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Everything posted by AmIReal

  1. Also, OIA (MCO) is ready to start working on the next $65M upgrade. They will apply for a $50 million grant from the Airport Terminals Program Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to add more gates to Terminal C. Per OBJ, "The 15-gate terminal will add four gates that can accommodate either four wide-body or eight narrow-body aircraft, said the application. The additional gates will "ease pressure" in the existing north terminal and allow for the replacement of aged infrastructure." "Work could begin before the end of this year with a substantial construction completion in Dec. 2025 and a final inspection of the project in June 2026." https://www.bizjournals.com/orlando/news/2022/11/30/florida-airport-terminal-expansion-project.html?cx_testId=40&cx_testVariant=cx_11&cx_artPos=0#cxrecs_s
  2. No infrastructure needed. Vegas and Orlando have the most pilot vacancies outside of their current hub cities. https://simpleflying.com/united-airlines-open-three-new-crew-bases-2023-las-vegas-tampa-orlando/
  3. Interesting take in NYC- New York City Will Hospitalize More Mentally Ill People Involuntarily “The common misunderstanding persists that we cannot provide involuntary assistance unless the person is violent,” Mr. Adams said. “This myth must be put to rest. Going forward, we will make every effort to assist those who are suffering from mental illness and whose illness is endangering them by preventing them from meeting their basic human needs.” https://dnyuz.com/2022/11/29/new-york-city-will-hospitalize-more-mentally-ill-people-involuntarily/
  4. Nicole unearthed a mysterious object- https://www.wesh.com/article/daytona-beach-shores-shipwreck/42102667
  5. Just don't go there hungry... Sodexo food workers at Orange County Convention Center may strike https://www.bizjournals.com/orlando/news/2022/11/29/orange-county-convention-center-workers-strike.html "Sodexo partners with large convention centers to operate catering and other food service needs. The company hires dishwashers, cooks, banquet servers, cashiers and more to help run conventions centers such as the one in Orange County. ..If they do, it will be the first tourism industry strike in over 20 years."
  6. The plague of purple streetlights. Turns out "it isn't some grand conspiracy, though lots of people saw in the synthetic twilight the effects of 5G radiation or government surveillance, a sign of the times. " https://www.businessinsider.com/led-city-streetlights-turning-purple-broken-tech-danger-2022-11
  7. Speaking of the Magic, here is a somewhat hyperbolic look at one of our more interesting players. https://www.theringer.com/nba/2022/11/29/23482975/bol-bol-orlando-magic It is funny to watch a 7'2 bean pole go coast to coast with a behind the back dribble and euro step to finish with a finger roll from the foul line. Admittedly, highlight films can be made for anyone, but the NBA has not seen these skills in this frame.
  8. I have been wondering how Desantis would handle the "resign to run" laws. From wiki- "Section 99.012 of the Florida Statutes states: "No officer may qualify as a candidate for another public office, whether state, district, county or municipal, if the terms or any part thereof run concurrently with each other, without resigning from the office he or she presently holds."[3] The Florida law permits an office-holder to make their resignation effective the day they would assume the new office if elected. In 1970, the US District Court for the Northern District of Florida ruled that Florida's resign-to-run law could not be applied to candidates running for Congress. The court found that the law violated Article 1, Section 2, Clause 2, of the Constitution by providing an additional qualification not provided by the Constitution for election to Congress.[4] That same year, in a separate case, Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black questioned the constitutionality of the same statute.[5]" It has never been tested for running for President, but I've been waiting to see if they would "pre-file" a writ for a summary judgement (they haven't). Well, it looks like the "newly chosen Florida House Speaker Paul Renner said that it would be a "good idea" for the state's government, now controlled by a Republican supermajority, to change the law and allow officials to remain in their current seat while running for office." https://www.newsweek.com/desantis-allies-begin-laying-groundwork-his-2024-white-house-run-1761800
  9. I assume you already know Jared Polis, Gov of Colorado is gay (and a Dem). Actually, other than FL and a few seats in NY, this was a much more favorable election for Dems than was expected. Even the FL election has underlying numbers issues for Republicans, but it likely won't matter since the Democrats have years developing a shoddy bench in the state. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/2022-governor-state-government/
  10. Aren't projects like this going to improve that? Not that this project is actually going to happen, but in theory...
  11. Jacksonville story with an Orlando flavor https://www.jaxdailyrecord.com/article/proposed-mathers-social-gathering-seeking-dollar1-3-million-in-dia-incentives
  12. Tampa came in #1 in customer satisfaction for large airports, per JD Power. In the big boy category (mega airports-33 million or more passengers per year) Orlando came in 6th. https://www.thrillist.com/news/nation/best-worst-airports-north-america-jd-power-ranking https://www.forbes.com/sites/laurabegleybloom/2022/09/21/ranked-the-best-and-worst-airports-in-america/ Unsurprisingly, LAX, O'Hare and Newark were in the bottom.
  13. Yes, good catch. I was wrong. It is not MSA, but CSA based numbers.
  14. Yep, but the market arm of FTX was ran by Ryan Salame who gave $24million to Republicans. In brief, Bankman-Fried knew Dems were determined to regulate crypto so he sought to control how they would manage. Meanwhile, the other arm (Saleme) knew Republicans would control the house (at the time, maybe the Senate) so he sought to work with them. Standard practice in corporate world. In the end, they both failed. Great HBO drama. edit- btw, politicians from both parties are currently "returning" campaign funds from these sources via charity transfers.
  15. it's the cheesiest... oh wait, wrong product. I'll take the Hot & Spicy please, sir. This makes me wonder, could we have the Pepperidge Farms "Goldfish Bowl"
  16. This is a great idea. Unfortunately, the next best option is warehouses, and I don't think we want to go down that road.... btw, does anyone remember when it was a thing to convert downtown offices into centralized server farms? I'm looking at you 180 N Orange.
  17. And it shall be known as the "Cheez-It Bowl" The Cheez-It Bowl, which features a tie-in with the Big 12 and ACC, is scheduled for Dec. 29 at 5:30 p.m. on ESPN. https://www.orlandosentinel.com/sports/college-gridiron-365/os-sp-cheez-it-orlando-citrus-bowl-sponsor-20221115-mq4i5uo7xze3dhyhkljgum77uu-story.html
  18. Technology jobs and the rebound in tourism are fueling a reshuffling of America's population centers, that is according to the American Growth Project- from the Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise at UNC. They found the economic center of gravity was moving and Orlando came in 10th on the list which was led by San Francisco. Before you deride anything associated with that city, here is the Fortune article associated with the study- https://fortune.com/2022/11/09/how-did-remote-work-change-san-francisco-fastest-growing-metro-areas-kenan-institute-silicon-valley/ Kenan Institute uses a MSA based methodology with up to date data to better study areas as opposed to just the cities. https://www.axios.com/2022/11/05/fastest-growing-cities-us The Kenan Institute- https://kenaninstitute.unc.edu/tag/american-growth-project/ The study- https://kenaninstitute.unc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/american-growth-project-10172022r.pdf
  19. This post is not about a specific project- more of a trend. A couple weeks ago, GS ran an article citing a survey from the Urban Land Institute that declares the US has too much retail space and should/ will be converting it to residential (maybe low income housing). They look at malls as having great potential and name Fashion Square as an obvious option. They also posit we may have too much office space and it may also be better used as residential. “We’ve talked for years about the fact that we may have too much retail, now we are talking about (how) we may need less office, ” Andrew Warren, director of real estate research with PriceWaterhouseCoopers, said at the conference “Class B and C offices aren’t as attractive. Maybe it’s time for adaptive reuse. There are opportunities out there and we have needs; we need affordable and attainable housing.”..."office replaced retail as the lowest-ranked property sector this year. Retail had registered the lowest ranking of any property type for over a decade but seems to have at least stabilized, while the future for the office sector is uncertain at best." I found this part interesting, "In addition, tenants are increasingly choosing newer, more modern buildings and abandoning everything else, especially ones built before 1990, the report says. “Unfortunately, the office sector experienced its greatest construction boom in the 1980′s,” the report reads. “Now many of these assets are becoming functionally obsolete, unwanted by tenants or investors.” One anonymous expert interviewed for the report stated that office assets have “become toxic.” https://www.growthspotter.com/news/downtown-orlando-developments/gs-news-urban-land-institute-annual-report-development-orlando-20221031-tgiposv2ynffjacinfrnx55qwu-story.html Along that same line of thinking- from GS Developers continue to swap out hotel entitlements in favor of apartments in Orlando’s tourism district. "6.5 acres near the northeast intersection of World Center Drive and State Road 535, just south of Lake Bryan, next to the 1,333-key Caribe Royale Resort." 30 years ago they got approval for a 280 room hotel- never happened. Now the new owner has submitted an application to the county with a change determination request to replace the hotel designation with a 177-unit multifamily community with three residential buildings. https://www.growthspotter.com/news/residential-property-developments/multi-family/gs-news-alpine-residential-multifamily-development-hotels-orlando-20221111-yk2fqc4bbrea7n2oduts5q25eq-story.html And one more from OBJ, Orlando I-Drive hotel is next in line for conversion to apartments. 3.62 acres at 6323 International Drive, about a half-mile west of its intersection with Kirkman Road, titled Oslo at I Drive in the city filing, would feature two buildings for housing, one common area building, a pool area, mail lobby, gym and parking. "Hotel-to-apartment conversions are a wrinkle on a larger trend seen throughout the region, as investors continue to seek ways to turn older properties into rentable multifamily units while rents in metro Orlando have skyrocketed." https://www.bizjournals.com/orlando/news/2022/11/11/the-floridian-express-hotel-i-drive-conversion-apt.html?cx_testId=40&cx_testVariant=cx_11&cx_artPos=2#cxrecs_s Interesting times
  20. It would be Modera #3. I hope it does.
  21. Landmark factory in Jacksonville will be demolished and miss its century mark "The Ford Motor Company assembly plant, at 1900 Wambolt St., was built in 1924 to produce the Ford Model T..." https://www.jacksonville.com/story/opinion/columns/guest/2022/11/13/demolition-means-historic-jax-building-miss-its-century-mark/8287647001/
  22. https://www.orlandoweekly.com/orlando/all-of-the-party-people-we-saw-at-electric-daisy-carnival-orlando-2022/Slideshow/32903919 I think there is an events thread in the coffee house
  23. I don't know if this is a new thing, but I wasn't aware the Baby Publix in SoDo has Pours. https://www.orlandoweekly.com/news/publix-opens-bars-inside-several-florida-locations-including-one-in-orlando-32904599?fbclid=IwAR3zuVkPYehO_OyYDfo97fIUUeiAvSfHRBW8RmCPdEEOemZ2_MRIrWt3Ej4
  24. "Chuck Whittall, Unicorp’s President, told GrowthSpotter that the Tao Hotel would be a five-star luxury resort rising 15 stories." https://www.growthspotter.com/news/hotels/gs-news-unicorp-tao-hotel-development-o-town-west-orlando-20221109-lsiwai6thvdgnbnrfedyhgiig4-story.html
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