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Election '08: Primaries


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Now that I think about it ,Its really sad. Because even though Edwards shined to be the most presidential and mature candidate and actually addresssed the issues while Hillary and Obama sqabbled like rotton 10 year olds, it wont matter. Edwards will still come in last in SC. Why? I dont know. Hes the candidate that has clearly adressed how he will handle the economy even more so than the other two yet democrats are not rallying around him. John Edwards really has his heart and soul into helping the economy and trying to end poverty and people treat him like he doesnt exist. I just dont get it. It really puzzles me. People see what kind of Person Hillary is the way she went on attack mode yet most will still support her. How can her supporters believe she is electible, especially since so many democrats dont even like her? Obama has really dissapointed me because up until now hes always had a positive message and by stooping to Hillary's level, he is no better than she is. I thought it was very tasteless they way they hurled personal attacks and I dont want a person like that as our president. Hillary is just hungry for power and she thinks she should be president just because her hubby was. Enough of the Clintons and the Bushes. Lets move on! Id rather vote for John Edwards in November but if not him I guess I would still support Obama. But I will NOT vote for Hillary.

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I have seen enough to say for certain: if the Democrats nominate Hillary I will vote either Republican (McCain) or independent. I have more faith in the ability of the Republicans to fix their own mistakes than I do in Hillary's "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss" style of politics.

Just as they have done the past two election cycles, the Democrats have come off as absolutely repulsive and unelectable in this campaign... and we're not even done with primaries yet. What a mockery of democracy.

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Hillary's non-verbal communication in these clips is too obvious to ignore as well. She looks as though she is clearly irritated and that Obama is merely an impediment to her rightful path to coronation. The more I see of her, the less I think she will have any chance in the general election.

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I agree with the consensus opinion about the debate. Hillary came off as mean and desperate, and if she doesn't tone it down she'll lose what support she has from voters. Obama didn't exactly help himself by giving it back to her, but he seemed to be defending himself rather than going on the offense. Edwards by far won the debate, giving him an opportunity to capture the media spotlight. Unless he does something to keep attention on himself, he'll soon go back to being ignored.

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I agree with the consensus opinion about the debate. Hillary came off as mean and desperate, and if she doesn't tone it down she'll lose what support she has from voters. Obama didn't exactly help himself by giving it back to her, but he seemed to be defending himself rather than going on the offense. Edwards by far won the debate, giving him an opportunity to capture the media spotlight. Unless he does something to keep attention on himself, he'll soon go back to being ignored.
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John Edwards can play off that in his speeches by constantly reminding voters of their sqabbling and arguing and note that you cant have somebody like that running our country. He should show America that Hillary as a person who is very emotional (obviously looking at the debate) and that can be bad for making important decisions in our country. He does have a window of opportunity but its a small one I'm not sure if hes going to pull it off. Hes got my support though. But God help us if Hillary is the nominee.
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One of the most outrageous comments I've heard regarding Iraq and the WMD's was given tonight by Mike Huckabee during the Republican debate at FAU. "Just because you plant an easter egg and no one finds it, doesn't mean it's not there." Is this man in denial?

It is clear that the Republicans view Hillary as the frontrunner for the Democrats, as every comment that is currently coming out of their mouth on the debate is an attack on here.

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Remember in the heated exchanges during the SC debate when Hillary accused Obama for representing a slum lord in Chicago back in the 90s? The slum lords name is Tony Rezko and a photo has surfaced which shows Bill and Hillary Clinton posing with Mr Tony Rezko back in the 90s. Well Well Well....

"I was fighting against those ideas when you were practicing law and representing your contributor, Rezko, in his slum landlord business in inner city Chicago"

What a corrupt b - - - h



Rezko is awaiting trial next month on federal corruption charges. He was indicted on fraud, attempted extortion and money laundering counts for allegedly plotting to get campaign money and payoffs from firms seeking to do business before two state boards. Once that trial is behind him, Rezko faces a separate federal charge of swindling the General Electric Capital Corp. out of $10 million in connection with the sale of pizza restaurants

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