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Didn't the Titans have some key injuries on the defensive side of the ball? Hard to say they have a good defense after that game though. They gave up over 500 yards, but like UT's defense they stopped them when they needed to in the end. It was rough seeing about 70% of the stadium in red. ugh....

I want to be excited about the Vols since they just have to win 1 out of the last 2 to be eligible, but we were in the EXACT same situation last year. Walking into Mizzou game at 5-5 and just needing to win one more.

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1 hour ago, bigeasy said:

Didn't the Titans have some key injuries on the defensive side of the ball? Hard to say they have a good defense after that game though. They gave up over 500 yards, but like UT's defense they stopped them when they needed to in the end. It was rough seeing about 70% of the stadium in red. ugh....

I want to be excited about the Vols since they just have to win 1 out of the last 2 to be eligible, but we were in the EXACT same situation last year. Walking into Mizzou game at 5-5 and just needing to win one more.

That was obvious on TV! I suppose part of that is the 'down' side of being a huge tourist city. The visiting team fans love to come there. But also, it's a reflection of the Titans fans who have lost faith and don't want to be heartbroken yet again. All through the game, I kept thinking 'when will the Chiefs go ahead and seal this deal?' 

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21 hours ago, MLBrumby said:

That was obvious on TV! I suppose part of that is the 'down' side of being a huge tourist city. The visiting team fans love to come there. But also, it's a reflection of the Titans fans who have lost faith and don't want to be heartbroken yet again. All through the game, I kept thinking 'when will the Chiefs go ahead and seal this deal?' 

My parents are almost to that point. They have had season tickets/PSL since day one, but the last few years they have considered stopping. I think if they didn't have such a good tailgate group they would.

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It's called apathy.  I gave up my PSLs  five years ago and haven't looked back.  I've been to several games since, but I do not invest all day Sunday tailgating, spectating and commuting back and forth every Sunday they are in the building.  It got so bad, that even now I multitask with chores or spend a half on the treadmill rather than devote an entire 3.5 hour block to watching them continue to be bad or inconsistent.  I do still enjoy the wins, but I am not as invested as I once was for sure.

Speaking of all that red during the KC game...that red was produced by all the festive Titans fans (stolen from Blaine Bishop).

Edited by tragenvol
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I hate to see so many people give up on the Titans.   The majority of my life is still pre-Titans and it sucked not to have a local team.  I just wanted the chance to have a team to root for win or lose.  I know this may sound crazy in this day and age but I never put winning as a contingency on my fandom.   Plus, its hard to play Monday morning QB without a team.

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4 hours ago, Jarno said:

I hate to see so many people give up on the Titans.   The majority of my life is still pre-Titans and it sucked not to have a local team.  I just wanted the chance to have a team to root for win or lose.  I know this may sound crazy in this day and age but I never put winning as a contingency on my fandom.   Plus, its hard to play Monday morning QB without a team.


Its called fairweather fandom. Look, the NFL runs in cycles and is designed for you to go 7-9, 8-8, or 9-7 most years. People around here still have that Vols, Alabama collegiate mindset that if it isn't 10-2 or better, its no good. And that ain't the NFL, or any professional league for that matter. The Patriots of this millennium are the exception to the rule........and there was no less desirable franchise before Tom Brady than New England. They dang near moved to Hartford. 

The Titans were a dumpster fire between 2012 and 2015 and they lost a lot of goodwill during that time, but since then they've been competitive, albeit, leaving you wanting a little more. But short of a Super Bowl, I'm not sure what the locals want at this point. 

Its not like they've saddled the city with decades of ineptitude like Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, or Cincinnati has. Truth is, Nashville has a lot of Atlanta's front runnerness to it. Hell, the Preds couldn't give tickets away until about 5 years ago. I hate that, because this is my home, but its true. 

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14 hours ago, Nashvillain said:

^But sports is a business and if the product's no good (or not exceptional or exciting or name your adjective), why should people buy it? Especially considering the cost of tickets, etc., etc. 

20 wins and 9 loses at home the last 3 1/2 year,  with three straight wins in dramatic fashion.  If people are not buying that in most places, there would be no NFL.   

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1 hour ago, Jarno said:

20 wins and 9 loses at home the last 3 1/2 year,  with three straight wins in dramatic fashion.  If people are not buying that in most places, there would be no NFL.   

that's a misleading stat, though. I will go ahead and say I am the biggest Titans fan there is, but when we are 20-9 at home (with half of those wins being in the most boring fashion possible under Mularkey/Robiscuit), you can't forget the horrible blowout losses within those 9 games, and the terrible road record.

Yes we have been 9-7 the last three years, but it's been just dull to watch (run up the middle, run up the middle, screen, punt... oh we won somehow?). 

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I too recall pre-NFL Nashville....if Tennessee were to ever have an NFL team, it would have been Memphis...but in the mid-nineties when what could be became what was to be, it was unbelievable.  I gave up my allegiance to the Philadelphia Eagles immediately and went full boar into Oilers/Titans fandom.

I'm no fair weather fan, I sat through those miserable '04 and '05 seasons and every time the stadium's gates were open, I was there.  I've been on the road; bought more gear than I care to admit, but my priorities changed.  And I completely understand the apathy fans feel after being let down year after year with shoddy decisions and absentee owners who do not care excluding Amy Adams Strunk and her father.  Add to all this how HDTV changed the game....I'd rather sit at home and watch, but when they're bad...I'm going to multitask and get things done while listening to Mike Keith and Coach Mac.

Edited by tragenvol
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Original PSL and season ticket holder here and in my opinion, there are three primary reasons for the current state of the Titans state, which is not really that bad (franchise value wise, they are middle 3rd of the pack in the NFL).

  1. The first season when PSL's were put on the market, it was a bit of a hard sell, therefore so many, many seats were bought by secondary market ticket sellers (scalpers). Once the 1999 team started their Super Bowl run, most of the remaining PSL's were bought up by local (bandwagon) fans. But there was a good 30% of the stadium tickets still and even now being scalped.
  2. Nashville is a destination city that rivals any other U. S. city as a party city. So it's no surprise that bandwagon fans from those other dreary, rust belt cities want to spend what's left of their unemployment checks to ride a peddle tavern while yelling woo hoo! (< yeah, I'm a little bitter). Then they sit in your section and heap profanity after profanity on the Titans fans and all you can do is refer them to that stupid musical Statler Brothers video about being a happy fan. Ugh!!! Kansas City fans were great, but Buffalo fans were disgusting. If an asteroid is looking for a place on earth to hit, I have a recommendation (jk)      :tw_glasses:.
  3. Finally,  the Titans win loss record since moving to the new stadium is 170 wins and 163 losses. They've been to the post season seven times with a 6 win, 7 loss record. Not great, but not bad. Pretty much 'law of averages' stuff. You do get to appreciate the incredible product that is the NFL from the stadium, however and watch all the great players and some great teams play. And remember what a small city with a hillbilly brand Nashville was until 5:00 pm on that day when local news announced the Oilers wanted to move here. We became major, major league overnight.

Hopefully, they will find that quarterback (don't let the Jacksons, Mahomes and the Bradys slip by in the draft), improve the stadium per Miami Dolphin standards and buy back the scalpers PSL's somehow. Maybe Bezos will buy the team. He's in the market for a team. Good luck getting the city to pay for stadium improvements for a team owned by the world's richest man, however! :tw_lol:

View from my seats (pre-season game)…



PS: ^ A little rambling and random, I know (OK Boomer), but if you want something totally random, apparently the 80's pop singer 'Meatloaf' is living in Kingston Springs. I'm still trying to wrap my head around that one.

Back to topic.

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1 hour ago, PHofKS said:

View from my seats (pre-season game)…



PS: ^ A little rambling and random, I know (OK Boomer), but if you want something totally random, apparently the 80's pop singer 'Meatloaf' is living in Kingston Springs. I'm still trying to wrap my head around that one.

Back to topic.

Apparently you and I were once neighbors.  Is that section 320ish?

Also once upon a time I was neighbor to KS...kind of...not too far away.  I played some golf back in the day at Cliff View.  I was recently in KS not too awfully long ago; Cliff View is gone, but there's a great pizza place in '"downtown" KS.  

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2 hours ago, tragenvol said:

Apparently you and I were once neighbors.  Is that section 320ish?

Also once upon a time I was neighbor to KS...kind of...not too far away.  I played some golf back in the day at Cliff View.  I was recently in KS not too awfully long ago; Cliff View is gone, but there's a great pizza place in '"downtown" KS.  

Hey neighbor! Section 310!! And the pizza place was recognized by Time Magazine a year ago or so as the best pizza place in the State of Tennessee.

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