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47 minutes ago, Crucial_Infra said:

Way to go RNC. Went through all the trouble to move it to JAX and now they might cancel it. 



And they were SO eager to grab it from us (metaphorically speaking).  I still was on the fence about (non-pandemic) the impact and implications it would have had for us here.  I still think we dodged the proverbial bullet with this one.

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Just when I start to think we have reached the absolute limits of mismanaging this pandemic, I find out we still have not hit bottom. Testing (and contact tracing) are the two most fundamental ways we are going to get control of the virus -- these are the BASICS and we have had six months to figure this out! How stupid are the people managing the federal response?????



Edited by kermit
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7 hours ago, kermit said:

Has anyone noticed that none of us can leave the country?

Instead of living in the 'land of the free' we are now global health pariahs. The donald has managed to build a wall which keeps American's in. 

It's literally true.  Not even the Bahamas will let us in.  Who needs a wall when you.............

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11 hours ago, dylansukkert said:

When do we hit the point of no return were our only hope is heard immunity? We are 500k cases away from 1% of the US population testing positive and who knows how many have gotten it and just never gotten tested. 

A lot more people need to have immunity. I saw a summary of studies looking at asymptomatic positives, and the numbers range from 40-80%, depending on the tested group. There is also some indication that these asymptomatic positives are less likely to transmit. The r naughts are kind of all over the map based on locale and precautionary measures taken, from 1.2 up to 2.5 if no measures are taken.   The equation I've seen for estimating herd immunity is (1-1/R) where R is the r naught.

In the most optimistic take (R0 at 1.2, 80% asymptomatic), if my math is right we need ~16.7% of the population to have immunity, and once we reach 1% positive (assuming largely symtomatic) then we would be at ~5% (the 1% positives plus 4% asymptomatic).  That's probably too high/optimistic as there are likely quite a few asymptomatic positives that are tested due to contact tracing and job requirements. 

In a middle case (R0 at 1.6, 60% asymptomatic) we need 32.5% to have immunity and we're at 2.5%.

In a more dire scenario (2 and 40%) we need to reach 50% and we're at 1.7%. 

There has also been some evidence that acquired immunity to coronaviruses is shorter lived than for some other viruses. So it's entirely possible we could see early wave positives reinfected at some point in the future without proactive vaccination.   

Edited by slipperypete
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In a different time, with different issues, not so dangerous as today, this kind of political signalling to the least educated and/or least aware, least caring among us was referred to by some officials as "Calling to the Wild Yahoo".  

The origin of Yahoo is from Swift in his book "Gulliver's Travels" See here:


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On 7/8/2020 at 11:03 AM, kermit said:

This is genocide by neglect and incompetence.

There have been three genocides in the US since 1776:  against native Americans, blacks, and homosexuals.  Now, it's anybody.   I guess we just got better at not being able to care less. 

Edited by Phillydog
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On 7/8/2020 at 11:03 AM, kermit said:

This is genocide by neglect and incompetence.

Everybody for themselves. North Carolina reports record hospitalizations: https://www.cnn.com/world/live-news/coronavirus-pandemic-07-09-20-intl/h_363851656e643cb1f0f71b213db6ed1e

Edited by gman430
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