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Everything posted by growingup15

  1. If not mistaken and please correct me if im wrong but Lexington County Didn't want to Support the CMRTA because there excuse was they are not going to support something that's going to fail. Lexington County and i bet a lot of people would ride again since the traffic problem in Lexington is getting worst. Think about it.
  2. Not that i know of.
  3. Awesome. but NNNOOOO on the no left turn! but it makes sense.
  4. I Heard this project is going to Feature Many Apartments,Condos and Rowhouses. also talks of adding a few mid rise business apartment/Mixed. and a school and a park. the Mental center i heard is going to be turned into a high price condo. That's what i heard.
  5. And they we're talking about that at the meeting also. that includes permanent funding. and they was talking about more business contributing to funding the system and advertising and also they are bring back the penny sales tax in 2012. and other things. and they are about to run a Pilot soon on a LUNCH Route. that runs from the Convention center-Vista- Five Points- Main st. back around again. 10 minute wait each stop. It will be 2 buses that cycles around. in a Rapid sequence.
  6. Well just got back from the Transportation meeting. And it was great. new plans on The buses and stuff but i did not know we was in the hole. We are i think 3 million dollars in the hole. Thats bad. the CMRTA really needs to work on getting funding better funding for the buses and future transit.
  7. I Don't know where to put this in so i placed it here but, I'm going to interning with the city of Columbia soon for Urban development and Planning. Steve staff is going to help me get my GED in Urban planning and Development. What do yall think. i actually might be able to get some of yalls ideas and mines also. This is a start of a Great future for me and The city of Columbia
  8. I Saw this on WIS Last night. its a nice shot
  9. Local leaders who advocate improving the Midlands' struggling bus system are tossing around some big ideas to make it happen. Among them: A new transit hub that would eventually lead to light rail service to Charlotte from Columbia.The plan would be to transform the Amtrak station facility in the Capital City into a transit terminal.An advisor from USC has been assisting the Central Midlands Regional Transit Authority for the last three months with a transit study on what it's going to take to improve the system........
  10. Apple Store, Comcast, Rave Club, Commerces Bank, Krystal Burger, and a Buffalo Wild Wings
  11. Drove down Main st today and look like Foot traffic is picking up ever since the New Mast general store opened up. lets see how the foot traffic last. also i think Main st really is about to Pick up on Business when the New Cowboy Steakhouse Opens up
  12. Just a Quick thing i made. just an idea of if Columbia gets there first rail that this is now the CMRTA Website will look like.
  13. O M G i like this design. this will look so good in downtown and USC
  14. I Saw the rendering at the site the other day i never got around to taking a picture of the picture
  15. iIdidn't see that D: I can't believe i missed that
  16. I Saw that on WIS Yesterday. it wouldnt of came to think if Richland county would of Voted yes on the penny sale tax
  17. OMG No thats a horrible thing to do to that area. a few mixed used places would of been better used then this peice of crap. even i can say that. WORST IDEA EVER!
  18. I Couldn't make it to the State of the City address this time but........ i got some updates afterwards. and i heard that Benjamin is planning to try something to attract riders by adding WiFi to the Buses. I'm not sure if any other city has this. from Information I heard that Denver,CO has been doing this for 8 Years now and people said that its been working. Would it work for Columbia? we don't know we will just have to see
  19. I Think the city should run the Trolleys on a BRT Style route. with frequent stops in the most busiest part of downtown running ever 15-30 minutes. during the pike hours of the day when its most busy. and the routes should connect with main buses. kinda offer the people a way to other places so they will be willing to pay to ride a bus to another destination. kinda like a draw in. free trolleys save money the peopel will be willing ot pay for buses to other places around town and the metro. Know what i mean
  20. Heres some pictures i took of the snow My street Downtown Columbia on Main street A Panorama shot of my house and street the Glow after the storm People sleding at earlwood park I Know its kinda Watery because my window was messed up. but this is Main street.
  21. While were talking about transit. let take a trip back in time. I found and old picture of the old buses from back in the day. http://web.utk.edu/~gallant/sceg1.jpg i remember riding these when i was little.
  22. i think the midrises would be good but maybe at the front of the complex more towards columbia not at the back by the river. or maybe if they put them on the corners of the back of the complex.
  23. I Hope not the green space there is nice i think it should stay the same. no slim tower there, no no
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