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Everything posted by growingup15

  1. Innovista 21 floors above the ground
  2. Nice. Downtown Columbia is getting business after business. Keep this up and we will start looking like Charlotte.
  3. its looking good already. it's going to be amazing when finished.
  4. The Garage on the Corner of Taylor & Sumter is starting to Rise
  5. ive been keeping up but havent had time to snap a good picture
  6. i believe it. im super angry on the road alot. specially now i do deliveries for 256 im traveling through downtown columbia.alot during the morning miiday and then getting off work during the 5pm rush hour. yes im very furious on the road i road rage alot because of idiots driving like idiots. so i think its true.
  7. I Have a LG Optimus S it has only a 3Megapixel Camera im working on getting a Samsung Galaxy II S with a 8Megapixel Camera. i will look so cool using that.
  8. Yeah i did its the first clear picture i actually took with my phone camera
  9. you have a better camera then me i just have my phone. But thanks
  10. i was aware it was closing but i thought ya'll might have known about it already
  11. I Got 2 pictures one of the aftermath of yesterdays storm leaves a pretty sight and the results of the storm.
  12. Thanks. also you know thing all these malls have in command. BELK!
  13. oh great thats all we need more shoe places in the Columbia. what happened to the quality of Columbia Place mall. theres nothing but black store shops there. (no offence since im black) Columbiana is doing alot better then them. i think it will be better if Columbia Place just shut down and rebuild from scratch and rebrand the whole area and make it like They are trying to do with Dutch Square.
  14. You know what would be good. on the lower level they Scroll live Stock reports it scrolls on the whole bottom part of the building from main st to Hampton st. kinda like what they do in NYC or Charlotte. also add a Big TV on the outside streaming Well Fargo live banking News and some Local and national news to keep everyone updated. specially during the Morning and Lunch hour rush downtown.
  15. Some pictures from the SC Pride Festival the whole album is here http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.265490666808055.70332.100000413704280&type=1
  16. This is a Picture i took when i wad doing a delivery for my New job 256Togo so while i was out at work i took this shot on my last delivery Im loving the New Wells Fargo logo on the Wachovia building
  17. Not really Development but.......... S.C. Bank & Trust officially took control today of BankMeridian and its three offices in South Carolina, which were closed Friday by federal regulators. Founded in 2006, BankMeridian is the first Columbia-based bank to wind up on the list of failed banks since the Great Recession ended. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency closed the bank at 5 p.m. Friday. SCBT was interested in acquiring BankMeridian so it could “get additional customers and additional market share,” John Windley, SCBT president and chief banking officer, said today.
  18. growingup15


    Just came back from my Development Meeting with the Department of Development and services in downtown today and i got some word about the Innovista. i heard an Announcement might be brought up by the end of the year about major development in the Innovista project. the city knows but thats it no one else knows exactally what it is
  19. CMRTA makes cuts to stay afloat for another year The Columbia Regional Transit Authority did some budget trimming, and came up with enough to keep the struggling bus system running for another full year. A committee managed to cut 600-thousand dollars from the next budget. Part of the cuts came from lowering the salary for the new director from $125,000 to $100,000 a year. Right now it's just a recommendation. The budget committee will have to sign off on this plan next month.
  20. How about Lexington county just create there own Bus system if they think it benefits there citizens. What you think.
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