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Everything posted by journiyin

  1. You might owe a round to everyone... and we will just take pictures of you eating your shoe. Still, we will give you room to say you meant when ground gets broken
  2. Thankfully history determines a places name just as much as the place does - so mapmakers won't be changing Richmond to Henrico ANY time soon on their roadmaps!!!!
  3. monday TB... here's hopin
  4. Two other names on that list make me raise my eyebrows... Douglas Development Group and Timmons Group. I think I have a pretty good idea who is coming to Timmons for their design work, and I can also guess as to why Timmons gets mentioned instead of them. I'd say Manchester is better suited to a re-development project than this area of Boulevard is... but that is just me. On a site note, so of the proposed designs I have seen have not included parking decks, but rather large swaths of surface parking - meaning I will be attending City Council meetings for a while banging down doors telling people to build parking decks and incorporate mixed use projects... (like it is really that hard of a concept to accept!!!)))
  5. The key to the 1st and Canal project is 'concept study'. Until you see it on the planning docket or construction document docket - that is all it is - a concept!
  6. I am relocating to other parts of the city soon... So I will do that for the next election most likely... more concentrated on my licensure at the moment... campaigning would be too distracting!!! But... overall... it is coming!
  7. not sure of there position currently... they are looking around the area - the triangle piece doesn't seem to suit their overall needs...
  8. 13 is such an unlucky number. Albeit I know of another company who is looking to move here. And that - my friends - is all I can say.
  9. nO... mayor Journiyin... maybe i should throw my hat into the ring... no political experience... no ties to anyone but the city... maybe i would be the best candidate then?
  10. It would be nice to see a train line come into the airport area and connect north and south... anyone know how far away the current Amtrak line is from there? A multi-modal transfer station would be a boon for the airport.
  11. busy nine months out of the year maybe, but the whole year I dont think so. I also think their patronage is plummeting from competition from the nearby kroger. ukrops also is marketed more towards higher-end clientele, which they don't really get too much of at that location (small fan area population that fits their dynamic). My theory is that they are looking for a larger pad site to get one of their larger stores into the downtown/fan area. hence their mention with the john Marshal project. Just for that to be mentioned means someone talked to someone else - maybe even had something designed to show how it would work. I just don't think the rooftops quite work yet for a grocery store that far into downtown. Anyone know Ukrop's, Food Lion's, or Krogers pro forma for coming into a market? Especially one that involves parking garage space?
  12. hence maybe their discussions with john marshall hotel? getting further away from the kroger would certainly help...
  13. off by two weeks... shucks...
  14. Why not just build the place and if there is too much extra space (which isnt going to be the case) let the Richmond City Schools rent space... keeping them downtown, but far enough away from Wilder as to KILL TWO BIRDS with one stone.
  15. I suspect they will be open by the end of april...
  16. Since when did Virginia Republican's make sense?
  17. Auduban audubon audabon.... it changes every week with the owners... my firm is doing the engineering work, Ill let you know what it is this week.
  18. Must have been made outside of Virginia, where they dont know about seperate cities and such...
  19. Nice meeting you coupe by the way... Back on topic... Ill keep everyone appraised on the 'negotiations' the the Berry Burk building is undergoing. I wasnt able to track down the owner of the adjacent block of Grace St that fronts the Miller and Rhodes project, although I did see her and her husband there... they conspicuously snuck out. I did have a nice long coversation with the Police Captain for the downtown precint, I think we will see some more clean up of the streets in the next few weeks... (he was esp. interested in my news that the drug trade is coming back - or not so pleased, take your pick)... The architect, urban planner that the city is planning to use is highly knowledgeable as I have met and spoke with him before. My personal goal is to join a community action committee once one forms for this process. Maybe even be president of it. That would certainly get my name out there to start to take over Wilder's job Anyways, like Coupe... Ill keep everyone in the loop of how this starts to pan out...
  20. I have avoided chiming in on this issue for a while... I guess I am done avoiding it. I can see both sides of this argument, and more often than not both sides are right. The building is old. It is expensive to re-use. It is in the way of the hospitals need for more space. The main issue driving the need at that location is the direct access to the BULK of the hospital. For every 100 feet of walking you put between the emergency and main entrance of a hospital to its 'overnight' bed spaces you accrue a HIGH dollar amount of fees. Which, most often get passed along to the consumer. VCU in this case is wieghing the costs of converting West Hospital to a new, modern facility, versus just tearing down and building a new one. If you toss in the idea of using one of the available parcels nearby you exponentially increase the hospitals operating costs... you have to look at length of walk, were the boilers, generators, etc. are located presently. Now all that being said, the building is gorgeous, and in the present skyline, the roof stands out. So, clearly there is a need to preserve or emulate this touch. As far as converting the building to apt's or condos, they would have to be for med students, because not many other people (IMO) would buy or rent there... even VDOT or state employees... personally, I wouldnt want to look down at the place I work every day, it would just be depressing. Being a voter in the city I guess I have more of an impact on the council here than some, but my opinion is undecided... I think the discussion should continue...
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