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Downtown Master Plan Work Shops - Public Invited


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I didn't see this posted elsewhere and thought it might be of interest - it was in my email this morning.



Downtown Master Plan Work Shops

The City of Greenville has hired Sasaki Associates, an international planning and design firm based in Boston, to help establish a comprehensive vision for downtown and to develop a master plan that will provide a framework to guide future development activities.

As part of the planning process, the public is invited to participate in a two-day design charrette, or workshop, to share ideas and suggestions to help shape the future of downtown. A variety of sessions will be held over the two-day period and participants are welcome to attend all sessions or choose the ones they are most interested in. The meetings will take place on Tuesday, June 26 and Wednesday, June 27 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Regency A Ballroom. (See attached schedule for more detailed information). Refreshments will be served. We hope to see you there!

Downtown Greenville Master Plan:

Public Open House--Design Workshops

Hyatt Regency, 220 N Main St

Regency A Ballroom

*Please join us for any or all of the sessions as your schedule permits. Come share your vision for the future of downtown.


Time Topic

5:30 p.m. Welcome/Registration

6:00 p.m. Attributes of Great Cities/Charrette Process

(Introductory presentation by Sasaki Associates)

6:45 p.m. Downtown Greenville Goals and Objectives

Work Session: Aspirations and concerns about the future; peer cities.

8:15 p.m. Wrap Up

(Overall findings; overview of Wednesday's agenda)

8:30 p.m. Closing Remarks


Time Topic

7:30 a.m. Welcome/Registration

7:45 a.m. Introduction/Charrette Process/Summary of Goals & Objectives

8:00 a.m. Positioning Greenville

Work Session: Regional context, unique attributes of city and downtown, market conditions, regional and intracity connections, heritage, culture, diversity, landmarks, memorable places, destinations and program ideas.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27 (continued)

9:30 a.m. Making Connections

Work Session: Circulation, connections, wayfinding, gateways, visual access, traffic, transit, multi-modal access (trains, airports, etc.) and framework for downtown development.

11:00 a.m. Break

11:30 a.m. Beyond Main Street

Work Session: Development parameters, shaping alternatives for future development including potential development sites, building reuse potential, program, density and intensity, parks, streetscapes and transit connections.

1:15-1:30 p.m. Conclusion of Afternoon Session

(Overview of evening's agenda)

Evening Session

5:30 p.m. Welcome/Open House

6:00 p.m. Moving Greenville Forward

(Summary of findings and alternatives; "next steps" discussion)

8:30 p.m. Closing Remarks

Mary Douglas Neal

Downtown Development Manager

City of Greenville--Economic Development

P.O. Box 2207 Greenville, SC 29602

(p) (864) 467-4403; (f) (864) 467-5744

[email protected]

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I was there last night and I am planing on attending tonight.

At my table yesterday there was two concerned homeowner, a couple that were both architects (designing and building their earth craft home on stone Avenue) one young single women, a couple representing heritage neighborhood , a owner of a building on main street and me. It did seem like a broad representation.

The Mayor did a brief recap of the last two master plans with some interesting points. Two of the main goals from the last plan were to created Falls park and to locate a ballpark downtown. They did a survey as part to the last master plan (1997?) and only 5% of those surveyed named Greenville a great downtown(75% named Charleston). The point being that Greenville has just recently become a great city.

At this planing section the meeting is more about how to improve, expand, manage downtown than saving downtown (what a change). :thumbsup:

At our table we talked a lot about diversity in all areas. More low cost housing more mainstream retail and restaurants. We also talked a lot about connectivity with better transit systems. The main discussions was anything would be better than more cars- better trolly system- better bus system-more bike trails - light rail etc. Every one agread that a better transit system will be very important to the future of Greenville. :thumbsup:

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