you think she will be a fine replacement?

She has zero experience in the field: "Mercado, 46, also has worked for 15 years for the National Mango Board, a program under the U.S. Department of Agriculture that oversees and promotes the national mango agriculture industry. She serves as director of operations, an administrative role which she compared to the day-today responsibilities of the elected property appraiser."

I'd rather see someone who rose through the ranks with experience and professional qualifications elected - it doesn't matter to me if that person is a Democrat or a Republican. Rick Singh might be a scandal-machine, but at least he has some sort of certificate on the wall to show he is qualified to do the job (unlike Bill Donegan who also had a few scandals of his own). We already have unqualified judges and cabinet members being appointed to the highest levels of government and I'm sick of the low bar that we've set for people who serve in public office.

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