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Inner Loop - CBD, Downtown, East Bank, Germantown, Gulch, Rutledge


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Some miscellaneous Germantown updates.

610 Fourth Avenue North condos:



Four of the eight Glen Mary Townhomes are finishing up. 5th Avenue North looking east near Monroe interchange:



Village Realty condos at 3rd and Buchanan:


Mystery Condos along 5th Avenue North:

Mystery town homes, Germantown, Sept.JPG


Condos at Fourth and Garfield (8 units):

4th and Garfield  8 condos, Sept.JPG

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On 9/22/2016 at 6:34 PM, rookzie said:

Well it's yes and no, depending on how you look at it.   From what the earth plan looks like, you still get off at 2nd Ave by the Lindsley Ave. CoC, but in addition to the option of taking current 2nd Ave northward and threading zig-zag, you would have the option of continuing driving across the old, existing "triple-decker" setup (actually double-deck, with the lower decks flanking the interstate), and then cross 4th Ave. where you'd then be able to join onto Mulberry and then to 5th or 6th before heading northward.  That may or may not be a time advantage, depending on how the traffic lights are synchronized to permit such through passage westbound from the east off the interstate, since it all has to be coordinated to serve traffic engineering flow.

I'd say the main advantage for that new access via Mulberry would be as an interstate dump-off, to channel traffic headed to Division street and to the gulch and other surface points west of downtown, and without having to directly intersect with LaFayette, which also is an option, if once so chooses to take 2nd to Ash and then join the connector, which obviously is going to have to entail a series of traffic-control points in crossing LaFayette.  In my opinion all this will have to be tested by the individual, to see which way might fare faster.

That is awesome and also would create another access point the Gulch  

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On 9/23/2016 at 8:39 AM, UTgrad09 said:

Maybe in Potential Park they could build monuments of the building designs Nashville could have had.

I swear most of UrbanPlanet would visit it regularly like they were visiting their lost loved ones. 

I still wish more projects could be made using the old architecture that's been lost. Also, while they're making Potential Park, would it have to be temporarily referred to as Kinetic Park?

Edited by Philip
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2 hours ago, smeagolsfree said:

Unfortunately after looking at the linked in page, I give a 1% chance. No experience what so ever in pulling something like this off.

We've been discussing on the Buchanan St Neighborhood page on Facebook. I've done quite a bit of googling. The woman who wants to do this is right out of college. She did go to Brown, so maybe she's got a Trust Fund or something, but no bank will loan money for something like that unless she's got a pile of her own cash. Surely she at least has enough to purchase the property. I can't imagine the listing agent accepting a contract for something like that without a good funds letter.

I would love to see Bud's Curb Market gone though. That place is a nuisance. 

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I believe the land is fully cleared now, except for the trees, for the Lifestyle Communities 6 & 10 story apartment buildings that will span the area on the NW corners of 2nd Ave. South and Ash, and 3rd Avenue South and Ash Street.  I wonder if there might be some delays behind the scenes as discussions might be happening about Ash Street being widened a bit between Lafayette and 2nd Ave. as part of the whole Division Street Connector traffic flow?  Also, still no renderings of this project made available to public yet.  This is going to be a real game changer for that neighborhood.

Looking NW from corner of 3rd Ave. South and Ash Street:

Lifestyle Communites 1, Sept.JPG

Looking west from Howard School entrance across 2nd Avenue South at intersection with Ash Street:


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I have not driven the Salemtown area in quite some time, but was curious to see what has been going on there, especially up Arthur Avenue. So I googled to street view the area and to my unfortunate surprise I saw several unattractive new houses along Arthur.  Also, is this area still considered Salemtown or Historic Buena Vista? I have been under the impression that HBV is slightly north of this area.. boundaries? 

For example, the mishmash of styles represented by these buildings look as though there are no/few specific design standards for new buildings there...  https://www.google.com/maps/@36.1749877,-86.7977955,3a,75y,220.32h,86.92t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sWwHzTV6oSN_8Mrl2KYvHbw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Does anyone here know if there was any opposition to these styles, or if codes were tightened to ensure more historically true designs?  Or will people who live in these structures have to say, "I live in the Tudor half of my duplex and not the Spanish mission half"?  I hope I'm not offending anyone here, but I just think this could get out of hand and possibly prevent attractive development in the area. 

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23 hours ago, dmillsphoto said:

Division Street Connector spans going up.



I saw those bad boys taking the 2nd Ave exit Saturday and knew these were for the connector. I saw them going up yesterday and those things look huge . The road will have a bigger impact than what we realize, IMO.

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The two duplexes in the middle were built before the crash. They are hideous, I agree. Rumor has it that it was built by a Titan's player who maybe got cut eventually? They went into foreclosure and I believe someone picked them up for under 100 per side. 

The others being built are all new construction. Its very consistent with the styles and finishes going on in east, 12south, and wedgwood houston. There is no historical overlay in HBV or North Nashville, so people can build whatever they want. They aren't selling quickly, but they are pushing price points in the mid 400s for between 1800-2000 sf... so they may just be a little early.

Just for clarification purposes. Salemtown and Germantown are between the river and Rosa Parks, north of Jefferson, south of I65. HBV is West of Rosa Parks, North of Jefferson, and bordered on the west and north by I65. North and West of there has a bunch of different neighborhood names according to google. But it seems that they are generally getting lumped together as the Buchanan Arts District. The neighborhoods themselves are kinda small and since they are all anchored by Buchanan, it makes sense to me to group them together that way.

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