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Everything posted by growingup15

  1. Really lately I've been seeing some big jams starting to happen on Assembly St now. I don't know why but lately its just been quite busy on Assembly. My question is once they narrow assembly and say like 10-20 years from now assembly becomes a hot spot with people and cars everywhere. and the road quickly goes from like 25,000 cars a day to like 40,000 cars a day. how would it handle the huge flow? will they just make the road bigger again or will they try to find other ways of making traffic flow better?
  2. i do travel down Huger st at around 50 sometimes. The City, SCDOT and CMCOG was thinking of putting my Freeway idea into a simulator and add a 25 cent toll to it and see if it would be a good idea for a highway running straight through down. maybe it can be something to relieve some traffic off of Huger and downtown in general. but I think this subject about roads should be directed to the Roads thread.
  3. Mayor coble told me personally that he hopes to see huger street lined up with mid to high-rise businesses mix used and residential buildings in the next 5-10 years. he told me that hes hopeing to see the riverfront in general lined up kinda like a beachfront with apartments mixed used stores and hotels.
  4. hhmm maybe a New Headquarters in downtown. Tower or just a large building maybe? because i dont think there current building is big enough.
  5. Board members, city and county leaders are hoping a new plan announced Tuesday will help erase a $3.6 million deficit at the Central Midlands Regional Transportation Authority. After months of meetings and talking with riders, the CMRTA says the Balanced Budget Service Implementation Plan will allow the authority to "achieve financial stability based on our current committed resources while also giving riders dependable core service," according to a press release. According to CMRTA Executive Director Dr. Robert Schneider, one of the ways they plan to erase the deficit is by saving $500,000 a year by eliminating and consolidating routes. Routes 36A and 36B, Route 35 from Columbia Mall to Sandhills, and Route 15B will be eliminated. Routes 3, 8, 11, and 12 will be consolidated. All of the cuts will be effective, pending approval by the CMRTA, May 14. The authority has launched at $3.50 All Day pass for all riders with hopes that it will bring more riders. Authorities say they are also exploring smaller and greener vehicles.
  6. A new retail center will open on Gervais Street this summer with two new tenants and space for two more. If It’s Paper and SmartPhone Medic will move into the 9,000-square-foot, two-story center at 1801 Gervais St. http://www.thestate.com/2012/03/30/2213401/retail-center-to-open-in-vista.html Read more here: http://www.thestate.com/2012/03/30/2213401/retail-center-to-open-in-vista.html#storylink=cpy
  7. I don't like that either but i think this will be good for the system.
  8. So much could of been but yet never in Columbia.
  9. Well i was visioning something like this. not too big just small enough but big enough for people to see that walks on Main st. there and across the street also on the other side where the little grassy area is at the side of the small buildings would look cool with a nice roll out billboard with LED lighting on it. http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n12/MiamiCondoInvestments/TenMuseumParkiPod.jpg
  10. Cartoony? not really you be surprised new modern art on buildings now doesn't always have to be amazing artist. The simple stuff makes the area look nice. I seen stuff like this in Florida alot on the beaches and everything
  11. Palms on Main new designer painting on the Main st side of the building. I would love to see some ads be put up on there after it opens like you see in Charlotte or Atlanta just building size advertisement on the side of garages and buildings to get the public's attention. example: http://miamiherald.typepad.com/.a/6a00d83451b26169e20133f34cc698970b-400wi
  12. The disputed rezoning of the Bull Street property received a qualified first approval Tuesday night from Columbia City Council. The 6-0 vote came after a two-hour public hearing in which council heard resident after resident express concern that the proposed rezoning plan cedes too much control of the property to Hughes Development Corp. of Greenville. Councilman Daniel Rickenmann did not attend because he is on vacation. Despite developer Bob Hughes’ assurances that City Council, the Planning Commission or the city’s planning and development staff would retain control over the big construction decisions in the 181-acre neighborhood, council gave Hughes the first of two votes with conditions: Read more here: http://www.thestate.com/2012/03/28/2210917/rezoning-tentatively-approved.html#storylink=cpy
  13. In my mind yes i see this as a huge chance to really increase foot traffic in downtown specially on main st. but i have one concern. one where alot of the people who might be living there soon park there cars. i know the garage in the back has room but maybe not enough that and the garage is old and kinda falling apart and concerns me of its capatibility to hold all these cars. i think if they are going to sale the building they should redesign the garage also. dress it up and fill cracks and holes and stuff on the garage. also if they sale the building what would become of the office space on the lower level? Anyone here can say Chic-fil-a maybe there. lots of room outside space and if people are going to be moving in lots of customers.
  14. I don't know? maybe we have to wait and see.
  15. The 21-story Palmetto Center could be the newest home for USC students. A Chicago company is proposing private dorms for the building, which has remained empty on Main Street since SCANA Corp. moved its 900 employees to Cayce in 2009. Core Campus, a limited liability corporation from Chicago, has applied for a zoning change from the city of Columbia for the building at 1426 Main St. Read more here: http://www.thestate.com/2012/03/27/2208951/private-dorms-proposed-for-palmetto.html#storylink=cpy
  16. I can't wait to see it all lit up at night. once finished. and hoping a few stores and restaurant opens up on the lower level.
  17. I don't know but I think it is. it should be.
  18. I'm not sure if anyone knew about this but this is Rivertown. It's suppose to be in the West Vista in West Columbia.http://www.ltcarch.com/project.cfm?&ID=19&ProjectCategory=COMMERCIAL%20OFFICE&ProjectName=Rivertown
  19. the Mccory Building looks complete now no more construction around it anymore.
  20. thanks i kinda messed up the picture though. some of picture one on the left to picture 2 in the middle are kinda off. But thanks. its rather easy. get a tripod or have a steady hand.
  21. A Nice panoramic picture of columbia i put together. not my best worst but pretty good.
  22. parking garage or extra floor does sounds like a great idea. i think they need to build underground though. one floor down would be nice. with a underground garage.
  23. No expansion just Refurbished to make it look more brand New and more Modern.
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