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Everything posted by NashvilleObserver

  1. Bird and Lime scooters in Santa Monica get destroyed by locals; thrown in the ocean, ran over by cars, or set on fire. Check out @birdgraveyard on Instagram. I do not understand this mentality at all......
  2. Pay homage to the building?? By what, completely changing it? But seriously, they might as well tear it down and start from scratch.
  3. Google Maps converts data from the satellite imagery into the basic map, and will often suggest to Maps editors (like myself) to name places it thinks are significant. The programming no doubt thought a big body of water in the middle of a city was there on purpose and prompted someone to name it. If anyone wants corrections or additions made for places in Nashville on Google Maps just let me know!! Side-note: I have tried and failed many times to have the name "Pie Town" removed but it seems to be permanent
  4. Is there any word on when the tower for the empty lot between the LifeWay and HCA buildings will begin construction?
  5. Yes, I was referring to the actual tower portion of the apartment tower. The plans show a large boxy base, and a slimmer tower rising out of it. But if the base is 7 floors then it appears the actual tower portion is about to start.
  6. I assume the base of the apartment tower is now complete, and the actual tower portion is about to start rising? Is that accurate?
  7. For those who don't know, this is made of flimsy sticks that dance and sway from the slightest breeze. It's actually quite interesting and beautiful, like some sort of kinetic sculpture.
  8. Sorry you don't like them but they could save lives... so..... hmmm.... maybe just get over it? The beautiful white exterior and robust architecture will be great addition to downtown.
  9. Why couldn't they tear it all down and build something tall in this narrow little space??
  10. From The Nashville Post: https://www.nashvillepost.com/business/development/article/21024672/work-ready-to-begin-on-the-manning Cushman & Wakefield official weighs in on SoBro property sale The six-parcel SoBro site located at the Korean Veterans Boulevard Roundabout and that recently sold for $21 million, with a hotel being eyed, is a transaction that has caught the attention of local real estate industry professional Fred Kane. Kane, vice president of the land services group of the local office of Cushman & Wakefield, grades the 1.9-acre site an A-plus, noting the zoning already in place that would allow a building of up to 30 stories. The transaction is the equivalent of about $253 per square foot. “This is a good deal for the buyer,” Kane told the Post. “I would value this property at $300 per square foot, or $25 million, for the 1.9 acres.
  11. Media: "Ladies... this is the final rose." Bezos: "Northern Virginia...... will you accept this rose?"
  12. Well the Centennial Exposition and International Exposition (World's Fair) were held jointly from May to October. So it was beyond just city leaders involved it was truly a global event. Paris built the Eiffel Tower for their World's Fair, Nashville built the world's only full-scale replica of the Parthenon, and Knoxville got the Sun Sphere. These events (International/Universal Expositions, Columbian Expositions, Pan-American Expositions) were amazingly organized and detailed and there are many fascinating things that happened at each that are worth reading about.
  13. Well then I stand corrected. One of the buildings (besides the reconstructed Parthenon) remaining, the Knights of Phythias Pavilion, is not in that picture. It would have been right next to the pyramid.
  14. Right... It's technically accurate, but little details like getting the smile wrinkles right, putting emotion in the eyes, (and not painting stripes on dozens of tacky telephone poles) can keep public art from being nauseating.
  15. I've seen this Riverfront charging station too, as well as the one one at Rosa Parks and Harrison, but I thought the busses back up, and connect, to a device that slides into the large bulging thing on top of the busses. Either way, the new WeGo purple busses look great. At first glance, it looks like a fancy company-sponsored bus, like Roku or Yahoo! busses.
  16. Because it hasn't quite burgeoned ENOUGH. It's known amongst local designers/architects/contractors for the showrooms for stone, tile, carpet, fabric, furniture, decor, bathroom appliances, etc... but not by regular Nashvillians. I'm there at least 4 times a week, sometimes twice a day, and it always makes me sad to drive on that drab, dusty road. The attempt has been to create a design district that compares to Houston's or Atlanta's, but the fact is that it needs to be in a "neighborhood" setting with other attractions (restaurants, salons, shops) around it for increased foot traffic and 'walkability.' but Sidco is basically a semi-truck on-ramp to nearby interstates. If we could relocate every showroom on Sidco to WeHo, it could finally send Nashville "through the roof" as a burgeoning city for arts, architecture, and interior design.
  17. My boss had dinner there the other night and said it was hands-down, the BEST meal he's had in Nashville. Also the lobster pot pie was one of the best things he's tasted in his life.
  18. If they sold that downtown campus right now, does anyone know the amount of money they would make to put toward this vision?
  19. I fully support any effort to relocate Nashville's attempt at a "design district" away from Sidco Drive, and to a more reasonable area of the city. I hope this becomes a reality and more companies and showrooms relocate here. However... this obsession among "creatives" for the use of the word "Collective" is like nails on a chalkboard to me. Blegh. It's like a trendy word that went viral among hipsters. I'm in the design industry and I just can't stand it.
  20. Performance space for amateur actors and dancers is a good idea, but just one of many good ideas for this building, so if a company is willing to shell out the money to preserve and rebuild a building that (quite frankly) has been just an eye-sore lately, I say let them do it. Maybe non-profit performing arts spaces could find better opportunities at a lower cost outside the CBD. @nashville_bound It's rare to find a company that will do this for such a squat, relatively small structure, so I'm glad this company is!
  21. I believe this is the building (from the bottom right corner of the photo above) known as the Knights of Pythias Pavilion which was relocated to Franklin, TN after the Exposition ended.
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