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Everything posted by wellen

  1. All of the land in question is currently owned by the cemetary. They are trying to sell off the corner for development, presumably because that would be more profitable than selling it as burial plots. The cemetary also own 30 acres of wooded land on the opposite side of the "active" section of the cemetary. I believe development of this land as residential was also shot down earlier this year.
  2. Allegiant Air is taking flight this afternoon. DisneyWorld, anyone?
  3. wellen

    The Rumor Mill

    Welcome to the forum packtrent! I can't speak to your property value, because there are countless unknowns. I would just suggest that you try to learn everything that you can about this and any other development visible from your home, and be involved in the political process with the county.
  4. I did see it. The issue may have been that the photo was preceded by an apology to the Mods. Can't vouch for your sanity, though.
  5. wellen

    The Rumor Mill

    There is an awful lot of dirt being moved on this site. Anyone heard anything new?
  6. Very interesting NY Times Article on BMW, Clemson, and Rosen. Link
  7. wellen

    The Rumor Mill

    Why would they (SCDOT?) not spend the money on a bridge that can accomodate the growth since it is expected in such a short time?
  8. wellen

    The Rumor Mill

    Wow. I am confused. Anyway. I wonder if our brand new 3 million bridge on Garlington Rd will be able to handle the additional traffic that a project like that would bring. Seeing as though it's only 2 lanes, I doubt it.
  9. WYFF story about first residential section of Verdae. I am very happy to see this quote:
  10. It was all auctioned off a couple years ago. I think I remember Brandon Howe being the auctioneer. I wanted the bar stools. Somebody else wanted them more.
  11. Update on a couple companies asking for tax incentives to move to Greenville County. Greenville News Story
  12. Here's your chance to have some input. Greenville News story.
  13. wellen

    The Rumor Mill

    Check out this parcel and look around at the adjoining land. Plenty of room for a sizeable development.
  14. wellen

    The Rumor Mill

    Fred Collins land, I assume. This sounds very promising.
  15. Looks like they are expecting some helicopter traffic at this intersection.
  16. About a month ago, the Journal ran a front page story with several followups on the inside about teenage drinking. This was repeated in the following Sunday's News. Project Pogo was mentioned in the Journal first. Yesterday's edition of the Journal ran a very interesting story about what will be the centerpiece of the Riverplace development. I think the bells will be an important addition to attract people towards the west from Falls Park. No mention of this from the News, yet. My memory isn't that great, but I do remember thinking every week, 'How is it that the Journal can print that on Thursday, and the News is just getting around to it today?' Edit: Grammar
  17. Very cool. I will have to check that out soon.
  18. vituperative - I had to look that one up. While I agree that the Journal is a cheerleader of sorts, it sometimes amazes me that they can print a story on Thursday that is truly news, and it is repeated or expounded on in Sunday's News. How can a weekly paper beat a daily to the story? One possibility is the space wasted by the News on what I would consider police blotter material. Its awfully easy to report something that has already been written down by the Sherriff's office. Throw in a couple commas and run it through spell check. Front page. I think the reason that I most prefer the Journal is that it is local. There are thousands of outlets for national and international news, with a depth of coverage that is only limited by your carpal tunnel. Yet AP stories are run as filler in the News 24 hours after an event was reported. How about sending a reporter out and finding a story about a local guy-made-good. How about a start up business that is doing gangbusters. How about an interview with a lady who was written about by the News 15 years ago, in what should have been a police blotter blurb, and how her life has changed since then. I don't know. Maybe all this would just raise salaries expense too much, but that is what I would like to see in the only local daily.
  19. I have seen first hand the results that you can get from advertising in the News, and let me just say, I am a big fan of the internet.
  20. EchoStar is Dish Network. I wonder what they would be putting in Spartanburg?
  21. My wife is standing in line for tickets right now (she's a great wife). Doesn't look like we will be there on Thursday, but I will definitely be there on Friday! Can't wait!
  22. Scroll down to the very bottom of the page you speak of. There is an explaination there.
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