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Everything posted by TNinVB

  1. Wasn’t sure where to place these, but as I was going through pictures on my iPad, I found these from when I was taking an auto CAD class a couple of years ago. I did them just by looking at a picture. No measurements. What do you guys think?
  2. I love this view. Doesn’t it look like we have two 505’s?
  3. Took this yesterday while taking my mom home. It’s been nice seeing all of the progress in person over the past few weeks.
  4. Since people have brought up Tony G. and Signature Tower, has anyone that has access to him out right asked him if Signature tower would be a possibility? I mean I love all the development going on in Nashville and enjoy seeing the changing skyline every time I come home (I’m 105 miles East on I40 as I write this) but everything is so boxy. I know some will roll their eyes because we’ve discussed this, but seriously…I’m thankful that at least the Circle South tower will appear to be slanted.
  5. Haha thanks for clarifying. With all the glass boxes going up, I got excited when I saw something pointy lol.
  6. I’m currently traveling from Virginia Beach to Nashville. When I stopped in Charlottesville for lunch, there were lines at all the gas stations. I stopped around Abingdon at a small town and was able to get gas without any problems except for paying $2.99 a gallon. So far in East Tennessee it doesn’t seem bad. I have many friends and family back in VB posting on social media that they can’t find gas anywhere. Heading back to VB this weekend could get tricky. At least the prices in Tennessee are cheaper….
  7. I’d expect that we should start seeing construction of the sloped roof soon. It’ll really add to the visual impact. Very nice development.
  8. This is depressing. Those pictures look like a war zone. I hope that the buildings that are knocked down can be rebuilt. I’d hate to see an empty lot like the one across from Hooters.
  9. The Old Spaghetti Factory is next door to the business wit the blue and white facade on the ground floor. In the picture, you can make out the awning of the OSF.
  10. That’s odd. I’m assuming this video is for the East Nashville area? If so, why does the explosion look like it’s do the left of the Batman building more in the area closer to Broadway and not to the right where the actual explosion was. Am I not looking at this right?
  11. Sorry if this has been discussed already, but when did the design of the office tower change? It looks very different from the renderings and model with the two open areas. Not saying I don't like it, but it appears that there was some value engineering..
  12. I don’t see why he wouldn’t want y to bring it back. Maybe the crown would add to much to the cost of the building. Even a shorter version around 700-800’ would be nice.
  13. Is it me, or did they end up using more brick for the tower facade? This rendering appears that the majority of the facade is a stone looking material that matches the crown. Value engineering maybe?
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