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On 9/22/2021 at 8:34 AM, geoephemera said:

Yes, & upzone Wedgewood Houston & Chestnut Hill too. Anything within 2 miles of downtown along 2nd Ave South & 4th Ave South should leverage the existing BRT Lite routes for more transit oriented development (Route 52). 

Why does West End Ave get to build tall but nearby Edgehill & Wedgewood Houston get arbitrarily stunted height? And why do Edgehill Towers, Trevecca Towers, & Vine Hill Towers not count as precedent for adding to building height? Or better, why does the SoBro storage building get to be taller than residential buildings?

A lot of it is past precedent and a lot of it is current zoning now. The rest of it is who the current council person is in the district. There were a lot of things that were done in the 70s that would not be allowed today under current zoning. Nashville’s zoning laws have been hap-hazard IMO over the years.

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20 hours ago, geoephemera said:

I value the response. I want to keep workshopping these responses for neighborhood meetings. I hear the "one less story reflex" prior to Zoning in the neighborhood meetings. I heard the one less story reflex during a session about 1414 4th Ave S & Bianca Paige Way proposing 6-7 stories. The "one less story reflex" did not make a lot of sense there since Bento Living was already 5-6 stories without any residential units--only hotel prices to market rate extended stay. The site is located along Route 52, one of the best BRT Lite routes in Nashville, creating an opportunity for market rate & affordable housing to serve those with accessibility issues. I heard the "one less story reflex" in a neighborhood group again with AJ Capital's Phase 3 project when a 4 story building was proposed--showing that the one less story reflex is arbitrary at the neighborhood group level. I want to have some thoughtful responses to support that taller buildings have greater potential for more affordable housing units--instead of build shorter with less units, but more affordable units. Developers keep fine tuning the initial ask to build tall enough to lose some stories as a negotiation tactic, in preparation for the "one less story reflex," to let people feel like they got something or got to kick something. If they propose to tall, outrage. If they propose too small starting out, the units will get taken away regardless. 

I am following what you are saying about the 70s with West End Ave while some 70s high rise housing may serve as a precedent that we can build taller the experiment on how those units are filled & managed has not been linear. Hopefully, 6-10 stories within 2-3 miles of downtown can provide a decent balance of increasing units, increasing affordable units, & creating more units that are affordable for anyone with accessibility constraints.

I wanted to bring up West End Ave because of the proposal for a 27 story tower at 2410 West End to replace a 2 story building. I support the taller building. I just want to know why is there pushback against not-as-tall residential buildings along a transit route or next to existing taller buildings.

And finally, I read NIMBY arguments against the former Beaman properties on NextDoor.  However, YIMBYs are making more thoughtful responses supporting 9 story buildings. Hopefully, the demographics of the latter will keep supporting more units at an agreed percentage of affordable housing resulting in more affordable housing units--versus the confusing build less but more. I also hope this helps with building taller at 1302 4th Ave S as well as 1414 4th Ave S.

I think a lot of this would be a DIRECT question to Colby. Now there is a new overlay that was just done in the area too that a lot of time and effort was put into and that’s  why I say you should talk to him directly. The problem with some of these projects is they were sort of in the works at the same time the overlay was being approved too. I am unsure if that played a part in this. 

As far as pushback against some projects and not others I think you can sort of look at the character of the neighborhood. The West End neighborhood has very few residents compared to the others and the Councilperson is different in that district and it’s not Freddie. That’s a whole different animal. Orange to Blueberry.

The affordable housing aspect is going to be a very difficult and touchy issue to tackle as Metro has no way to mandate any affordable housing with any developer regardless of what these residents want or don’t want and they just don’t understand that.

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17th & Grand (7 stories, 160,000 sq. ft. office space, ground level retail, underground garage) update: up to 6th floor.

Looking west from 16th Ave. South, just south of Grand Ave:

17th & Grand, Oct 3, 2021, 1.jpeg

Looking SW from intersection of 17th Ave. South and Grand Ave:

17th & Grand, Oct 3, 2021, 2.jpeg

Looking NW from 17th Ave. South, 1/4 block south of Grand Ave:

17th & Grand, Oct 3, 2021, 3.jpeg

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