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Norfolk Light Rail and Transit


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While I agree it is a bad situation for businesses to be effected, I have to wonder about the statement that the city ought to "Give" money to struggling businesses to prop them up. Is the book store owner going to "give" taxpayers of Norfolk a book afterwards as a "thank-you " for helping him stay afloat? I don't think so. Sorry.....off topic.

Well, instead of giving "money", how about the city give "tax breaks" to the affected building/business owners who use it to lower rents during the period of disruption.

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While I agree it is a bad situation for businesses to be effected, I have to wonder about the statement that the city ought to "Give" money to struggling businesses to prop them up. Is the book store owner going to "give" taxpayers of Norfolk a book afterwards as a "thank-you " for helping him stay afloat? I don't think so. Sorry.....off topic.

It is a direct action of the city that has caused these business to fail. Closing down roads. Constant construction zones. All of these things are not bad, however, in the amount that it has happened over the past 3 years, no one can continue under that type of damage. The city should provide a tax free holiday for businesses that are severely affected seeing it is a direct result of their actions. If I did something to cause harm to someone, they would sue to reclaim monetary and other losses. This should be no different. The city has caused this problem and offering low interest loans to keep businesses afloat is not going to do it. (In fact, it's arrogant to ask companies to take out a loan because something you are doing is going to cost them, really?) In my eyes, the city has dropped the ball here.

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I can appreciate both sides of the argument.

I wonder if during the initial project budget process (?) anyone thought about potential negative effects on businesses and included money for that purpose?

Maybe VA Beach should learn from this lesson and include some "business help" money in their budget. (assuming they go ahead with LR now).

Edited by carolinaboy
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I can appreciate both sides of the argument.

I wonder if during the initial project budget process (?) anyone thought about potential negative effects on businesses and included money for that purpose?

Maybe VA Beach should learn from this lesson and include some "business help" money in their budget. (assuming they go ahead with LR now).

Yeah, the city included this in the form of low interest loans to keep businesses afloat. However, obviously it was not succesfull. Hopefully, Vbeach finds a way to do it that won't hurt. However, Vbeach won't be facing the same issues that Norfolk has. None of the rail will wind it's way through city streets effecting local businesses, so it should be a mute point for Vbeach.

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Councilman Glenn Davis introduced a resolution to the City Council this afternoon calling on the Hampton Roads Transit board to fire Michael Townes, the agency’s chief executive officer. It said the City Council would not support extending light rail to Virginia Beach if Townes remains in charge of HRT.

Townes has been under fire for the escalating costs and delays in Norfolk’s light rail project. Last month, four HRT board members sent him a letter asking him to resign.

The good news is that it seems the VB extension is gainig a lot of weight behind it, perhaps a change in leadership might help to ensure we get it.


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Councilman Glenn Davis introduced a resolution to the City Council this afternoon calling on the Hampton Roads Transit board to fire Michael Townes, the agency’s chief executive officer. It said the City Council would not support extending light rail to Virginia Beach if Townes remains in charge of HRT.

Townes has been under fire for the escalating costs and delays in Norfolk’s light rail project. Last month, four HRT board members sent him a letter asking him to resign.

The good news is that it seems the VB extension is gainig a lot of weight behind it, perhaps a change in leadership might help to ensure we get it.


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Does High speed rail go in the LRT thread (perhaps we should just make this the Norfolk rail thread) anyhow, video from WVEC:


Transportation leaders expect to soon find out whether Hampton Roads will win federal stimulus funding for a high-speed rail system. The U.S. Department of Transportation may divide up $8 billion for rail projects as early as February.

"If we are left out of the high-speed rail loop then we become a cul-de-sac to Richmond and we don't want to do that," said Sen. Yvonne Miller, D-Norfolk, chairwoman of the Senate Transportation Committee.

The plan calls for sharing existing cargo lines for passenger trains from Richmond to Norfolk through Petersburg.


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The good news is that it seems the VB extension is gainig a lot of weight behind it, perhaps a change in leadership might help to ensure we get it.


I'm thinkng now that if Townes is outed, which I think is highly,highly possible... VB will get LRT.

Does High speed rail go in the LRT thread (perhaps we should just make this the Norfolk rail thread) anyhow, video from WVEC:



I really hope we can get funding sooner than later!

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The good news is that it seems the VB extension is gainig a lot of weight behind it, perhaps a change in leadership might help to ensure we get it.


The bad news is Townes has said he's not stepping down. He needs to be removed immediately and we need to get this story off the front page. The longer this controversy brews the worse it is for LR. I'm actually pretty angry that he would do this. He knows full well that Virginia Beach is not on board with him at the helm. He needs to own up to the fact that this happened on his watch and do the right thing instead of jeopardizing transportation for the entire region.

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Does High speed rail go in the LRT thread (perhaps we should just make this the Norfolk rail thread) anyhow, video from WVEC:

I try to keep all HSR stuff in the Hampton Roads Transportation thread unless it's something that specifically refers to the LR connection.

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Light rail construction downtown will wind down sometime this summer, the Downtown Norfolk Council was told this morning, ending about a year and a half of inconvenience to businesses, residents and visitors. John Keifer, newly appointed special assistant city manager for light rail, spoke at the council’s monthly briefing about the impact of light rail construction.


They had better hurry, there are parts near MacArthur that have yet to start construction!

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They had better hurry, there are parts near MacArthur that have yet to start construction!

Im actually in front of MacArthur right now. The only part that hasn't started is the Monticello/City Hall intersection. In front of the mall is more or less done (with the exception of the poles). They are working on the section in front of the wachovia block now. 

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Lets get this train back on track!:

The Hampton Roads Transit board reached an agreement this evening that allowed embattled leader Michael Townes to retire, according to commissioner Cliff Hayes of Chesapeake. Townes proposed to the board that he relinquish all administrative duties at HRT on Feb. 1. He also proposed that he continue to work at HRT through the end of September, helping the agency acquire more federal and state funding for Norfolk’s light rail project and a proposed expansion into Virginia Beach.


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Thank you Mr. Townes for doing the honorable thing and stepping down. He did some good work for this area but there was no way LR was going through with him at the helm.

I think they need to completely clean house in there. There has been corruption for years in there. There is no excuse and we need more checks and balances on them!

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Thank you Mr. Townes for doing the honorable thing and stepping down. He did some good work for this area but there was no way LR was going through with him at the helm.

Yeah, he did okay. But I've ridden HRT. It leaves a lot to be desired. Busses consistently late, exterior/interior signs with incorrect info on them such as bus routes/stops, etc. , mean drivers that won't answer a question for you if you need help getting some place, Route maps on wrong busses, etc. I'm not saying all of that is his fault.. I like(d) the man. But I hope we can get a "big city" CEO for HRT.

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This opinion isnt directed at anyone elses comment. I needed to state that before I gave my thoughts so nobody responded to my post thinking it is/was aimed at there post! Now, I begin my thought on this issue! Mr. Townes clearly made some bad decisions but, I truly THINK( I don't know of course,hahaha) that he got thrown under the bus. Also, he resigned due to pressure and political reasons that only those behind the scenes are aware of. What do I mean? I mean its more to the story Mr. Townes couldnt reveal nor would the other city leaders lend themselves to as well. Now, he was in charge of the budget but, do we truly believe he was the only one involved totally with this HUGE project for the city. Im no fan of MR. Townes but, I hate unfairness of any kind. I work in the music industry and this looks like a scapegoat situation to me. He was the sacrificial lamb.

He left with what was remaining of his dignity and trust me he was giving an option via phone or meeting with other powerful members of the city! Over $100,000,000 is a HUGE oversite to say the least and it's my belief other members of Norfolks city government knew about it as I saw Mr. Townes claim in a meeting with other city leaders and the gentleman he claimed was aware denied it! Many may have not seen this meeting on Wavy 10 early in this story but I did. I found it strange he said another high member of the city government was aware of the process in putting together the budget for the light rail only to be given full blame because he was in charge!! The CITY OF NORFOLK has over and over again displayed a lack of organization and its not just MR. Townes who is at fault. The city itself had some involvement and didnt do there due diligence and has put it all on one man. How can a Metro be united if a city by itself can't!!! Just a thought. His political friends left him with the glove in his(Townes) hands when they all commited part of the crime! Hey, it is politics! Surprise, Surprise, Surprise! Maybe the next head of HRT will be alot more Wise and be sure to have those involved sign of on what is/was agreed on in terms of budgets. Thats how the music biz works. So many high level people need to sign off before anything is completely approved!! L.G.N.M

Edited by usermel
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Also, see how Mr. Townes doesnt leave his position until September 2010!!! Trust that it was negotiated to keep him in his job until then which is 8-9 months from now! If he is completely the blame why is he still in his position(not that I want him in or out) for another 8-9 months from now! Just a thought, no big deal but, I think its alot more to this story that WE ALL in the public aren't being told and I'm sure Mr. Townes isn't the only one who knew of the budget issues but, is the scapegoat!!! Now, lets hope light rail isnt up to $400,000,000 in cost! These projectsions don't tend to be $100,000,000 over budget ladies/gents, I smell a rat!!! And the rat wasnt Mr. Townes, he just got ALL the BLAME( he should have some because he was/is the president of HRT but, Norfolk city leaders were involved as well)! L.G.N.M

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Also, see how Mr. Townes doesnt leave his position until September 2010!!! Trust that it was negotiated to keep him in his job until then which is 8-9 months from now! If he is completely the blame why is he still in his position(not that I want him in or out) for another 8-9 months from now! Just a thought, no big deal but, I think its alot more to this story that WE ALL in the public aren't being told and I'm sure Mr. Townes isn't the only one who knew of the budget issues but, is the scapegoat!!! Now, lets hope light rail isnt up to $400,000,000 in cost! These projectsions don't tend to be $100,000,000 over budget ladies/gents, I smell a rat!!! And the rat wasnt Mr. Townes, he just got ALL the BLAME( he should have some because he was/is the president of HRT but, Norfolk city leaders were involved as well)! L.G.N.M

I think your understanding of "rat" in this context needs clarification. Anyway, leadership starts at the top. It's not just the $$$ & executive bathroom that come with accepting the top job at an organization. You also are implicitly accepting responsibility for the both successes AND failures of that organization. And it absolutely is the responsibility of the HRT President to communicate cost overruns in a public and forthright manner. If I were the city council of VB, his dismissal represents only one of a number of important changes I would require from HRT before agreeing to an extension.

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