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Everything posted by a2theb

  1. That P&N line between Savona and Cedar St. is even worse shape than it was 4 years ago when Lakewood really gained traction. At this point I would be willing to bet is completely off the table.
  2. Welcome to the neighborhood! Its not southend but there is something for everybody within walking distance (JBs, Rhino, Town, Blue Blaze, Lucky Dog, Summit Seltzers, etc) Boooooooo
  3. No no no, Salad place, a Wilmington or Charleston based oak with spanish moss and swopping branches and the golden cow in the jewel box
  4. Drove by this weekend and it appears this lot is being cleared and graded. Believe this is owned by the same folks doing the warehouse across Gesco.
  5. I agree with that. Not really about serving Wesley Heights was just more concerned about the Morehead corridor from mint to Wilkinson so if they are planning a stop at Cedar/near the stadium thats more than enough.
  6. This is another interesting "alignment refinement" option they are looking at. Can't decide how I feel about skipping Wesley Heights and making the only station in 3rd ward Gateway. This the proposed realignment would lead to a more efficient entry into uptown but skipping the morehead/wesley heights stop would be a blow to the commercialization opportunities along Morehead. Also runs into the issue of what happens when/if the stadium is put on the refinery land.
  7. The Fulcrum One prices are absolutely insane
  8. Article mentions Wesley Heights but I assume he may be thinking of 3rd Ward (Greenleaf, Victoria, Westbrook) because Wesley Heights stills remains relatively untouched in terms of full demolitions. In the 3 years I have been in the neighborhood I have seen maybe 3-4, one of which had a tree fall on it and the others met extremely heavy resistance. As far as I know, you have to purchase the house and wait a year plus before you demolish anything in a historic neighborhood.
  9. Deck be damned this project looks great from the stonewall/Tryon intersection
  10. Second phase of skybridge condos but it is apartments.
  11. Work has started back on this. Not sure what happened here but a construction trailer is back, fence is up around the lot and heavy equipment is on site working.
  12. The project is alright from a Graham/Trade perspective but I cannot get over how horrendous the 5th street side is. No street level activation between Wilkes and Graham is inexcusable.
  13. Is this essentially a test location for new CB brands? If so, I assume it will turn over like this every 2-3 years as they try new things out.
  14. Always vote in your state and local elections. These both have the most visible effect on your day to day life and matter just as much if not more than your presidential vote.
  15. It won't. Clients will still want staff on site and companies will still want to have face time with prospective clients/suppliers/JV partners etc. Of course, this is coming from a professional services perspective. Sure, other industries may pivot a bit but in terms of PSFs, there will always be travel.
  16. As long as the united states has warheads, aircraft carriers and can bully the rest of the world, the dollar will be fine.
  17. Going to try and scrape the weekly posts Ric0_0 mentioned and see where that goes.
  18. Any clue where I can find the 3 major's route cuts online in some sort of open data source?
  19. Speaking of Lucky dog, the warehouse across Jay Street and next to Not Just Coffee (currently home to Custom Polymers) looks to be the next to get developed. There were some banners hanging off the building advertising office and retail space.
  20. Used to make that walk when I lived off 5th a couple years ago. Always led to some interesting interactions with the characters hanging around the warehouses.
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