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RBC Plaza


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Wow! Thanks Mirelanski. This building has improved with each subsequent rendering. Too bad we can't say that about the Marriott. Anyway, this will be a major improvement on our skyline. Man this is getting exciting.

Just RBC on the sign. Are they dropping the Centura name?

I had heard that they are going to drop Centura from the name. That is why the arena is called the RBC center and not the RBC Centura center.

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That is why the arena is called the RBC center and not the RBC Centura center.
That and, "RBC Centura Center" is a bit of a tongue-twister, and sounds somehow redunant. :silly:

Quite honestly I could care less about the 530' (or 427' or 400' or whatever) figure. I'm also not bothered or excited about its architectural design. I'm just really pleased about the density and (hopefully) activity that this building will bring in place of the parking lot that's there now.

Honestly the street-level rendering has me a bit concerned - I wish they'd put in some awnings or recessed entryways or something, to allow the shops on the ground floor to add some relief to the sheer wall and differentiate themselves better. The rendering makes the retail spaces seem stark, uninviting, and indistinguishable from each other, rather like the spaces on the bottom floor of Progress II. If not awnings, then even reasonably-sized and tasteful backlit signs might work (this isn't Cary, and it's not supposed to be 'quaint', remember...)

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Hey, I have a real "Dufus" question when looking at the rendering of the building. Where is the parking? Is it behind glass? Is it in the hump that sticks to the side of the Hudson? Is it on the back side?

Go look at the building rendering again and I look forward to your suggestions/comments.

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Raleigh's skyline already has one too many round structures.

I love the round Clarion Hotel. I think it really adds to the skyline. I wish we had more round structures... and I wish this building was rounded on one side and had a round spire intergrated into it.

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Subway Scoundrel, If you look really closely at the large rendering, you will notice the first 8 floors (i'm counting the bottom two larger than average floors as two levels each) are dark behind the glass, then on the next floor up, you can see office lights behind the glass. That is the parking structure. As for the back-side of the building bordering Wilmington St., it looks like a large water fountain, but i could be wrong.

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oohhh i cant wait for 2008, that year is gonna rock. way to go raleigh. bring on the big time.

on a different note, i am in agreement with the idea that there should have been a curve aspect to the tower, mainly on the side with the spire. it would have added some originatlity to the design rather than being a box with a pyramid on top. oh well, great for raleigh though.

another thing is that there should be some retai at the ground floor, and not some little deli, there are too many restaurants locating in new buildings or spaces. diversification of retail is a good thing city leaders, lets push for something different.

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Now what we need is a huge, beautiful, edgy, modern, unique glass skyscraper in the background between RBC and Two Hannover to fill in that gap between the two buildings. Without it, I think the skyline looks too at level. The buildings are too close in size to one another.

In my opinion, every great skyline has one building that stands out as being noticeably taller than all the rest.

What sucks is that Soleil would fulfill this need perfectly. It really sucks (and is completely stupid) that it's going up by Crabtree.

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Now what we need is a huge, beautiful, edgy, modern, unique glass skyscraper in the background between RBC and Two Hannover to fill in that gap between the two buildings. Without it, I think the skyline looks too at level. The buildings are too close in size to one another.

In my opinion, every great skyline has one building that stands out as being noticeably taller than all the rest.

What sucks is that Soleil would fulfill this need perfectly. It really sucks (and is completely stupid) that it's going up by Crabtree.

Soleil wouldn't stand out much height wise. 480 feet vs 431 ft and 530 ft. Only through a design statement would if make any impact.

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Subway Scoundrel, If you look really closely at the large rendering, you will notice the first 8 floors (i'm counting the bottom two larger than average floors as two levels each) are dark behind the glass, then on the next floor up, you can see office lights behind the glass. That is the parking structure. As for the back-side of the building bordering Wilmington St., it looks like a large water fountain, but i could be wrong.

Yea I am sure that is where it is but I see that as reflection of the buildings around it (see coloration difference on left corner jut-out)

Anyway, it is just a rendering but you usually don't see parking with closed-in glass, but who knows

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Considering over 100 feet of the RBC's total height comes from a spire I'd have to disagree.

The condo floors at Soleil are only 5400 SF each. That's not much bigger that the footprint of the dunce cap on top of the RBC center... except that it goes on for twenty-odd floors. If you were to superimpose the Soleil building on the Raleigh skyline, it would appear as a thin spire roughly 75' across. Compare that to BB&T or Wachovia at +175' wide.

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The ground floor will house the RBC branch as well as additional retail on three sides (Wilmington, Martin, and Fayetteville St) as I understand it--although there will need to be a parking and some kind of backdoor service entrance, probably on the Wilmington St side. I find it hard to believe that the residential units are going to be sold at $190k--that's amazingly cheap. Maybe those are the 600 sf starter units.

If the 530' height is accurate, I'm glad, because as much as people want to and try to deny it, it would be a blow to DT to have the tallest building at Crabtree of all places. Everyone hoping for a taller building to come along will be waiting quite a long time IMO. We already have a HUGE influx of office space coming online in 2008-09 with RBC, Site 1, and Reynolds. Barring another major corporate relocation to DT Raleigh, I think the large-tenant office market is set for several years.

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Parking will probably be like Progress II -- above the ground floor retail and below the office part of the tower for about 6-7 stories. Progress II looks like a contiguous building from the oustide until you get close and notice the "windows" are hiding the deck. The hudson and Wilmington sides of the deck will probably have most of the ventilation, and parking entry/exit will probably be on the Wilmington side, a reverse of PE II/Wilmington. In the rendering it looks like the Fayetville face will be contiguous with the hudson's.

There was also talk of a parking deck on the Wilmington/Martin/Blount/Davie block, which could be on line by the time RBC tower is open. This would be like Wachovia with some parking below the building, across Fayetville and even more across Wilmington. Does anyone know how full the Moore Square deck gets during the work day?

I hope RBC doesn't dedicate the whole lobby to its branch a la BB&T, First Citizens, and Wachovia. Wasn't Capitol Broadcasting thinking about moving in there, or are they now looking at Site 1 or Reynolds? Someone will step up to fill the void left by the closed hallmark store, it is just a matter of where.

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The condo floors at Soleil are only 5400 SF each. That's not much bigger that the footprint of the dunce cap on top of the RBC center... except that it goes on for twenty-odd floors. If you were to superimpose the Soleil building on the Raleigh skyline, it would appear as a thin spire roughly 75' across. Compare that to BB&T or Wachovia at +175' wide.

It probably depends on the angle Soleil would be built at as to how wide it would be, regardless, the fact that Soleil would be unlike other buildings is really the point.

Also, the height would be what would be important in regards to how it would transform the skyline, not the number of floors or how large they are.

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I was in the hallmark store just before it closed. the worker said that an italian firm bought it to use as a sort of high-end home decor store. I don't know how true that is, but that's what I was told.

Thats whats going there-a home furnishings store.

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