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Everything posted by Hike

  1. Governments are people. Governments are not lurking in the background plotting against mankind. Governments are big, they contain many people, all with different backgrounds, beliefs, religions, colors, age, ideas, education, philosophy’s. Governments have laws, rules, procedures - people or individual(s) follow them, however convoluted the process may seem, people are doing their jobs. Let’s not get mad at “government”, when we’re upset with something. It’s probably the process, which is similar to how we work. Remember when we didn’t like the process of something at our office or how we have to follow this procedure where we think, why?, well, that’s government too, it’s a big office. Let’s not hate our government, our government is us.
  2. Like how you used the new term “da balls” to identify them. When my juvenile mind thought of this I was thinking of @RVA-Is-The-Bestliving in Chicago and the SNL use of the phrase “da bears”, I don’t understand how I work either. Bank street is/was a nice cut over heading east without having to go up to Broad from main, hope they open it back up as well. Did the tunnel happen for safety purposes, probably is my guess.
  3. Yes, worked in them and visited many, also call centers, wow, call centers, those are horrible.
  4. Saw this in the WAPO and found it interesting about what is the number one job that correlates to happiness, the answer was, working in forestry, see the list below of others on the list.
  5. Yes, doubted it was coming here and never really heard a play for it, so not too disappointed as I assume it was never really in contention. Thought that with the notice it was moving elsewhere I’d chime in to say it would be good to get more HQ’s. I’ve had the unfortunate opportunities over my career to visit factories and walk the floors, touring them. When looking at the people that work these jobs, it’s hard to explain, they look empty to me, punch in punch out, I walked away from all these tours depressed. Yes, these jobs are needed and happy to get it, but, I want and hope for more for everyone.
  6. This reminds me of what Dave Chapelle said about Nike and how I feel about this, he said that he wants to wear Nike’s, not make them or in this case, we get the blue collar while Boston gets the white collar….we need more HQ’s, not factories. https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/lego-is-moving-its-americas-head-office-from-connecticut-to-boston/2953287/
  7. That is too bad for Main Street, I see why they’re doing it, the court of appeals is entering on Bank street so this would have both courts entering on the same street.
  8. Thanks for posting, I haven’t seen the rendering, added below. Nice size and will really help that block.
  9. Prior to the pandemic and before my office moved to near the Ashland airport, I commuted on 288, heading south. I was going opposite of all the backups, luckily! I got on at Patterson ave. going south and there were backups there on the North bound lane at Patterson then cross over the James and the exit to Huguenot, that was a huge backup, almost and at times, all the way to Midlothian, then a huge backup getting onto Midlothian, then, where I got off, Hull st. both directions, East and west backed up, plus prior to that Powhite pkwy. was busy. I’m sure the exit past Patterson, going further north and just past where I got on would have been bad, exiting to the other west creek for Capital One, then after that Broad and 64, which was probably pretty bad too. I don’t commute this way now or anywhere, I’m lucky, pretty sure 288 isn’t even close to what it was. I notice now when getting out, morning traffic around town is not bad, it’s late morning, lunch and evening that are worse than they used to be. So, the answer I saw was North in the morning and south in the evening for the worst backups prior to the pandemic.
  10. Had to be engraved, not just with a sharpie?
  11. Love the idea, hopefully I can see it from my urn on the mantle.
  12. Ok good, got those mixed up, makes sense, that one had been there awhile.
  13. Well, that was fast, thanks for the update.
  14. I do like the idea of an integrated service into a convenient location, not convinced that’s Main Street station, perhaps adjacent, but doubt that will happen. How about back on broad street, like it was until 1985, I think near 4th and broad was the location. In 1982, when I first moved here, I would go there, probably once a week, and pick up shipped supplies being transferred from elsewhere. Yes, goods were shipped on the bus. Does anyone remember this location?
  15. I think what I was confusing is the competition between the two universities for medical students. Having a family member that’s a teaching surgeon at VCU, the rivalry he describes between the two exists.
  16. Amazon in Arlington comes to mind as your boomtown reference. It’s a good question, what is happening elsewhere for offices. I’m surprised by the Youngkin administration looking to utilize existing and allowing more WFH. I thought there was a push to get everyone back to the office in the first year of his administration, shortly after Covid restrictions lifted? Did the workers push back enough to get them to change that? In reality and in light of all that has gone on, it’s probably not a bad idea to step back and revisit plans, could something better come from this?
  17. Yes, that is true and hope these 2 universities don’t listen to me.
  18. That’s a good point but depends on whether it’s affiliated with VCU here locally. These two medical schools are very competitive and wonder if they would work together, my gut says no. As for places to live in the west end that could house some of the crew and commuter traffic, this development is very far along and looks like a ski resort, I’ll try to get some pictures of this, it’s beautiful and right off 288 and Patterson Ave. https://www.apartments.com/the-collective-west-creek-richmond-va/ypb3jfv/
  19. I did read from a recent bizsense, I think it was the presentation at the Robins Center at UR, one of the speakers mentioned that the young generation, recent graduates, want to work in an office environment. Some of this may work itself over time.
  20. Just being a home town fan and yes, proximity is good for RVA and these two are inching closer all the time, we’ll become the residential area for it among other potential opportunities.
  21. This year has been an interesting start, not much new, any? and some taken away. Still feel good but we’re living off last years projects and would love to hear a surprise something soon.
  22. I think that too, the only flaw is their access, the roads are tight and congested already and not an easy way out of that with the mountain perimeter.
  23. I think you’re right, that may have been before it started.
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