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Everything posted by DMann

  1. In the past 2 years I have convinced 3 different Floridian homeowners to sell before it is too late and they all have done that. If you have friends there, please get them to consider moving.
  2. The Spirit Square site is being cordoned off!!!! Demo to follow soon?
  3. I thought the same thing? Where is it going?????
  4. I have wanted to see that building gone for quite some time!!!!!
  5. Light inside the units there is kind of weird.
  6. Reminds me of the station in Vancouver for the Canadian Rail System
  7. Anyone think that oil extraction had a hand in these fires?
  8. On Saturday evening around 10:30 I received a short text from Laura Yaeger: "No easy way to message this. Lynn died tonight. That’s all I’ve got for now." My friend and mentor, Lynn Weis, a man who carried the torch for the Friends of Fourth Ward Holiday Home tour, who organized decorating the lamp posts in the Fourth Ward, who guided tours of the Elmwood/Pinewood Cemetery, who was an early supporter of bringing the Charlotte Knights to downtown Charlotte, a man who was always there to give me advice is now dead. The photo above is from the inaugural running of the "Drop Dead 5K" race in 2021. Lynn, with his ever present suspenders and baseball cap organized and hosted the event. It was a huge success raising funds to support projects long delayed in the cemetery. When Lynn was the President of the Friends of Fourth Ward I was fortunate enough to be his vice president. We did many things together to help mold the Friends of Fourth Ward into a viable organization, organized mailing lists, enlisting condo associations to cover membership in FOFW for their residents and even for a while had the Charlotte Observer print the FOFW Newsletter and have in distributed to all of zip 28202. Lynn was a visionary. Lynn was also a friend to all who lived in the Fourth Ward. Walking down the street with him was a time consuming task as he would stop to talk to almost everyone he passed, even some of the more notorious homeless residents. I was introduced to Lynn by Dennis Rash in 1999. He said that while Charlotte's mayor was Pat McCrory, Lynn was "The Mayor of the Fourth Ward." Indeed, there is no easy way to message this.
  9. looks like interior scaffolding is being removed today. (except for the new lobby)
  10. In my view, Church Street is really the backbone of residential in Charlotte.
  11. TIAA would look nice on top of that tower!!!!!
  12. I was out there yesterday around 10. What a nightmare, emergency vehicles everywhere, traffic being rerouted, huge gridlock! The size and force of the fore was mammoth! I quickly turned around and decided that my reason for being there was not so important.
  13. What is the average age of buildings in NYC? On average, buildings in the city of New York are 53 years old as of 2014.Jan 19, 2022
  14. Looks like surveyors at the Levine Arms apartments!
  15. Someone please tell me that tha Ledger article about a casino in the First Ward was just a cruel April fools day joke!!!!!!
  16. Thanks KJH, I knew that, but it looks like activity is imminent!
  17. Have I missed the news? The old Duke Data Center is cordoned off and I saw a demo machine there yesterday.
  18. I have been using Ally for the past 5 years and like the way the bank works!
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