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Everything posted by Melrose

  1. As Bob Mendes has pointed out repeatedly, the $2.1 Billion does not include non-stadium nearby infrastructure. Cooper used to admit this, then he got nervous earlier this year because this meant the total number for both is more like $3 Billion and they thought the number looked bad.
  2. So let's accept the premise that "drug dealers" are prevalent on lower Broadway, what does that say about the crowds/tourists frequenting downtown? Are the poor, innocent, jesus-loving tourists being corrupted for the first-time on lower Broadway by the evil drug dealers giving them a first bite of the forbidden apple? Or maybe are all of the "drug dealers" just going to where the business is? Are the drug the dealers the ones binge drinking and starting all of the fights then going back to their Airbnbs but ending up kicking down a neighbor's door and otherwise wreaking havoc for people who live here? People seem to be exerting a lot of energy to avoid blaming the people actually doing the bad stuff. The problem downtown is that the tourism braintrust (including NCVC- For ex., there was a story in the Nashville Scene a few years back that I am trying to find, pointing out a previous version of a "guys trip" page on NCVC's website that basically encouraged bros to come to town and rage) embraced the easy, shortsighted brand that Nashville was all party all the time, a place where people can come, stay in an Airbnb party house in the middle of a residential neighborhood, and then proceed to act like an out of control idiot all weekend. Then cheap opportunists opened up a bunch of fake honkytonks in any space they could and embraced the all party, all binge drinking excess they could. And now everyone has lost control of it and the ones who contributed to the problem are suddenly "concerned".....
  3. “Drug dealers”. Lol, ok whatever. This is trying to shift blame away from the toxic bros and trash bachelorette parties that frequent Steve Smith’s garbage bars and have ruined downtown. Smith knows it’s out of hand and won’t admit that he lit one of the big matches in the race to the bottom downtown.
  4. Lol, Lower Broadway is less and less of a source of pride every day. Hell, the one and only Steve Smith, who has made millions off of his low rent, knockoff honky tonks that peddle toxic bro culture, came out today and said Lower Broadway is out of control. Steve Smith!
  5. Yes, the Council needs to push for much more, because Cooper has basically just accepted the Titans opening offer. This thing can’t be stopped, but the City can do much much better. On the Adamses, it needs to be said again that they absolutely plan to sell the team in a few years, so the City is basically being used as a credit card that the Adamses can’t afford to juice the value. This is the most criminal element of this deal and should not be allowed without the City getting something on the back end.
  6. The boosters of Final Fours and Super Bowls and College Football Playoffs ( which by the way will absolutely suck for almost everyone who lives here because we have no transit and subpar infrastructure) act like this Nashville stadium will be the last new stadium ever built. Nashville will likely get at most one of each of these events, it will never be in the regular rotation with the real destination cities and then other secondary cities will fall for the same stadium scams and build newer stadiums to get their one coveted Super Bowl and Nashville will be at the back of the line again at best. Then in 15 years we will hear about all of the new bells and whistles that Nashville’s stadium just doesn’t have, but maybe if we fund some upgrades, we will be back in the game. Rinse and repeat…..
  7. This was proactive spin from the Titans to get out in front of the possibility of the city just saying "here is some reasonable funding for a renovation and oh yeah, we are developing the parking lots and keeping all of the tax dollars, we will make sure you still have enough parking". Because the Titans know it is the weak underbelly of this whole proposal. If Cooper had played hardball on these discussions, he could have pushed on this. Not sure why he has rolled over so hard....
  8. This is up for a bit more of debate than Cooper and the Titans are admitting. Also, underlying all of this, would the Titans really ever sue the city over the parking lots or whether the city is giving enough for a renovation? It seems like maybe these bluffs could have been called a bit more, especially since there is no credible alternative city out there for the Titans to threaten to "leave" for. I note that a lot of comments over the last few pages have had many "ifs" and "maybes", that is good for multiple reasons- 1) This project is complicated and not the slam dunk nonsense that Cooper is selling, so the "ifs" are accurate, we should be having honest conversations that this is complicated; and 2) there really could be good things that come out of this if the Titans are pushed hard on more favorable provisions, real community benefits that the Titans fund, and ensuring the East Bank development has real paramters in place to prevent it from being full of STRs and Rainforest Cafes. Gonna be up to Metro Council to lead on these issues....
  9. Exactly. And if the Titans boosters respond "No, this will be tourists spending money here, so the stadium will be funded by tourists" then that contradicts the argument that Cooper and Co. are making that the East Bank District development is "Nashville's next great neighborhood(s)" and it will be "for residents." This isn't even trying to have it both ways, they want people to just have amnesia from one moment to the next on every piece of this project.
  10. So that's less money from "Titans pot" (shocker) and the high level overview provided yesterday may have some more catches to it, where the "Titans contribution" will ultimately consist of more money that is actually sales tax revenue. This has already been pointed out regarding stadium maintenance coming from sales tax revenue first, then maybe the Titans. Need to see all of the details in the actual agreements. The Titans and Cooper have zero credibility for their spin to be trusted.
  11. Less seats for ordinary people, but more more luxury boxes and expensive high end seats to accommodate the only groups that matter in this shakedown - rich people and corporate suite buyers. And rich fans of opposing teams.
  12. There's a certain pocket of posters on here that have very problematic, knee jerk and ignorant reactions about the unhoused, which very quickly seems to extend to less privileged folks generally and then even worse.....
  13. These road closures around 1111 Church have gotten completely ridiculous. Most of the time it seems like the contractor is just using the closed roads for parking. It's quite outrageous.
  14. Great great news for that Northern edge of downtown. The combination of residential and street level retail activation will do wonders over there and could be that connective "toehold" project that bridges over to all of the development across the tracks around First Tennessee park.
  15. Drove by the other day and noted the sheer scale of the unactivated street level side perched right on Rosa Parks. Pretty disappointing, it feels like a total dead zone. With this being sort of the gateway from the highway and Metro Center to Garfield/Buchanan Street District, Salemtown and Germantown, it feels like a missed opportunity.
  16. It was/still is a members only club (my understanding is the membership dues are kind of bonkers high), but they’ve opened it up for some public reservations. Probably because the dues were so high….
  17. Was partial to Harvey Washbangers since you could have a beer while you did your laundry, but this one was a charming throwback as well.
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