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Everything posted by Mr_Bond

  1. ^^^^ @markhollin, it's 2nd and Lindsley. I drive by it regularly when returning home from an excursion east on I-40 or I-24. The grass he lies on looks very nice. I wonder if it was spring when they did the filming.
  2. Reducing the effect of these interstate crossovers would go a loooooong way toward speeding up commute times. I first became aware of this problem in Nashville when I rode through town in the back seat of the family sedan in 1975 on our drive from Mobile to Louisville.
  3. Over the past few weeks, I've run by here on the pedestrian bridge many times. The size of each pier is massive. It will be interesting to see how they transition to smaller columns as the floors go up. Can't imagine having a pier that size in the middle of my Four Seasons condo.
  4. As @downtownresident pointed out, this bill consolidates the various noise ordinances. A neighbor in Terrazzo recently found the solution to the noise problem (at least for condo owners) - he had a second set of double-pane windows installed within the inside frame of the current windows. He said his condo is now so quiet he can hear the motor running in his wine cooler, and he faces I-40/I-65. If you're going to live downtown, you're going to have concerts and events going late at night, "boom boom" cars driving through at 1AM on Friday and Saturday nights, construction nearby, and party wagons full of woohoo girls. Limiting event noise to 11 pm or midnight is probably right. If you limit the hours for construction noise, you're forcing those trucks to be on the road during peak business hours, increasing congestion. If you need peace and quiet, move to a part of town where your neighbors are quiet. If you live downtown, enjoy the activity.
  5. ^^^ Spot on, @AronG. "an enormous artificial scarcity" Well said. I believe another major blunder was the prohibition on 'boarding houses.' These would keep young adults in close living quarters with more mature adults, reducing crime, giving hope, and keeping living costs low for those with low incomes.
  6. While I haven't read the article nor the bill, my first thought is that Metro should regulate as needed without stopping the free market from operating to serve people. Are they deliberately trying to keep hotel rates high? Does the revenue Metro gets from STR match what they get from hotels on a percentage basis?
  7. @Sean blackdog, I second @thenorthchannel's comment. This forum is a better place because you are here.
  8. And then there's the history of jitneys where the street car monopolies regulated the operation of privately-owned vehicles that competed with them. Can't have the free market harming our government-owned monopolies by charging lower fares! Recently, we've seen a similar response to ride-sharing services competing with taxis. Taxi companies pay licensing and operating fees to local municipalities and, therefore, have a seat at the table to create regulations for ride-sharing companies. Government regulation usually marches under the banner of public safety, but the banner and the protesters are paid for by money from corporate-government monopolies. Licensing and regulation always favor the established, connected, and powerful. From Wikipedia's listing on share taxis in the U.S. (emphasis is mine): "While jitneys became fairly common in many other countries, such as the Philippines, they first appeared in the US and Canada. The first US jitneys ran in 1914 in Los Angeles, California. By 1915, there were 62,000 nationwide. Local regulations, demanded by streetcar companies, killed the jitney in most places. By the end of 1916, only 6,000 jitneys remained. Similarly, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, in the 1920s, jitneys competed directly with the streetcar monopoly operating along the same routes as the streetcars, but jitneys were charging lower fares. Operators were referred to as "jitney men." They were so successful that the city government banned them at the request of the streetcar operators." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Share_taxi#United_States
  9. For those of you interested in soccer/football, I am running a Premier League Fantasy League for the fourth year and would welcome any one who wants to participate. Please send me a PM for details. The first match is next Friday. Hope you can join us!
  10. For those of you interested in soccer/football, I am running a Premier League Fantasy League for the fourth year and would welcome any one who wants to participate. Please send me a PM for details. Hope you can join us!
  11. I love the scooters but when one passes me on the sidewalk, I start talking to myself, "Do not bump them. Do not bump them. Do not bump them." Recently, the sidewalk riders are much slower and nicer than they were a few months ago. Perhaps they're more aware that they're violating a scooter rule and the people around them don't like it. If you can't ride a scooter according to the rules, don't ride a scooter.
  12. At the top of your UP page is a tab entitled "Development Maps." Click on "Nashville" and wonder at the massive scope of this human accomplishment. Now you know why it must always be referred to as "Smeagolsfree's Excellent Development Map."
  13. This will be a good addition to this residential neighborhood. I've eaten at the other locations several times and can attest to the taste, healthiness, and a decent menu.
  14. No, but we've heard good things and love Tex-Mex. And it's next to our condo.
  15. My wife and I will probably go here once a week. I'm changing the name of my "Dining Out" budget category to read "Dining Out At Superica."
  16. ^^^ Your posts are always well-thought-out, thorough but concise. I'm grateful to have you on the forum, @AsianintheNations.
  17. There will be a small private park next to the 333 building on 11th Ave S. MarketStreet will own and operate this.
  18. Phil is so pleasant to listen to. This year, we've turned the sound up a little and are really enjoying him. Just finished Stage 14 last night so no spoilers, please!
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