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Everything posted by Hike

  1. I’m not sure why but we don’t see them like this, at least up to now. Maybe the buildings planned where the silos are coming down have that density(?) so there’s hope the future could include something similar to the one in Arlington.
  2. That’s nice! Doubt that scale of building is coming here. If you take the Publix in Carytown, add “x” number of apartments on top, it’s in essence what this is, just a smaller scale, there’s a parking deck within, it’s tight to the street, wanted to show there’s a project here that’s not just a single story, 4 block flat roof with a sea of parking surrounding the grocery store.
  3. That’s what I’m trying to gauge, is this something worth keeping or should it be torn down? I’m thinking about an impartial look at both cases and that may not be possible with E.S. I’m on the fence with how I feel about this project. On one hand, that’s been the signature tower, is part of every skyline picture and view, on the other hand, it’s old and needs an influx of $, updates, it sits alone over there. Where are we if it comes down and another 12 story apartment takes its place. It’s on a bit of an island over there, nested between interstate, 6 lanes of internal roads, a train station, what can be done? These are questions that I’d like to see explored by someone, if there’s someone impartial that could consider both, that was my interest, maybe it’s just this board.
  4. I think what you’re describing is something similar to the Publix in Carytown.
  5. I wonder if someone like Ed Slipek would be interested in a commentary on the future of the Monroe building, what are the merits of saving it, should it just go or is it worth saving?
  6. One thing that could happen, why doesn’t the airport advertise itself? It does a very poor job of getting word out about itself. I was thinking about what would be a starter “article” and when thinking about it, I could see something like just basic stuff, RIC has grown, passenger growth, these are the carriers, here’s the routes, here’s where they want to grow and where they hope to go, challenges, hidden costs beyond just a low cost option elsewhere and why to fly RIC.
  7. I hope to make this, have it penciled in.
  8. Me thinks I see it, does remind me of this meme though.
  9. I’ve been thinking of doing this since the thread started, couldn’t resist, sorry folks, I’ll see myself out.
  10. Between Costar and this project, the riverfront is about to have a busy summer. I like the fact that they said they’re starting soon and actually finishing in late 2024, ahead of the outdoor music scene for 2025. I’d like to see a rendering of the back of the stage building, that has a prominent location and lot of visibility as well. “The group expects that construction could start by early summer, with the project’s 18-month schedule putting completion at the end of 2024 at the earliest.”
  11. With Sharpie, small, making room for all the future recipients
  12. Well, technically, it was the Richmond Times Dispatch’s report, but I know what you mean
  13. Just saw this article on the RTD, the head line captured my attention, wondered “why were they moving a statue of Lincoln from Tredegar?” They’re moving it to make way for the amphitheater. It doesn’t get into details on that project, says proposed, but moving a statue, to me, says the amphitheater project is close, why else remove it… https://richmond.com/news/local/lincoln-statue-moved-from-tredegar-to-the-valentine/article_eb14deb2-9e6d-11ed-bc2b-7f8d1a5b0bf2.html https://richmond.com/news/local/lincoln-statue-moved-from-tredegar-to-the-valentine/article_eb14deb2-9e6d-11ed-bc2b-7f8d1a5b0bf2.html#tracking-source=home-top-story
  14. From the RBS comments, this commenter had some concerns, sharing them here, made me chuckle, it can be found on the original article link under comments. “Encouraging people to use the oft-delayed Amtrak to ride for two and a half hours IF the train isn’t delayed by CSX, Amtrak, or commuter rail (though from someone who rides the VRE regularly, the delays are usually on Amtrak) to get off at Alexandria, to lug their crap to King St Station, to ride the metro to L’Enfant, to switch to the Sliver line, so they can ride the metro to Dulles, to try to catch a plane on time rather than spending their money at the local airport is daft.”
  15. It’s happening, they’re moving dirt. https://youtube.com/shorts/GNJqW-TLp5I?feature=share
  16. Close your eyes and go to the way future machine, imagine RIC/RVA with this, it’ll happen. First will be a fast route to DC, book it…. Ed does a nice job describing the route, details, a nice read, he does go on to price compare a trip to Milan and illustrates the lower cost from Dulles, all in fun, but too bad to highlight, though he did show an RIC cheaper trip to St. Thomas vs Dulles. As was always my consideration when flying out of RIC, you have to add driving to and from before/after a flight, often tired or late on the way home, then the parking, tolls. To me, eliminating those hassles had a huge value and would often pay more to not go through that. https://richmondbizsense.com/2023/01/27/silver-line-playbook-riding-the-new-d-c-metrorail-extension-to-dulles-guest-commentary/
  17. Yeah, it is. It may not happen before I go, but not much longer when it does.
  18. People can have opinions or considerations from wherever they live, this isn’t just a forum for Richmond, VA residents only. We’re all here, basically anonymous, for better or worse, with differing view points and feel those views can come from anywhere and are what makes this forum interesting enough to hang around. I think you make a valid point that citizens wanted fewer homes and pushed for change from their elected officials, something many must have felt strongly about, and that resulted in fewer homes. While being “anonymous” allows freedom, it also makes it easier to not care, we don’t really know each other. As an analogy or similarity to my last job, sales for a subcontractor and from which I retired, I communicated by email to everyone, GC’s, end users, architects, home owners, business owners, pastors, doctors, CEO’s, on and on and I rarely met any of them. The one thing I learned from this was that I had to be civil, there was push back, frustration from this or that, but I tried to remain civil. I’m not perfect, you know that, just want this place to be good, ultimately, it’s supposed to be fun as we’re all riding on this UrbanPlanet together!
  19. Understand, hopefully all is well and nothing to see here . If there is a stoppage, there are other reasons that are less design intrusive, like no permit, someone not paid, issue with drawing coordination between trades, site different than expected and must change, etc.
  20. Bummer….. If it were interior or exterior changes, finishes, glazing, HVAC, plumbing, etc. products, in an effort to save money, they wouldn’t stop the site clearing. To me, that signals the footprint is changing so they need to stop while they revisit the footprint. The area in red seems like a likely place to start. I’m not sure what the program is for this area but IMO it seems like a “nice to have, but not necessary to function” and could easily reduce in size, scale back, become more modular, less Frank Lloyd Wright, perhaps go in the tower (taller?) and cut out a huge chunk of cost for this project and explain why site clearing has stopped.
  21. Saw that post but not the image, looked there earlier today. The post is a father looking for active construction sites so he can take his young son to watch the big construction vehicles. I remember that period of time with my dad and that followed up with a steel Tonka dump truck, not the plastic one. I could ride in it, dump dirt, build stuff, was my favorite toy, probably why I ended up in this field, thanks dad!
  22. Also found this construction update from their website and photo grabbed an image of the crane being assembled from it. https://youtu.be/iuXPArQY1G8
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