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About camtology

  • Birthday August 12

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    South Carolina

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  1. heard about this very vaguely a few months back but it'll be interesting development especially right next to Wofford. Even if this particular space is a little small it is nice to see the Hub kind of become an example for development where there are different shops that cater to a variety of interests throughout the day rather than merely just lunch or dinner
  2. particularly for Union St. I think this is a great time to use it as an experiment for new kinds of transportation usage in the city. Particularly I think it would be a great place to test out the usage of a trolley (bus would be fairly similar) due to the openness of what can be developed there and the relative closeness of the downtown
  3. With the rail trail being so popular, I believe a project like this will see an almost immediate switch on how Union Street looks once it is finished (especially if the penny sales tax is used to resurface and restructure the road)
  4. https://www.postandcourier.com/spartanburg/business/mixed-use-development-begins-on-union-street-in-spartanburg/article_cd3872a6-8269-11ee-9945-fb9e3687287b.html/?tpcc=sptsocial&fbclid=IwAR18ugG373hWvs0wb_t76FxS2BZzhvggRhSlrnhtkQsp2pQ-hAT-jnnjzks New Article on the Lat Perser Mixed Use development. I don't know if any of this is new information for this thread but its good regardless to see it being discussed more
  5. Honestly feel that SCDOT having control over certain roads in Spartanburg is a hinderance to the cities growth (especially Church street) if the county is paying to repave and maintain them, the state should give Spartanburg more control over these roads (I.e. the ability to reduce the number of lanes in the CBD area)
  6. I could easily see the current plans changing to be part of the overall plan. These buildings will begin over the next 4-6 years there could be many hoping that as more is completed the more investment comes into the later projects and allow them to expand beyond what current funding may allow
  7. As someone who regularly travels between a good many small to midsized cities in South and North Carolina, it is insane to me that anyone could believe that the BBB didn't do anything, most growing cities, despite Covid and inflation on building materials, have one or multiple huge projects and developments in progress. FDR really was the last president to know how to get votes from investing in local economies, he knew he'd have to put his own name on every other project or only the city leaders would get all the praise.
  8. kinda want to see some of the sketches of what the empty area between the stadium and the hotel, I know homeruns will mean much can't be built there but I would still love to see some trees and walkways
  9. Got some shots of where demolition is today
  10. I've been thinking about it and there are many good team names to highlight the history and geography of Spartanburg, one of the ones I think would be a good team name is "The Conductors" or something like that to highlight the importance of the Railroad in Spartanburg
  11. Really hope this develop bring more money and development for the people living in the surrounding neighborhoods, this could be a great test to see if Spartanburg can do renewal without gentrification
  12. Been waiting on updates for the west main street scaping, glad that the process is having a major deadline soon!
  13. I think a big reason we have a hard time picturing all of this as the downtown area is because not all of it is a comfortable walk. I've walked from Cribbs to Fretwell but as it gets later thats just no longer a walk I am comfortable with, this boundary will make more sense in a decade or two when everywhere in yellow is more lively than it is right now
  14. New downtown general store on Evans St., had their soft opening yesterday, I haven't been in yet so I don't know what all they are selling but I know many people have been hoping to have a store downtown like this https://www.facebook.com/barringergeneralstore/?locale=hi_IN&paipv=0&eav=Afa2Ulfmsypgb9OWJnqmUjTVh0cVfKHpKtzAofR8zi9V_izAqmygacuY4SyF3Oj9rkI&_rdr
  15. If there is a hotel within the stadium development and a Fairfield inn coming on the other side of downtown I don't really think Spartanburg would be missing out on many downtown hotel developments for just three years, the city needs more apartments in the area more than anything but they would still be tripling the amount of downtown hotels in the next few years with this deal
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